Announced Aug. 9, 2021 by Armin No Comments on Subscription Education Package
Not-so-brief prelude
One segment of the audience we lost a good percentage of in our transition to the subscription model last year was students, many of whom learned about Brand New through their teachers, many of whom, in turn, used Brand New as a resource in their curriculum. We understand the challenge of students taking on the added expense of a Brand New subscription and, at the time of making the decision to shift into the subscription model, we knew we would eventually need to find a solution.
In an effort to bridge that gap and meet students halfway we are now offering a 50% discount to both teachers and students when they sign up together for a class-wide or department-wide subscription. The simple math is that this amounts to $5 per student, per semester.
The package’s package
We have prepared a 7-page PDF that explains four different options for subscribing as a class or department as well as testimonials from teachers who share their view of how Brand New has been a valuable tool for them, how they have used it in the classroom, and what value it would add if each school’s administration contributed to the subscription cost. The goal of the PDF is to help you secure funding from your administration — or convince you if you are using your own budget!
To get access to the PDF you may fill out a very short 4-question form or you can email us to request it by letting us know the school you are enquiring for and the approximate number of students that would subscribe.
Not-so-brief conclusion
The discount is currently only being offered to new student/teacher group subscriptions and, for now, does not apply to new or existing single student/teachers subscriptions. For students or teachers with existing subscriptions that bring in the rest of their classes along we will apply the 50% discount. We are not being greedy or ungenerous! (Or at least we are not trying to be.) We are simply taking small steps to continue building this model into being sustainable for the long-term. For example, last year we said there were no team discounts but now that we’ve seen that the model is working we started offering team discounts, so it’s just about making sure we are able to be more generous with a strong foundation in place. (Case in point: we are up to 1,583 free subscriptions given to anyone who has asked and that is possible through the strong support of paid subscriptions.)
We hope this comes across as a fair offer for students and teachers and hope even more that their administration will consider helping because, after doing some math, the cost of a Brand New subscription per student, per semester is a mere 0.02% of the average tuition cost that the administration receives each semester (based on an average of $21,000 in tuition and fees at ranked, public, out-of-state colleges in 2020–21 according to U.S. News & World Report).
Any school anywhere in the world can take advantage of this and if you have any questions or specific challenges, let us know!