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Brand New Shop: New Shipping Costs (plus Stickers)

After analyzing the Brand New Shop data and seeing so many abandoned carts, our conclusion — which doesn’t require Sherlock Holmes levels of deduction — is that the cost of shipping is what’s stopping most people to abandon their order. We knew shipping costs were high but that’s a hard number that isn’t padded in any way. We could have offered free shipping from the start and build the cost into the price of each item but then each item would be more expensive.

We have decided to eat into what little profit margin there was and offer free 3- to 5-day shipping and $15 flat-rate express shipping within the U.S. and Canada. For the rest of the world, it’s a $15 flat-rate anywhere, no matter how much or how little you order.

We would rather have you rock some BN merch than us have an extra few bucks per item.

We’ve also added a fun set of stickers to the shop — you get two sheets per order — and now would be an excellent time to get those added to a hoodie, tote, cap, or t-shirt order.


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