Announced Jun. 2, 2022 by Armin No Comments on Limited Posts June 6 – June 22
Starting next week — and possibly tomorrow, depending on how the rest of today goes and if I have time to prepare Friday Likes before boarding the first of many planes in my immediate future — there will be limited posts through June 22. This, I think, is a major improvement over the typical “No posts until…” posts that I usually post when going on vacation and that is because I have finally been able to recruit some trusted, long-time Brand New readers whose names you might recognize from the comments section to cover for me while I am gone. For the next two-and-half-ish weeks you will be in the hands of Adam Fromme, Danica Mitchell, Jon Stapp (aka atomicvibe), and Jay Valark, who will each be publishing — if all goes well — one Reviewed post each day from Monday to Thursday. Fridays… we’ll see, probably nothing.
I will be in Europe with my partner, Bryony, running the First Round events in Berlin, London, and Amsterdam, so there will be a lot of traveling and a lot of event-ing but if I manage to have some time (and energy), I’ll throw in some Noted and Spotted posts when I can. The podcast and newsletter will both resume in July.
Thank you in advance for your patience and please be nice to our guest writers!
Photo by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash.
Typefaces: Decimal and Archer by Hoefler & Co. via Monotype.