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Kraft Foods, one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world unveiled yesterday a new corporate logo. I emphasize early that the change applies only at the corporate level, the uppercase oblong logo, used for both the corporate and brand identity, will stay as the consumer brand, so you won’t miss it when you are buying your Macaroni & Cheese. So let’s get started with some press releasing.
With a new purpose and values setting a fresh direction, Kraft Foods also gave its corporate logo a facelift to more clearly deliver “delicious.” Starting today, people around the world will begin to see the new identity that deliciously features a smile, the natural reaction to delicious foods and experiences, and a colorful flavor burst. It signals to employees, consumers and investors what the new Kraft Foods is all about.
— Press release
There really isn’t anything good to say about this logo — if I had to dig really deep I would offer that the lowercase “k” is very pretty, but that’s about it. This is such a wimpy logo for such a large corporation. The red “smile,” the colorful burst, they are all hackneyed and friendly to a degree where they are just childish. And, ohmygod, is that Tekton in the tag line? I haven’t seen that typeface used without sarcasm or irony in a long time.
Brandweek has a nice slideshow of all of Kraft’s previous logos and AdAge has a picture of the logo being, literally, unveiled. No specific credit for the identity has been given, but London-based Nitro gets mentioned a few times as the creative agency. It’s logos like this that make you wonder if corporate identity in the 1960s had it right: Just make everything Helvetica.
Thanks to all that sent in the tip, first call goes to David Airey.

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Remy Overkempe’s comment is:
Nothing about it says "corporate logo" to me. Couldn't they have fitted "Foods" into the old/consumer oblong logo?
On Feb.18.2009 at 06:40 AM
Rocío Martinavarro’s comment is:
Party food for kids. IMHO, too many superfluous details, too much clutter they didn't have before. The choice for the baseline's font creates even more noise: italics, different color trying to tie it with the red swoosh...
The logotype is made with the font FS Lola, by fontsmith. The only visible retouch is the K serif, but not too substancial. The spacing, specially in ft is rather poor.
I hope being compact form-wise and transmitting quality was not in the brief.
On Feb.18.2009 at 06:49 AM
DG3’s comment is:
This has logo mill written all over it.
They couldn't go the Corbis route (classy), they had to go corporate bland.
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:01 AM
Andreas Lanjerud’s comment is:
When out of ideas, go for the trusty old swoosh.
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:01 AM
Solene’s comment is:
I don't know if Yoplait is big or even exists in the USA but it looks like Kraft has been inspired by the Yoplait flower!
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:23 AM
Adam Michela’s comment is:
Solene: Wow that's unbelievable. Yoplait does indeed exist here and is probably the most popular brand of yogurt; but their logo is different. It's more a mash-up of a flower and the original Kraft logo believe it or not!
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:41 AM
Gavan’s comment is:
Yikes. What a very odd and unfortunate thing to have happened.
Interestingly, at a time when everyone and thing seems geared towards health, nutrition, corporate responsibility and sustainability, Kraft have decided to start pushing 'Delicious!'.
But they're not even pushing 'Delicious' at a retail level, but to employees and investors. I hope whoever did this owns up to it soon enough.
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:44 AM
Andrew Sabatier’s comment is:
An extremely poor update for such an established brand. Those at the helm of the company's brand don't seem to know how to by brand consulting services. Or the brand consultancy has done a very poor job of buying creative services.
Smiles are barely defendable conceptual devices after Amazon's fantastically successful smile, which adds value way beyond the obvious.
Smiles are an apparently irresitable contemporary 'me too' brand identity trend. Althought there is an attempt at a flower, the combination is poorly executed and just looks naive. The missed opportunity for some tasty type is further confirmation that the identity was in the hands of novices. Perhaps the creative director responsible should get off his laurels and get with it or start paying top dollar for his juniors.
The most valuable asset a company has is it's brand. At best a slippery notion to begin with but such obvious brand identity travesties are difficult to remedy. To coin another cliche in a sea of cliches, 'you never get a second chance at a first impression'.

DG3’s comment is:
The Yoplait website that Solene references shows almost a deadringer for the new Kraft logo. The one you linked looks different.
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:01 AM
marden’s comment is:
The colorful burst reminds me of the Unilever-Icons.
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:07 AM
David P Crawford’s comment is:
This logo has no organization, no unique ideas and is an all around failure. It looks like a red carpet into a multi-colored anus. It's like the Amazon logo did it with the Walmart logo. It's as if they went to crowdspring to get it created and picked the one entered by a 4th grader. ... what's wrong with companies anymore.
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:12 AM
Michael Nicolson’s comment is:
Bad. Another Pepsi smile.
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:35 AM
suhail’s comment is:
well the logo is quite American style and what do you expect much from them? Gradients, silly colors rounded stuffs. They have a bad taste
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:35 AM
Anonymous’s comment is:
What's with all the corporate branding travesties of late? is there some sort of conspiracy afoot?
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:36 AM
Josh’s comment is:
Maybe we should keep track of logo smiles this year, they seem popular...
I can't believe their tagline. Make today delicious? Really? What's that supposed to mean???
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:40 AM
Nick Irwin’s comment is:
economy is in the crapper and all these large corporations can come up with is freakin' smilie face logos wtf
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:02 AM
Neil’s comment is:
The one saving grace about this logo is that it's only being used at a corporate level and the excellent, well established oblong logo is still in use. Phew.
But Tekton? Really?
It does make you wonder just how good some design agencies are when the rest of the design community are screaming at them about something we all know to be a big no-no.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:04 AM
Jeff Fisher LogoMotives’s comment is:
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:04 AM
Nick Irwin’s comment is:
and as far as the logo being "quite American style" give me a break...there is nothing about this logo that says american it just says we ran out of good ideas
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:04 AM
Kosal’s comment is:
The logo is a result of what the company calls a "co-creation process" with consumers, employees, ad agency Nitro, London and another shop, Promise, whose location couldn't immediately be identified.
This sentence from the AdAge article explains it all.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:07 AM
Jacob’s comment is:
"Make today delicious"?
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:12 AM
Andrew Klein’s comment is:
another drive-by swoosh attack... when will the madness stop?
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:16 AM
Joann Sondy’s comment is:
Seems we have a consensus of utter distaste; an opinion I also share.
It's not the swoosh or the little flower or even the pathetic font that turns me off.
This logo will be used at the corporate level! It is a slap in the face of those who respect (and use) grammar, punctuation and capitalization in their work.
Seems many corporation are moving in this direction as well - who exactly are they trying to communicate with?
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:17 AM
sra’s comment is:
How disappointing. Seconding DG3.
The flower/fireworks(?) is the most fail for me. It's so thoroughly unneccessary. I think the overall mark actually looks better if you just place your thumb over the explosion in the corner.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:19 AM
shannon’s comment is:
All I see is Walmart and Wacom.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:24 AM
sukisouk’s comment is:
Ugly type.
I have the slight feeling that this logo started as something totally different in the first presentations, but was attacked by many many opinions and tastes and „important and valuable feedback“ (like… „can you add some more yumminess“) until it became the unlucky thing it is now. O.o

Adam Michela’s comment is:
DG3, I realize that. I said unbelievable because I can't believe a company like Kraft could so blatantly steal the logo from french Yoplait. What's odd though is how similar the US Yoplait logo is to the original Kraft logo.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:38 AM
Jonny’s comment is:
Design-by-committee at it's most overbearing.
J. Arthur Kraft must be spinning in his grave.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:43 AM
Gustavo’s comment is:
It looks confused and weak... too much elements. I didn't like.
On Feb.18.2009 at 09:57 AM
daniel’s comment is:
what's up with everyone using "smiles" in logos?
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:03 AM
Jacob’s comment is:
Smiles are the new swooshes, which is handy, because all those hack designers don't actually need to learn to draw a new shape.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:07 AM
Stan Grabowski’s comment is:
Looks like someone has a bit of broccoli sticking out the side of their mouth...
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:09 AM
Efren’s comment is:
I hope this just stay at the top top top, corporate level far away from my eyes in the suopermarket. I wonder, will this people some day "bring it down" to the everyday consumer?
I don't like it. No organization, everything screams "look at me".
And that smile/swoosh, make me thing like if the mouth is spitting at the end of the umm gesture, if you know what I mean.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:11 AM
john.q’s comment is:
looks alot like the euro yoplait logo:

Adam’s comment is:
What is the deal with all the smiley faced didn't work for Pepsi and it certainly isn't working here. No more smileys. The type is terrible too.
Kraft gets a big fat FAIL for this one.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:23 AM
felix sockwell’s comment is:
from Ad Age: "The logo is a result of what the company calls a "co-creation process" with consumers, employees, ad agency Nitro, London and another shop, Promise, whose location couldn't immediately be identified."
Hell, why not mention God. This thing is so bad its perfect. Someone shoot me in the head.
Theres no discernible idea, and zero "kraft". If thats a mouth, then surprise- that's a wonderful herpe.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:29 AM
damon’s comment is:
gah, insane!
what is GOING ON THIS YEAR? people have no skills anymore, this is crazy.
it kinda looks a bit like a fireworks explosion, which could have been cool if it weren't this.
that logo is going to look super ass on packaging.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:29 AM
lodenmuse’s comment is:
Ugh, after Pepsi's "The Joker," I'm so tired of smiles that don't look like smiles.
I never would have read this as a smile. I saw more of a "spurt and a splash."
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:40 AM
Joseph Maguire’s comment is:
Oh man this looks too similar to walmart's new mark.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:40 AM
Dale Campbell’s comment is:
I don't think it's a good move.
I think adjusting the existing logo, which seems to have a crap-ton of equity would have been a great decision.
This faddish look will not stand the test of time that the old logo stood - not even close, in my opinion.
I though swooshes were pretty much garbage within design community which makes me wonder if this was pretty much a committee which ran the show and tied the designer's hands.
I would guess "yes".
Keep well,

Randy’s comment is:
Odd. This isn't appealing or interesting at all. And I bet this looks horrible on a business card/letterhead.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:52 AM
Mike Kennedy’s comment is:
I can't stop seeing menstruating butterfly.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:53 AM
Gray McCarty’s comment is:
Darn! Kraft Dinner will never be the same!
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:57 AM
jRod’s comment is:
i am just thankful that they aren't replacing the logo we all know and love with this boardroom lovefest. for the most part, i would guess that most of us will very rarely see it.
note to Kraft: I like my "flavorbursts" in my mouth, not on a logo.
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:15 AM
Kevin Tucker’s comment is:
Terrible. But the tagline is worse. That's almost as bad as Sara Lee's tagline: "The Joy of Eating"
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:29 AM
luke mysse’s comment is:
What is that tagline font? Comic Sans Italic? I mean come on....It would have been better to keep the old logo.
And I agree with the other comments about the logo having too many elements. This will become an issue since the KRAFT logo is used more as a stamp to some other sub-brand or product name.
wow this has been a stellar year for logos.
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:42 AM
damondidit’s comment is:
That's Kraptastic!
Smells of design by committee.

ChrisM70’s comment is:
How long had Kraft been using the previous logo? I know that the logo has been used for at least 40 years.
Why would a company throw that all away?
The Kraft logo is very recognizable and simple. I think it's a VERY bad idea to chuck that history for the latest 21st century trend.
Terrible move. This will actually make me think twice about buying Kraft products.
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:52 AM
ChrisM70’s comment is:
How long had Kraft been using the previous logo? I know that the logo has been used for at least 40 years.
Why would a company throw that all away?
The Kraft logo is very recognizable and simple. I think it's a VERY bad idea to chuck that history for the latest 21st century trend.
Terrible move. This will actually make me think twice about buying Kraft products.
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:52 AM
jrmm’s comment is:
I have a question... will the brand logo change too or just the corporate logo?
BTW, the european Yoplait logo is also on the mexican Yoplait products and yes, the new Kraft Foods logo looks a lot like the Yoplait one...
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:57 AM
Glenn Sakamoto’s comment is:
That is fugly. First Pepsi, now this? WTF is going on?
On Feb.18.2009 at 12:05 PM
John McCollum’s comment is:
I didn't need to see this today.
Another crappy, yet expensive logo for a large corporation
The enduring sense that I don't get paid jack for doing good work
Deep, deep desire to kill or be killed

Sean’s comment is:
1 swoosh, 1 capitalized word, 2 fonts, 3 weights, 4 lower-case words, and 9 colors for ONE LOGO.
gtfo designer/agency, and if you're not responsible then get a hold of your client please!
On Feb.18.2009 at 12:25 PM
Jef Nickerson’s comment is:
So if that swoosh is supposed to be a smile, then is that flavor burst supposed to be a herpes sore?
On Feb.18.2009 at 12:29 PM
eric’s comment is:
Why does the smile have a herpes sore?
On Feb.18.2009 at 12:50 PM
Joe Bloe’s comment is:
It's not herpes.. it's an exploding zit.
On Feb.18.2009 at 01:24 PM
Dale Campbell’s comment is:
"I can't stop seeing menstruating butterfly."
That might be the funniest thing I have heard in a while.

Rodrigo Müller’s comment is:
On Feb.18.2009 at 01:32 PM
Paul Lloyd Johnson’s comment is:
Kraft Fireworks more like.
On Feb.18.2009 at 01:55 PM
Xav’s comment is:
Well, the font is not the best but I like how the F and the T sit next to each other (with the bar at the same level and the angle), why didn't they do the same thing with the R and the A? It looks like neither letter wants to have anything to do with the other, they could have linked the top of the R and the A a little better than that. Probably not go as far as a full blown ligature but at least make it look more fluid. Also they could have angled the serif on the R so it sits better with the K.
As for the overall aspect, it looks too messy, too cluttered. Too many elements. Is the tagline really necessary?
Overall not a good logo at all.
On Feb.18.2009 at 01:56 PM
Luc Desaulniers’s comment is:
It just creates brand confusion... With a bad image. Looks like a committe designed graphic artifact.
On Feb.18.2009 at 01:57 PM
Not Impressed’s comment is:
@DG3 Not a logo mill (though it wouldn't have surprised me). According to AdAge, it was a "co-creation process" - in other words, "Everyone wanted to have a hand in it, and we didn't bother to put our foot down, and now look what happened."
From AdAge: "The logo is a result of what the company calls a "co-creation process" with consumers, employees, ad agency Nitro, London and another shop, Promise, whose location couldn't immediately be identified."
On Feb.18.2009 at 02:03 PM
DJ Capobianco’s comment is:
It looks just like the new Stop and Shop/Giant Foods logo. Lame.
On Feb.18.2009 at 02:31 PM
Nicole Peterson’s comment is:
It looks like a cross between the new Pepsi logo and the new Stop and Shop logo. Ugh.
On Feb.18.2009 at 03:20 PM
Bendy’s comment is:
Kraft foods: fireworks, smiles, and premature ejaculation... all in one logo.
On Feb.18.2009 at 03:29 PM
Jeff’s comment is:
On Feb.18.2009 at 03:30 PM
Samuel’s comment is:
i like the burst...
On Feb.18.2009 at 03:41 PM
ethan meyer’s comment is:
I think the old logo looks a 1950's processed food company. The new one is colourful and corporate...not what anyone would expect from Kraft Foods. At least it doesnt try to be 'green' or 'organic'.
If you read the tag line with the company name it reads like a sentence...not sure if that is what they wanted, but I think they are trying to subconsciously tell us something.
Way better than Pepsi or Tropicana though...and, not as electric as the London 2012 Olympic weirdness.
On Feb.18.2009 at 03:59 PM
Anonymous’s comment is:
Unmistakably designed by committee. A committee made up of numerous people. Without vision. Or competence.
On Feb.18.2009 at 04:21 PM
Char’s comment is:
Brand Indentity 101 Student Work
On Feb.18.2009 at 04:25 PM
BJN’s comment is:
Cheez Whiz!
More accurate tagline: We Make "Food"
On Feb.18.2009 at 04:34 PM
Michelle’s comment is:
The logo to me feels like a brand a company like Target or Kmart or Walmart puts on their own products they rename and sell in their stores.
And I would think the old logo is better for a corporate image and this better for the consumer image -- not that I think they should change the consumer brand to this.
On Feb.18.2009 at 04:50 PM
tobiaskrotz’s comment is:
reminds me of a camel, a horse and a committee. epicst fail
On Feb.18.2009 at 04:52 PM
Daniel Holter’s comment is:
It's just so so so bad. Ugh.
On Feb.18.2009 at 05:47 PM
Lee Dale’s comment is:
Seeing Tekton used by anyone not only institutes an immediate boycott of the company using it, but it instills such a rage in me that I start feeling sick to my stomach. This, of course, makes me even more upset as I start fretting about the psychology of such a reaction.
And thinking now that several aisles of my supermarket may be sporting this offense makes me further concerned that I might start throwing products off shelves on my next grocery shop. Thankfully, I'm 100% sure that I could convince any lawyer that I was temporarily insane and get out of any kind of criminal charges that may result from my actions. But still, can we just murder this typeface already and save me and everyone around me the aggravation. Really. Please.
On Feb.18.2009 at 06:52 PM
koyo’s comment is:
On Feb.18.2009 at 07:53 PM
t-bone’s comment is:
If that red swoosh is a mouth, then the coloured chunks are vomit. craptastic.
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:20 PM
Matthew Moore’s comment is:
2009 is the year of utter crap branding. Maybe crap is in and none of us know it
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:21 PM
Joseph Maguire’s comment is: too their all too similar..
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:42 PM
Matt’s comment is:
On Feb.18.2009 at 08:58 PM
Chen’s comment is:
I like the new typeface.
But I don't like that same everywhere else "smile" smudge.

Justin Hill’s comment is:
The new Kraft Foods logo will be used only on the corporate level, NOT on the consumer level. I'm neutral to this new logo. Kraft Dinner (Kraft Macaroni & Cheese) and other Kraft products will still have the classic "KRAFT" logo.
On Feb.18.2009 at 10:27 PM
Jacob’s comment is:
I've determined that the ultimate Brand New user insult is student work! Why think of an original insult when you can say the work looks like it came from a student? Bonus points if you say it looks like something from a first-year student!
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:09 PM
Chris Dixon’s comment is:
Looks like corporate America has abandoned the craft of graphic design en masse. Maybe we all need to accept that and move on. I think the horse has bolted.
Can Brand New please start seeking out the good identity work that is out there and stop with the sensationalist clap-trap. I don’t want to shoot the messenger, but I’d sure like silence him/her when all they bring is the bad news.
Utterly terrible. Anyone involved with this logo should consider quitting…
Breathing, that is.
On Feb.18.2009 at 11:58 PM
Alastair Collier’s comment is:
I personally think the new brand is indicative of the change that Kraft is required to take if it is to change. Kraft is made up of essentially a smashing together of different companies. When it was a part of Philip Morris, Kraft was created through the combination of General Foods, Kraft and Jacobs Suchard.
Now with the addition of Danone Biscuit and parts of Post Cereal, the company needed a way to re-brand and bring all aspects of the company into one way of thinking. The brand, and the 7 values that directly feed off of it, are a prompt reminder to all Kraft employees of the value that they provide to consumers.
As for the logo on food items, give them time. The logo was only unveiled last week. I would assume in 6 months you will start to see it on packaging. One thing to remember, Kraft makes a lot more than just children's food. In addition to cheese and Oscar Meyer, Kraft owns the Oreo brand, Maxwell House, Kenco, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Toblerone and Ritz to name a few. In Europe the company is know more for Chocolate, Coffee and Biscuits.
The brand is different to the past, however, I think it is a step in the right direction. It shows the world that Kraft is taking on new directions to grow and shed it past in-capabilities. And for those out there that are still miss-informed: Kraft is not a part of Phillip Morris. Check the stock KFT on the NYSE; better yet check the Dow Jones for this American company - and its biggest shareholder: Warren Buffet.
On Feb.19.2009 at 02:22 AM
Josh’s comment is:
Uh huh.
Well no one cares about MoMA now do they. *high fives Paula Scher*
On Feb.19.2009 at 02:32 AM
Michael [linefeed]’s comment is:
Worst Logo of the year for sure (and it's only February).
On Feb.19.2009 at 03:21 AM
Nisio’s comment is:
Just in reply Alastair's comments: The notion that Kraft had to change their logo because they have expanded shouldn't be a foregone conclusion. A more subtle change would have been more appropriate. Irrespective of the redesign, there has been no renaming (Kraft remains) so the redesign/repositioning/whatever seems a bit hollow to me. In effect they've retained they're biggest equity - the name, and jettisoned the visual equity in doing so they communicate:
'we're bigger and more varied now - but Kraft is still the biggest bit'. So considering the redesign as a signal of change/repositioning, it's a little scattered. Even ignoring that fact, the older logo would serve better as a corporate mark, where a 'human' element is not required of even sometimes not desired. As awful as it sounds considering the quality of the new mark, it is more appropriate as an on pack identity.
Of course I understand there is a requirement to clearly communicate growth and a large portfolio of products/companies to stake-holders and even to consumers, I just think this is a poor way to do it. As for aligning employees under a value system, this is more about internal engagement than a logo. Logos can only do so much...
On Feb.19.2009 at 04:05 AM
Ross’s comment is:
Has anyone noticed that they seem to be rolling out new packaging too? I noticed that they've redone the packaging for their shredded cheese the other day (using the good old logo), and it's actually kind of an improvement. A little bland but okay. I wonder if thats the start of re-packaging a bunch of their products. I should have taken a picture...
On Feb.19.2009 at 04:27 AM
Manny's’s comment is:
The burst at the end reminds me a little like Stop & Shops new logo. That was the first thing that came to mind. Not really impressed.
On Feb.19.2009 at 07:26 AM
Mrs. M’s comment is:
Indeed, Jacob.
I'm a first-year design school student (at the tender age of 30, at that!), and I can easily see this logo is cluttered, overwrought, and ineffective.
C'mon folks. Give us neophytes a little more credit, yeah?
On Feb.19.2009 at 07:41 AM
CCW’s comment is:

asdfd’s comment is:
walmart much?
On Feb.19.2009 at 08:45 AM
Bruce’s comment is:
Design by committee strikes again. As Von Glitschka likes to say, "Bad Design Kills." They should kill this design before it kills the company.
On Feb.19.2009 at 09:29 AM
Mark’s comment is:
sigh, I want to cry...
This is a travesty replacing a long standing, familiar,iconic logo with something that is so forgettable?
What is the splat supposed to represent? ketchup? FOOD? a random piece of %^&*? WHAT?
I like the typeface though should have stuck with a wordmark, it would've been more tolerable.
On Feb.19.2009 at 11:30 AM
Mark’s comment is:
sigh, I want to cry...
This is a travesty replacing a long standing, familiar,iconic logo with something that is so forgettable!
What is the splat supposed to represent? ketchup? FOOD? a random piece of %^&*? WHAT?
I like the typeface though should have stuck with a wordmark, it would've been more tolerable.
On Feb.19.2009 at 11:30 AM

lucid’s comment is:
Im going to take all the wonderful logos that these companies are throwing away and use them for my self.
I'll say it again... the designers that are creating all of this crap need to be taken out and shot... wait strike that, the designers and the committees that approve these logos
On Feb.19.2009 at 11:54 AM
claes’s comment is:
Weird rebranding, the original logo was highly recognizable with that strong, red encasing. You could spot a Kraft packaging at a glance.. The new one, yikes. Like others have said, it looks like a logo mill kind of thing, no thought or originality behind it.
On Feb.19.2009 at 12:19 PM
Greg Huntoon’s comment is:
I'm a little shocked at this. If you're going to redesign one of the more iconic brands of the past few generations, at least come with something as powerful and recognizable.
It's almost as if they decided that they'd be better served by just blending in with everyone else...
On Feb.19.2009 at 12:21 PM
averagebetty’s comment is:
With any luck they'll pull a Facebook and change it back tomorrow.
On Feb.19.2009 at 12:58 PM
Andrew’s comment is:
This logo was clearly designed by a committee and not by a designer.
On Feb.19.2009 at 01:24 PM
blue’s comment is:
On Feb.19.2009 at 01:53 PM
Yeison Agudelo’s comment is:
was there a need for the foods part?
On Feb.19.2009 at 02:16 PM
Alastair Collier’s comment is:
In reply to Nisio: You are correct, Logo's can only do so much. However, this is much more than a logo - it is a unified corporate direction. The flower and seven colours are a direct representation of the new 7 values of Kraft. Make today delicious is Kraft's way of ensuring that the entire company is working towards one common goal.
One of Kraft's self admitted issues is that it has a serious of different business units. They are not unified, as they come to Kraft with their own corporate histories and cultures. This was more than a logo, it was a way to align the values and higher purpose of all Kraft units to work towards a common goal.
In response to Lucid: Brand equity is an important factor, however, the 'Kraft' brand is really only strong within the US & Canada. Outside of North America, Kraft has taken the strategy of buying in other already established brands. Hence why outside of the North America, few people know of 'Kraft' yet they most likely use their products on a daily basis. Since the simple name is so well known within North America a design change like this has a significantly reduced impact on brand equity. With North America as the only real concern in this regard, brand equity actually becomes a very small factor in the change.
On Feb.19.2009 at 02:47 PM
lucid’s comment is:
In response to Alastair...
Obviously you are new to the core concepts branding and the importance of branding in America. Kraft is an American company with an American corporate identity that has transcended decades.
The next logical step is to improve or implement a change that is a natural progression. Think Citroen or Airfrance...
Now imagine all of the trucks and collateral and the cost to change this, also consider how you will inform millions of less intelligent Americans about this change...
Corporate branding is not something that is done on a whim
On Feb.19.2009 at 03:49 PM
Kirsty Duke-Lane’s comment is:
The old Kraft mark is more of a product mark and a processed one at that...I agree with one of the earlier comments, really 1950's America. I think the new one is more international - less corporate and I wonder if the elements are designed to be like lego bricks - used in different combinations, and in different places? Maybe even Google like in terms of always changing?
I agree...Tekton is not a great typeface. They would have been better off to hand write it. In any case, at least they wrapped the whole thing in a project of values and vision too.
Has anyone seen the Reckitt Benkiser logo...the purple kite...what is that about? For Europeans, this identity looks less 'corporate' than many US logos - and, when Unilever changed, everyone thought that was a travesty, now it seems it is the fore runner of big food companies trying to be 'friendlier' and made up of little pieces or designed parts.
Brave Kraft for the effort - just make better products that actually taste delicious!
On Feb.19.2009 at 03:58 PM
Nisio’s comment is:
Hey Alastair, it seems a bit disingenuous to me that Kraft would change their visual identity to align their business units, but retain their name rather than rename altogether. It also communicates (correctly or not) that Kraft have grown through acquisition rather than merger. In short the big 'kraft foods' let's me know who's boss.
So the redesign reflects this compromise (the visual changes, but not the vernacular). It's not radical enough to reflect it's stated aims, nor is it subtle enough to retain any sense of provenance. So in response to addressing a corporation with many histories and cultures, Krafts answer is to create an identity which contains no sense of culture or history (which I think is a real shame).
So what did they have left? Values, which I find a bit straw-grasping to be honest. Values should be used to guide/inform decision making. They do not need visualized, and doing so in a client facing asset such as a logo is ultimately an esoteric act. Symbolising them as a set of specks at the end of a swoosh also demeans what should be a central facet of a corporations philosophy and decision making policy (in an ideal world anyway).
So I guess what I'm saying is I you're right to a point, the logo can be more than a logo, it can be a signal of change, but the change the new kraft foods logo signals is confused, communicates a lack of follow-through on the corporations aims, a misuse of core principles and a tragic loss of cultural and historical self-awareness.
Methinks anyhow.
Of course if the logo was actually nice I might not be so harsh
On Feb.19.2009 at 05:10 PM
Tez’s comment is:
Hmm, does anyone think that the following could be correct for the reason for so many crap logos of recent times?
Global financial crisis = corporate budget cutbacks from clients = less time spent on delivering quality product to clients by branding agencies.
Sure everyone has to eat but wouldn't you think that some designers/creatives out there would put in a little extra effort to give clients something innovative? Something they can be proud to say "I designed that" when they go to the grocery store with their partner or am I on my own here.
On Feb.20.2009 at 01:38 AM
Alastair’s comment is:
In response to Lucid:
You are correct, Kraft is an American Company with an American Identity. This change is indicative of a company trying to move away from that taxonomic identity. With 40% of sales coming from Europe, emerging markets accounting for 67% of growth for Krafts overall portfolio and the year-on-year 4.3% decrease in North American (NA) sales, Kraft realises that if it wants to be a sustainably profitable company it need to act on a global arena.
Citroen's rebranding did not have the same goal as Kraft's. Citreon was trying to update its corporate identity while maintaining the same corporate focus (arguably offering more test drives was not a change in corporate culture - more a change in standard operating procedures). Again, with Air France their change was simply to update their corporate image. In my discussions with Nisio, you will see that my thesis focuses around a traditionally American company trying to change the direction, values and higher purpose of an entire global organisation - not just have a face lift.
I will concede that the logo is perhaps not the most visually stimulating in the corporate world, but this change is about much more than a logo - or even one brand. In the end the Kraft logo is only used on Salad dressing, cheese and instant cheese pasta; even in NA most other Kraft products have their own brands.
It seems interesting that your main thesis was supported by the cost from repainting Kraft trucks in NA and your opinion that Americans are less intelligent. I find this support difficult to understand, and invite you to develop upon your thesis further.
Hey Nisio, as we have discussed, and agreed somewhat, the change at Kraft is about more than the logo. I, however, disagree with your assessment that the change is a misuse of core principles and a loss of cultural or historical self-awareness. By retaining the vernacular Kraft is maintaining its history, ensuring that all Kraft employees who have been ‘Kraftys’ from the beginning are still working for the same company. Also, as in my discussion with Lucid, keeping the name ensures that the impact on bran equity is relieved.
I think it is difficult for individuals outside of the Kraft to access whether or not this change will retain, create or dismantle Kraft culture. I would also argue that it is far too soon to start accessing if the new values will improve collaboration and corporate direction within the currently divided business units. One thing to remember is that a logo is not just a customer-facing item. It is an organisational symbol that is important to all stakeholders, not just customers. In this, the logo helps to remind employees and others affected by the corporate change the cohesive direction of the company.
On Feb.20.2009 at 07:55 AM
fredfred’s comment is:
Yes, this "thing" is worth nothing.
That's why it will be "repaired" by some other commitees, allowing lots of clueless directos to spend some time in processes instead of breaking the business model with new "ideas".
Whenever I see a logo revamping that dilutes the existing image, I can bet that 1- the company is SO BIG that it grabs most of the profit available on its market and 2- that this pseudo monopolistic position pushes the top managers to envision their brand as an umbrella, allowing them to do whatever kind of business they want.
Two examples of that :
- The Electricité de France EDF ex public mains monopolistic provider tuned its corporate logo to a flower-spark thingy
- the Total oil switched to a twirl of colors a few years ago and now enters the banking market.

Scott McMillin’s comment is:
As I recall the "uppercase oblong" Kraft logo is referred to as the "race track" internally. Also, Tekton has been used in Kraft branding/packaging for a while now.
On Feb.20.2009 at 01:58 PM
bellcurve’s comment is:
In the words of John Belushi...FOOOOOOD FIIIIIGHT!!! (SPLAT)
On Feb.20.2009 at 02:48 PM
David Sanchez’s comment is:
Well well, nice update, the old shield will be missed on the Cheese Wiz wrapper but the "new smile and flavor explosion or choices" device is interesting. I really don't see a direct co-relation to Yoplait (which device evokes dairy as fresh as a flower) rather the new kraft evokes a yummy yum.
On Feb.20.2009 at 03:07 PM
Randy Hill’s comment is:
As soon as I saw this logo, it looked like it belonged as branding on a tampon box.
On Feb.20.2009 at 03:15 PM
Nisio’s comment is:
Hey Alastair, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I'll sign-off with two closing comments:
The suit doesn't make the man, and if the aim is to create a single corporate culture then creating a corporate mark which is so heavily introspective won't really help matters, it will and does lead to compromised logos which fail to clearly communicate to the vast majority of it's audience (the non-kraftys/employees). If you really want to create a unifying multi-national corporate culture (possibly an oxymoron) why not start by designing a logo that people would be proud to wear. Here's an idea, give every employee a free t-shirt with the logo on it nice and big. Then have a t-shirt friday and see how many people wear it into the office. I'm guessing not many.
Lastly, a lot of people see rather than read logos. If McDonald's redesigned tomorrow, kept their name but replaced the golden arches and set the name in Times New Roman, I assure you they will have lost 99% of their visual and historical equity. If you concede that last example is true, then at least an element of it is true for kraft.
Good chat though.
On Feb.20.2009 at 03:29 PM
lucid’s comment is:
Hey Alastair,
You should be considering Semiotics but it seems your formulating a view purely on the semantics of what another nation might feel, I know from experience that this is not a good reason for drastic change and loss of equity. Do you really believe that the old logo was holding them down in the EU, I doubt it? There are many many crappy logos floating around out in the global arena my friend, take a look around and tell me that you honestly believe that the new logo will make them more Euro friendly and will bring them growth?
The process of modifying and adapting a logo should be an ongoing one... Yes, the world is changing and over time so should Kraft's design program. I believe all design programs need to be changed and adjusted to meet current trends. I also believe that these elements should be smoothed off and refined over time...Take a look at all of this sites winners and losers from 2008 and you will see what I mean.
Nisio's comments a spot on... Trademarks are learned symbols that are specific visual identifiers and these identifiers should permit fast identification. Citroen (as an example only) has arguably managed to refine their look while retaining much the learned identity...this is a good thing.
The combination of the shape surrounding the word Kraft and the word itself are the sum of this visual identity. It is actually a faster read than the actual word itself, especially if you consider all of the languages around the world where English characters are not be recognizable. Now Kraft needs to re-educate a whole global arena that has learned this identifier as well as all of the Americans that have come to instantly recognize this symbol that floats above macaroni and cheese. That means that the 50 million Americans (1/6th of the population) that can not read will need to learn who Kraft is again. Many will disconnect from the product, even if for a short time. This is something that I can assure you that the competition is carefully evaluating at this moment.
So a corporate logo is more than the word, in fact the word is really not important, you could change the name of Nike to Fred and as long as you kept the swoosh people would still identify with the product.
And as far as cost, if you consider all of the places that the current logo appears and the cost to replace these I am sure that it today's economy you would find it dumbfounding!
My argument is that yes, change is good, but in this case where the equity exist in how something looks, that a natural progression, retaining some of your equity would be the smart thing to do... Kraft's move seems to be a poor move akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water... capiche?
On Feb.20.2009 at 06:45 PM
lucid’s comment is:
On Feb.20.2009 at 06:49 PM
Justin Hill’s comment is:
Brand New says:
"I emphasize early that the change applies only at the corporate level, the uppercase oblong logo, used for both the corporate and brand identity, will stay as the consumer brand, so you won't miss it when you are buying your Macaroni & Cheese. So let's get started with some press releasing."
I said:
The new Kraft Foods logo will be used only on the corporate level, NOT on the consumer level. I'm neutral to this new logo. Kraft Dinner (Kraft Macaroni & Cheese) and other Kraft products will still have the classic "KRAFT" logo.
I told you guys before that the chang only applies to the CORPORATE identity, not the CONSUMER identity.

Lucid’s comment is:
This is what happens when you only read the meat and not the patatos, my bad.
On Feb.21.2009 at 10:43 AM
Alvo Luksic’s comment is:
This would be my version of the new Kraft Food logo using existing elements. Well it is just a draft but I think the red trace is too heavy and overused... would be nice to see other ideas: how would you re-design this logo using the same elements?
On Feb.21.2009 at 02:48 PM
Nisio’s comment is:
Hi Justin, not to contradict you or anything but Alastairs first post mentioned he expected to see the new logo appear on packaging within six months. As he is a kraft employee I would assume his line-of-sight on the course of this rebrand might be a bit longer than what the press release states. Could be wrong though :). Oh god, another conspiracy theory in the making.
On Feb.21.2009 at 06:57 PM
jlcdesign’s comment is:
Nothing makes me angrier than the typeface used for "make everyday delicious." Except maybe the fact that every logo needs to have a freakin' "smile" in it. Guess what, there are other ways to make a feel-good logo without being so disappointingly transparent as to use an actual smile in the mark. Give it up. Smiles don't work unless you're Forrest Gump.
Well, now let's see what they do with it.
On Feb.23.2009 at 04:29 PM
Anonymous’s comment is:
Well, I think it's pretty cool. *raises flameshield*
On Feb.24.2009 at 03:36 PM
Shea’s comment is:
I'm not smiling...
This is what I consider a cluster-f*#k. Bold, italics, and the word "foods" practically underlined by an awful mark that we all know has been overdone. Forget the basic type treatments and DESIGN!!!
As far as the flower-looking object goes, we all learned about the color wheel in the third grade and would mostly all agree that a replica isn't appropriate for a corporate logo of a foods company.
On Feb.24.2009 at 10:39 PM
Mongoose’s comment is:
There's just a little too much going on here.
Okay, I understand the shift to 'Kraft Foods' for the corporate name, instead of just 'Kraft' in the Red Stretchagon. Something to work in letterhead, and to cover this division and that division and such. Not bad. And the 'kraft' part of the logo is a gem, tight kerning and interesting letter spaces. 'foods', not so much, but it's harder letters to make interesting.
And then there's a smile, which leads into flower/confetti, and the 'make today delicious'. None of which are particularly good, and all of which will look horrible in the eight-point type on the back of the macaroni boxes, and on the corporate letterhead when they do it in black because eight colors come on now.
One of the three I could handle. But all three together is, as said, 'friendly overkill'.
D+ for interesting font, but being worse than the Red Stretchagon.
On Feb.25.2009 at 12:20 PM
Anonymous’s comment is:
One day, after picking his child up from Gymboree, Designer X was brainstorming about the new identity for Kraft Foods. While shopping at Walmart for some Dannon and Yoplait yogurt he read some ideas out of a book he bought on Before he got home, he stopped at Stop & Shop and Comverse and finally came up with the brand, which he sketched out on his Wacom tablet. "
On Feb.26.2009 at 04:46 PM
Panasit’s comment is:
The new one should be able to survive without the swoosh, but what's wrong with the old one?
On Mar.02.2009 at 11:10 AM
andreas.wpv’s comment is:
The old one was to bold perhaps, to simple. I guess they're trying to be more lifestyle light!
And I fully agree, the new one is ... not a logo. They're trying to put a complete CI into it, with messaging and feeling and upwards and good mood....
In a way it is a good logo, though, as it shows that many ingredients do not necessarily make a thing better, neither logo nor food.
On Mar.11.2009 at 02:34 PM
Shauna’s comment is:
I don't think they should have Added "Foods" to their name, we already know they make food so it's redundant especially with the word delicious in their tagline.
The little burst of color looks really out of place to me, what's it supposed to be? a burst of delicious escaping through the corner of people's smiles? Maybe I haven't been eating the right food but delicious has never manifested as color escaping from my mouth, that would be pretty alarming.

Amanda’s comment is:
I work at a division of Kraft...Kraft Foods is the name of the company...well ONE of them. Kraft Foods North America is ACTUALLY where I end up reporting to. There is Kraft Foods Inc. Kraft Foods International, it's a CORPORATE logo, that's why it says Kraft Foods. It was never going to replace the racetrack logo on the food. However, the day it came out...we all cringed. It looks like something a flower child of the 70s dreamed up. And in all lowercase? Seriously.
Anyway, as of yesterday they have retracted the least the "Smile" and the "flower"...
It's say the least. Especially, when they push for you to pinch every penny...
Oh, and the actual "logo" on our corporate site is make it even...well, more silly.
On Mar.18.2009 at 08:32 PM
Amanda’s comment is:
Oh, and now that I've read Alastair's comments, I do not all. And I'm an employee with Kraft in go figure. Kraft's brands (LU, etc) are big in Europe, but he could not begin to understand or comprehend what Kraft is to America. And most of what was said is just...well, opinion and completely not fact.
On Mar.18.2009 at 09:04 PM
Caroline’s comment is:
I think there is a huge hierarchy problem. With so many elements, my eyes don't know what to see first.
On Mar.19.2009 at 04:19 AM
Mr. Jones’s comment is:
Barf. They should change the name to Craft Foods The new logo looks like something out of a scrapbooking class. I can't find anything good to say about the new verion...type, swoosh, flower, colors...all bad. Make today delicious? Double barf
On Mar.19.2009 at 03:25 PM
Doug May’s comment is:
Oh, Kraft still makes food. They perhaps thought we didn't know this? This is like saying... Coke Beverages, or Toyota Cars. I don't think this solution was to solve a generic name problem like Kleenex "Tissue"? Could Kraft name awareness have sunk so low that this two word solution was a legitimate recommendation? ...and now they have two logos?
On Mar.19.2009 at 03:33 PM
Brian’s comment is:
I think the red swash should have been placed under the "oo" in food... then it would really smile. You can almost see it happening now.
First Pepsi, now Kraft... who's next? 8)
On Mar.19.2009 at 03:35 PM
Mark’s comment is:
smile looks crooked like this
when it should look like this 8)
I hope this doesn't lead to more lead to more smiles that's just a big cop out.
On Mar.19.2009 at 03:54 PM
down with toxic corps’s comment is:
kraft placed "foods" after their name so that if someone picked up a package and read the ingredients, or tasted the contents, they would know what it was supposed to be.
the whole rebranding phenomenon is hilarious. when 'consumers' become wise to corporate america's scams and foul products, just try to fool them into believing you're somebody else.
the new logo is supposed to "unite the workers" who have been folded into this soon to be "too big to fail" producer of toxic garbage. ha! "make today delicious"! god, what an embarrassment. children run and work in giant corporations, and consume their crap.
i'm thrilled they are all failing! we will then have a chance to rebuild a real economy and culture again.
On Mar.22.2009 at 03:18 AM
todd’s comment is:
looks good for kids packaging but thats about it. this floral garbage on some of the redesigns look childish.
On Mar.23.2009 at 05:11 PM
Joel Kirstein’s comment is:
How much myopic-flavored Kool-Aid did the geniuses at Kraft have to ingest to get this "masterpiece" through the system and approved? The logo is Krap!
If Yoplait and Pepsi are their benchmarks for either reference or inspiration, this proves that good taste is dead!

thomas’s comment is:
Agreeing with almost everything written here, I must add that I have challenges with the multi-colored burst. First because those colors don't suggest food to me--except the most overprocessed, artificially colored kind, which I know Kraft is famous for, but I am not sure they need to emphasize that part. Second because it looks a little too much like the multi-color leafy, burst thingy that is part of the new Cheer logo (discussed elsewhere on this site) where the bright colors appropriately suggest bright colored laundry.
On Mar.30.2009 at 03:19 PM
Nikk Smith’s comment is:
When I think of Cheese slices, i think of that Red, rounded Hexagon... That should never have been deleted
On Mar.31.2009 at 09:49 PM
Jason’s comment is:
I was thinking the Yoplait flower as well. I think a better idea would to update the current Kraft logo because it's so noticeable.
On Apr.02.2009 at 05:54 PM
rachel’s comment is:
the old logo is so iconic and recognizable. why wouldn't they have just modernized it. i don't think this logo will look as good plastered all over food products that already have a look to them. too much huba-baloo. Plus this is going to look really crappy on the big outdoor sign at their headquarters in Chicago.
On Apr.03.2009 at 12:15 PM
Jamie S’s comment is:
YUCK. What a mess. That has client intervention written all over it.
On Apr.20.2009 at 02:53 PM
Anonymous’s comment is:
looks more appetiting
On Apr.29.2009 at 01:24 AM
Richard Dunn’s comment is:
This logo was created for neonatal medical products a couple of years ago. Link
On May.29.2009 at 10:29 AM
Lindsay’s comment is:
been changed

Comments in Brand New, V1.0 have been closed.