Sponsored Jun. 8, 2020 by Brand New
The design industry is lacking black voices. The 2019 AIGA Design Census reports that only 3% of designers, across disciplines, are black. How can we “design for change” when the design industry is part of the problem?
Where are the Black Designers is an initiative which aims to give a platform to creatives of color. By connecting designers, educators, and creative leaders we hope to start a dialogue about change in and out of the design industry. Join us virtually for our first annual conference and step forward in initiating this conversation.
The initiative will kick off with a virtual conference on June 27 that will contain a panel of designers, educators, and creative leaders who will also be giving lectures and running workshops on how we can come to together and use our skills to creatively resolves issues within this racist system as well as tackle the diversity issue within the creative and tech field. If you are interested in speaking at this event, have a question for us, or simply want to support us in this event that is open to everyone, not just designers, please head over to wherearetheblackdesigners.com where you can also RSVP for the event.
Ed.’s Note: This post (and the banner ad you will see on Brand New) are being provided free of charge to the initiative. This is one small way for us to contribute to the current conversation about racism and stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. We would be delighted to help amplify others’ similar efforts and messages intended to reach a design audience, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at armin@underconsideration.com if you think we can help.