Word It
One WordA Division of UnderConsiderationEndless Possibilities
About Word It Last Month's Word
This Month's Word
Next Month's Word
ADV @ UnderConsideration
Word It in a Nutshell

Word it is your opportunity to express in any manner you wish and with as many (or little) other graphic elements as you need, what best describes each monthly word.

Submission Guidelines

NOTE: As of February 2010, Word It is no longer accepting entries as it has stopped publishing.

Please be advised that files that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be posted and we will not report back with any problems.

File Specifications
Size: 5 × 5 in (360 × 360 pts)
Resolution: 300 dpi
File Type: JPG (do not send TIF, PSD, GIF, BMP)
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: 7 Mb maximum (our submission form will not allow to send beyond that)

No self-promotion please. Do not put your name, your business’ name, your tagline nor your URL in the image.

A maximum of five Word Its can be submitted by each person each month.

Submitting Word Its
Do not e-mail your file, please use our submission form.

Only current and future Word Its will be accepted. Meaning that past Word Its (from past months) will not be considered nor uploaded.

Word Its will be posted as they are received. Posting is done by humans so uploading might take anywhere from three minutes to three days.

Copyright Information
By submitting, you grant Word It and UnderConsideration LLC the right to reproduce your artwork on the web site and for other promotional uses. Full credit to each participant will be given. In case of publishing on a separate platform (books, magazines, etc.) we will contact you for further permission.

Also, and very important, please use original material, pay for your fonts, buy or create your images (no stripping off photos from a Google image search), don’t use anything that is copyrighted in its own way. We will come back to you if this the case.

Common sense is all we ask for, we don’t want to get sued.

Neither Word It nor UnderConsideration LLC retain any ownership of the artwork submitted and uploaded. All artwork is owned by the person who submits it.

Word It and UnderConsideration LLC are not responsible for the views expressed by each individual entry and its author. Nor does it represent Word It’s or UnderConsideration LLC’s own opinions. We have zero censorship (unless deemed completely unpublishable material). If you have a problem with somebody’s entry we ask you to contact the author.

Also by UnderConsideration

Speak Up
Discussing, and looking for, what is relevant in, and the relevance of, graphic design.

Brand New
Displaying opinions, and focusing solely, on corporate and brand identity work.

Corralling the most relevant and creative on- and off-line bits that pertain to the design community – and said community is openly invited and encouraged to add their hard-earned links.

FPO: For Print Only
Celebrating the reality that print is not dead by showcasing the most compelling printed projects.

The Design Encyclopedia
Describing, tracking and explaining culture, commerce, politics, media, sports, brands — everything possible, really — through design.

Designing corporate and brand identities and full development of printed and digital matter for clients and us.
  About Word It
+ Word It, is a division of UnderConsideration LLC, encouraging creative diversity in the community through monthly, one-word challenges.

+ Word It is run with Six Apart’s MovableType 4.2

+ In 2007, with F+W Media we published The Word It Book, an edited selection from the first 30 words
The Word It Book


RSS Feed

+ All comments, ideas and thoughts on Word It are property of their authors; reproduction without the author’s or Word It’s permission is strictly prohibited

+ Word It reserves the right to delete any comment deemed offensive or unnecessary

+ All artwork is sole property of its author. Reproduction without the author’s or Word It’s permission is prohibited.

+ Word It is not responsible for the views expressed by each individual entry and its author. Nor does it represent Word It’s or UnderConsideration’s own opinions. We have zero censorship (unless deemed completely unpublishable material). If you have a problem with somebody’s entry we ask you to contact the author.

By all means, please
  Many Thanks to our ADVx3 Partners