Announced Nov. 19, 2021 by Armin No Comments on No Posts Until November 29
Given that Thursday and Friday would be official days off due to Thanksgiving in the U.S. and that this is a notoriously low-traffic week, we are taking this opportunity to take a small break from posting before one last push into the end of the year as we prepare the end-of-year-lists, which require a lot of time. Also, we are in the polishing stages of launching that new blog/web publication we mentioned back in August which we are aiming to unveil next Monday or Tuesday. We are super excited about it now that it has some real content and has moved beyond the initial idea. Can’t wait to share it.
There will be a new podcast episode of The Follow-up tomorrow and a newsletter later today. Will be back with full content next Monday, November 29. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, we wish you a happy and safe one and if you don’t we still wish you a happy and safe rest of your week.