Announced Aug. 18, 2017 by Armin No Comments on 2017 Brand New Conference: More Seats Made Available
This past Wednesday we reached our original estimate of 1,000 attendees to the 2017 Brand New Conference. Theoretically we are sold out as we only produced 1,000 tote bags; 1,000 programs; and 1,000 t-shirts based on our optimistic expectation of attendance based on the last couple of years — for a moment, even, in January we were worried we were going to sell less tickets than 2016 because we were nearly 50 tickets under than the same time last year. We did not expect to sell out four weeks prior to the event. It’s a good problem to have but a problem nonetheless, given the remaining demand to attend.
After some consideration we decided to make more tickets available with the caveat that all new tickets sold will NOT receive the conference program, goodie bag, or t-shirt. New attendees will have full access to everything else. The cost of the ticket will remain the same — $550 for professionals, $225 for students — even though you will not be receiving the materials. We have to honor the 1,000 people who bought their ticket in advance at that price. It’s a small penalty for late registration but perhaps it will outweigh the alternative which is that you would have missed the event altogether because we sold out August 16.
The venue holds more than 1,000 people so seating capacity is not an issue.
Also, given the new arrangement and in order to keep things under control, we will NOT be selling tickets at the door. At this rate, we need to know exactly how many people are attending so that we can finalize the orders of food and coffee.
Lastly, next Monday we will do our sponsor ticket giveaway. Those tickets WILL get swag as those were reserved. Opt-in will only last Monday and Tuesday.