Announced May. 22, 2023 by Armin No Comments on Limited Posts May 22 – June 6
Starting today, I will be on an early Summer family vacation — our public school system’s school year ends ridiculously early so we thought we would beat some of the Summer crowds — and will come back until June 6. While I’m gone, our trusted crew of guest writers — Adam Fromme, Danica Mitchell, Jon Stapp, Jay Valark, and the two latest additions, Kate Melvin and Matt Hauke — will be contributing Reviewed posts Monday through Thursday. Nothing on Fridays and no additional Noted, Linked, and Spotted posts each day.
The podcast episode that was supposed to drop last Tuesday is dropping today and then it will be on a small hiatus until we get back and are able to edit the next two we have on queue, so probably mid to late June on that, same as the weekly newsletter.
The one big outstanding issue is the FIFA 26 logo and identity that launched last week. It’s big and buzzy so I obviously want to cover it at some point but I’m crossing my fingers that a case study will surface soon in order to properly review it.
Thank you in advance for your patience and please be nice to our guest writers!
Typeface: Brut from the new quirky collection of affordable typefaces from Pangram Pangram.