Announced Mar. 25, 2020 by Armin No Comments on 2020 Brand New Conference: Postponed to 2021
Given the developments of Covid-19 around the world and its immediate and short-term economic ramifications we have decided to postpone the 2020 Brand New Conference until October of next year.
This was an extremely difficult (and sad) decision to make as this conference is so important to us on so many levels but there is no scenario this year in which we can put on the conference in a way that is financially sustainable for us and, more importantly, in a way that is socially responsible for the finances, health, and well-being of our speakers, attendees, sponsors, and volunteers.
We have secured new dates in Austin, in the same venue, for October 7 – 8, 2021.
Pre-sale registration will remain in effect until early May of 2021 and the cancellation fee has been reduced to the bare minimum.
Some uplifting news, though!
To provide you with something beneficial to enjoy in this time of uncertainty, we are making ALL the videos from past Brand New Conferences available for free. Go here, fill up your cart, and check out using discount code covid19sucks.