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Noted Archive Jump to: Reviewed / Noted / Linked / Full Archives

New Logo for Disney Channel by BDA

Shrinking Mickey

New Logo for Disney Channel by BDA



Noted May 27, 201405.27.14 by Armin

New Logo and Identity for CoStar Group by Interbrand

Co-Starring a Star

New Logo and Identity for CoStar Group by Interbrand



Noted May 23, 201405.23.14 by Armin

New Logo for Dungeons & Dragons by Glitschka Studios

An Ampersand to Die for

New Logo for Dungeons & Dragons by Glitschka Studios



Noted May 22, 201405.22.14 by Armin

New Logo and Identity for BBH by Zeichen & Wunder

Rhythm & Laws

New Logo and Identity for BBH by Zeichen & Wunder



Noted May 21, 201405.21.14 by Armin

New Logo and Identity for LaserAway by DIA

Removing the Blanks

New Logo and Identity for LaserAway by DIA



Noted May 20, 201405.20.14 by Armin

New Logo for Visit Oakland by CHWA

Come See a Bridge

New Logo for Visit Oakland by CHWA



Noted May 19, 201405.19.14 by Armin

New Logo and Identity for Chatter by Brick Design

Chatter Up

New Logo and Identity for Chatter by Brick Design



Noted May 16, 201405.16.14 by Armin

New Name, Logo, and Identity for Big Heart Pet Brands by CBX

Faux Paw

New Name, Logo, and Identity for Big Heart Pet Brands by CBX


Noted May 15, 201405.15.14 by Armin

New Logo and Identity for Rowing Dock by Sputnik Creative

Row, Row, Row your Kayak…

New Logo and Identity for Rowing Dock by Sputnik Creative



Noted May 13, 201405.13.14 by Armin

New Logo for VCU Institute of Contemporary Art by Sullivan

A Tight Crop

New Logo for VCU Institute of Contemporary Art by Sullivan


Noted May 12, 201405.12.14 by Armin

New Name, Logo, and Packaging for Mr Parker by Strømme Throndsen Design

The Dandy Mr Parker

New Name, Logo, and Packaging for Mr Parker by Strømme Throndsen Design


Noted May 9, 201405.09.14 by Armin

Warning: include(/mirror/www/users/shinymda/arm1n/underconsideration.com/brandnew/_includes/footer.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/www/users/shinymda/arm1n/underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/column/noted/index.php on line 159619

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