Announced Nov. 1, 2017 by Armin No Comments on Brand New Conference Europe Update
After 2016’s Brand Nieuwe Conference in Amsterdam we decided to try another Europe-based conference in 2018 but moving it to Barcelona. We had already secured a venue and date but Bryony and I have made the decision to not do it, after all, and to put on hold the idea of doing the Brand New Conference in Europe.
The main reason for canceling Barcelona and other Europe efforts is simply stress. Running a conference is hard, running two conferences (one of them on the other side of the ocean) is way too hard. And while we love a challenge, this is one we are choosing not to take on. Another reason is that we don’t want to be doing conference things year-round for the next 10 – 15 years. They are fun and rewarding but, doing two of them, really limits anything else we would want to do.
This will also allows to keep the focus of our efforts and energy in our main U.S. conference.
So, to anyone that was looking forward to the conference coming to Europe, sorry : (