




Creative Director

Nereo Zago


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Zago LLC
Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico

Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico by Zago LLCBiennale dello Spazio Pubblico by Zago LLC


An inter­na­tion­al bien­ni­al event cre­at­ed with the pur­pose of cel­e­brat­ing the impor­tance of pub­lic space for the qual­i­ty of life and social equi­ty in cities, debat­ing pub­lic-space relat­ed themes, and pre­sent­ing good prac­tices from all over the world on the cre­ation, man­age­ment, and enjoy­ment of pub­lic spaces. 


Zago was asked to cre­ate a unique and dis­tin­guish­ing mark to sym­bol­ize the Bien­nale. Con­sid­er­ing its mul­ti­lin­gual audi­ence, the logo had to be read in Ital­ian and Eng­lish, and the sym­bol had to encom­pass the notion of space while main­tain­ing three-dimensionality. 


The logo­mark was cre­at­ed from the foun­da­tion of the B that starts Bien­nale. The B forms one con­tin­u­ous line sym­bol­iz­ing inclu­sion and com­mu­ni­ty. The shape of the B has been designed to give the illu­sion of space and three-dimen­sion­al­ly with a gra­di­ent effect. We cre­at­ed a logo that was tru­ly dis­tinc­tive and sus­tain­able with the abil­i­ty to be adapt­ed for future use.

After a few initial attempts, we immediately felt that our logo should be produced by Zago LLC. We had always been impressed by their excellence in combining elegance with restraint, clarity with suggestion. The logo they offered met our best expectations. The fonts, the proportions, and the grey color nuances that create a tri-dimensional relief for the letter B establish the Biennial’s unique personality; and their coupling with the year create space, as it were, for renewing the Biennial’s message while retaining its distinctive features. — Mario Spada, Coordinator at Biennale Spazio Pubblico and Pietro Garau, International Curator at Biennale Spazio Pubblico

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