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~ Vol. 50 ~ »

Those Pesky, Somewhat Dreaded, Utterly Irrestistable Four Things

Well, it's Saturday and the Word It Post has been up for nearly five days. Bennett at Be A Design Group tagged (and dared) us, and so, with some reluctance and a wee bit of quease, I am taking the bait. As he so aptly put it, if Kottke can do it, and if Anil can do it, why not have some weekend fun and join the fray? So here goes. Join if you dare...or care.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Supermarket cashier
2. Factory worker (assembling mascara brushes)
3. Receptionist for a nutritionist
4. Pizza maker

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Betrayal
2. Manhattan
3. Magnolia
4. The Conversation

Four places I've lived:
1. Bank street, NYC
2. 16th street, NYC
3. 11th street, NYC
4. 29th street, NYC

Four TV shows I love:
1. Battlestar Gallactica
2. House
3. The Closer
4. Numbers

Ten highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of:
1. 24
2. That Runway show
3. That Idol show
4. That 70's show
5. The show with Mary Kate and Ashley
6. Six Feet Under
7. My Name is Earl
8. Deadwood
9. Desperate Housewives (well a few minutes, but I hated it)
10. The Wire

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Israel
2. Turkey
3. Paris
4. Berlin

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Fois Gras at Hotel Creon
2. A Big Mac with cheese and a large fries
3. Fried Dumplings at Excellent Dumpling on Lafayette street
4. Iced Grande Skim Latte and a cigarette

Four design sites I visit daily (besides Speak Up):
1. Design Observer
2. Unbeige
3. Designers Who Blog
4. Be A Design Group

Four other sites I visit daily:
1. This Blog sits at the intersection of anthropology and economics
2. Built to be destroyed
3. CNN
4. Google

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In bed, surrounded by my furry friends
2. With my family in Maine
3. With Armin, Bryony, Marian, Mark, Karen, Tan, Gunnar and Jason
4. With Susan Benjamin and Susan Milligan

Four bloggers I am tagging:
1. su and pk
2. Grant McCracken
3. Bill, Jessica and Michael
4. Cat Morley


I'm not sure what the rules are, but ...

Four jobs I wish I’d had:

1. Clothing designer

2. Sci-fi set model maker

3. Courtesan

4. Indie video store clerk

Four movies I never want to see again:

1. My Favourite Year

2. Hotel New Hampshire

3. Star Trek (any)

4. Any Laurel & Hardy

Four movies I could watch over and over:

1. Withnail & I

2. Titus

3. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

4. Truly, Madly, Deeply

Four places I would have liked to have stayed to live:

1. Cairo, egypt

2. Jaisalmer, india

3. Ubud, Bali

4. Pra Nang, Thailand

Four novels I would like you to read:

1. How Late It Was, How Late

2. The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith

3. Fifth Business

4. Criptonomicron

Four TV shows I have been seriously addicted to, to the point of obsession (in reverse chronological order):

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

2. The Sopranos

3. Hill Street Blues

4. Starksy & Hutch

Four extremely popular TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. Friends

2. That show where you get voted off the island ...

3. Allie McBeal (was that popular? was that the name of a show?)

4. The OJ Simpson trial

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Angel Food Cake

2. Salmon Sushi (from Koko's)

3. Steak (Rib-eye, medium rare)

4. Broccoli

Four people I wish I was:

1. Cindy Sherman

2. Keith Richards

3. Fred Tomaselli

4. Wayne Thiebaud

Four things I would rather be right now:

1. Relaxed

2. Happy

3. Excited

4. In love

oh and

Four things i should probably be doing rather than this:

1. Studying for class

2. Shopping for stationery

3. Drawing

4. Working on the 128-pg pro-bono catalogue project

Not a blogger. Can't catch me!

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Bartender

2. Hospital orderly

3. Telemarketer

4. Research lab technician

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Groundhog Day

2. The Empire Strikes Back

3. The Seven Samurai

4. The Shawshank Redemption

Four times weather tried to kill me:

1. A force-3 tornado hit my 40-story office building, Houston 93

2. Watched a tornado funnel form over my apartment, Mpls 95

3. Caught in -80ºF windchill factor blizzard while on road, Mpls 94

4. Lived through 6.8 earthquake, Seattle 2001

Four TV shows I DVR:

1. Battlestar Galactica

2. Lost

3. Scrubs

4. Restaurant Makeover

Ten highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. 24

2. That Runway show

3. The Bachelor/Bachelorette

4. America's Top Model

5. Desperate Housewives

6. Entourage

7. The L Word

8. The Shield

9. The Amazing Race

10. Grey's Anatomy

Four places I’ve vacationed that I'd buy real estate if I was wealthy:

1. Bellagio (the Italian town, not the Vegas hotel)

2. Paris

3. Maui

4. Baja Sur, Mexico

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Osso Buco, anywhere I can get it

2. Dim Sum in SF or Vancouver

3. Thin crust NY cheese pizza

4. Oysters Rockefeller, Oceannaire

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Napping in a hammock w/ my son in the backyard

2. Snorkeling in Kapalua Bay, Maui

3. Flyfishing in Three Forks, Montana

4. Having a slow, magnificent dinner with my dear SU family at Batali's restaurant in NYC

Four jobs I've had:

1. Golf course cart boy

2. Color copier

3. Fast food cook and cashier — drive-thru, baby!

4. law firm data entry

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Airplane

2. Godfather I and II

3. Anchorman

4. When Harry Met Sally

Four places I've lived:

1. East Windsor, NJ

2. Hoboken, NJ

3. Hamburg, Germany

4. Atlanta, Ga

Four TV shows I love:

1. Battlestar Galactica

2. The Office (U.S. version)

3. Seinfeld

4. Anything on TLC

Four highly regarded/recommended TV shows I've never watched:

1. Ally McBeal

2. Desperate Housewives

3. Moonlighting

4. The Office (British version)

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Australia

2. Greece

3. Colorado

4. Prague

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Filet Mignon at any great NYC steakhouse

2. Chicken Lo Mein from the departed Sam's Noodle Shop on 28th St. in NYC

3. French Toast

4. Hamburger, medium rare

Four sites I visit daily:


2. TV Guide

3. Gawker

4. Briar Press

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. In Bed

2. Santorini

3. Steamboat, Colorado

4. a yacht in Sydney Harbor

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Waiter

2. Postman

3. Cinema Usher

4. Milkman

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Otto e Mezzo

2. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

3. Giulietta degli spiriti

4. Don’t look now

Four places I’ve lived:

1. London

2. Manchester

3. Blackburn

4. Stockport

Four TV shows I love:

1. Coronation Street

2. Shameless

3. Jonathon Ross

4. The Simpsons

Four Quotes which have influenced me:

1. "Only when the spirit is quite clear will the form become clear to you."

2. “Don’t make the move until you can see it”

3. "Just Do It"

4. " I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you."

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. Barcelona

2. Gallipolli

3. Prague

4. New York

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Steak and Chips

2. Chilli & Olive Pizza

3. Mushroom Risotto

4. Lancashire Rarebit

Four sites I visit daily:

1. speakup

2. designobserver

3. google

4. typophile.com

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. New York

2. New York

3. New York

4. New York

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. pmt machine operator

2. washing up in a restaurant

3. record shop assistant

4. picture frame maker

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. 7 samurai

2. jaws

3. lord of the rings

4. being there

Four places I’ve lived:

1. stockholm

2. london

3. beckenham, kent

4. new york

Four TV shows I love:

1. brass eye

2. jam

3. nathan barley

4. the day today

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. cornwall

2. menorca

3. simi

4. malta

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. paella

2. pie and chips

3. katsu curry

4. sandwich

Four sites I visit daily:

1. toilet

2. street

3. work

4. bed

Four jobs I've had:

1. Mudlogger

2. Art Director for a Business News Journal

3. Newspaper photographer

4. No title, but I worked in the cutting room of a newspaper (I have the scars for remembrance)

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Les Visiteur

2. Les Visiteur

3. Les Visiteur

4. Les Visiteur

Four places I’ve lived:

1. Japan

2. New Zealand

3. France

4. Brunei

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Kenya

2. Cairo

3. Germany

4. Bali

Four places I would rather be right now

1. Visiting my son, his wife and two lovely baby girls

2. Flat on my back getting a massage

3. Sitting in front of a bottle of chilled white wine

4. But truthfully, I enjoy being right here so am quite happy as is (except I would love to see the babies)

Four TV shows I love(d):

1. Twin Peaks

2. Black Adder

3. Monk

4. Mash

Four of my favorite dishes

1. Crawfish Étouffée with dirty rice

2. Artichokes - cooked with oil and vinegar, eaten with mayo. No other way.

3. Grilled Slipper lobster with garlic butter dribbled over, and a green salad.

4. German Chocolate Cake

Sites I visit daily or when they update (besides Speak Up):

1. Lines and Colours

2. Debbie Millman and Design Matters

3. Industrial Brand Creative

4. bLog-oMotives

5. Design Observer

6. Being Reasonable

7. Drawn

8. Seth’s Blog (just to get the blood moving in the morning)

9. Google

10) Jack Yan: the Persuader Blog

11) netdiver

12) Jason Santa Maria

12) The Ward-O-Matic

13) The Prepared Mind

and too many more ...

Four people I am tagging:

2. Jack Yan

3. Mark Busse

4. Robert Wurth

1. Neil Tortorella

Looking backwards at how this “tag” reached Kottke, this feels an awful lot like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon…

Not past tense, but the four jobs that I currently have:

1. Husband (soon to be father)

2. Graphic Designer

3. College Lecturer

4. Freelance Writer

Directors’ films I can watch over and over:

1. Woody Allen

2. Stanley Kubrick

3. M. Scorsese

4. Francis F. Coppola

5. Wachowski Bros. (even Bound was good)

6. Hitchcock

7. M. Mann

8. Sophia Coppola

9. Michel Gondry

10. Julie Taymor

Four books I’m reading—and am almost finished with—but cannot finish right away because I’m trying to read them all at once:

1. The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

2. To Hell With Culture

3. Dot Dot Dot # 8, 9

4. Make It Bigger by P. Scher

Four places I've lived:

1. Omaha, Nebraska

2. Tucson, Arizona

3. Seattle, Washington

4. Athens, Greece

Four TV shows I like a lot:

1. Seinfeld

2. South Park

3. Taxi

4. Monty Python’s Flying Circus

Ten highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I've never watched a single minute of:

1. 24

2. Numb3rs

3. Desperate Housewives

4. Survivor

5. My Name is Earl

6. Enterprise

7. CSI

8. West Wing

9. Desperate Housewives

10. Law and Order

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Honolulu, HI

2. Los Angeles, California

3. Beijing, PR of China

4. Las Vegas, Nevada

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Peanut Butter and Apples

2. Oatmeal with fresh fruit and walnuts

3. Fried Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic

4. Any Italian or Greek dish

Four sites I visit daily:

1. google.com

2. newyorktimes.com

3. underconsideration.com

4. newstoday.com

Four places I would rather be right now:

I have no regrets about right now, and like exactly where I am, but this itch on my back is killing me and I wish somebody would help me scratch it.

I'm a nerd, I have no friends, and so I can’t tag anybody to play along. But if Jon Stewart happens to get a hold of this link, and is free tonight after hosting the Oscars, I’d like to hear his 4-points. So on that note, I'm tagging four people who will probably never read this, on the off chance that somebody reading this will let them know about the 4-point tag:

1. Jon Stewart

2. Kevin Bacon

3. Charlie Rose

4. Steve Martin

Sorry. I’m not sure I get this at all but the four thing is especially lost on me.

Some jobs I’ve had:

forklift mechanic/painter; plastics injection molding machine tender; swimming instructor; scuba instructor; scuba equipment tester; house painter; door to door management consultant salesman; prop maker for costume shop; stage hand/carpenter; photographer; small ad agency owner/art director; graphic designer; graphic design professor; director of university multimedia program

Some movies I can’t stand:

pretty much anything that’s 3D modeled

Everywhere I’ve lived:

Garden Grove, California; Berkeley, California; Santa Monica, California; Venice, California; Duluth, Minnesota; Davis, California; Ventura, California; Greenville, North Carolina

I don’t know if there is a highly regarded tv show that I haven’t seen at least a minute of, if only on “The Soup.”

Shows I’ve watched semi-religiously include (in no particular order):

Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Talk Soup; Brimstone; Action; Veronica Mars; It’s Like, You Know; The Soup; The Daily Show; Entourage; The Wire

Websites but not books, magazines, or newspapers? Well, I do read newspapers mainly on the web (sometimes The Guardian, Media Matters, and Jane’s, danieldrezner.com, Outside, etc. but other than NY Times and Washington Post, Speak Up, and sometimes Design Observer, nothing daily or nearly so.

Someplace I’d rather be right now:

out on my bicycle so I’m leaving now. Bye.

Four seasons I've lived through

1. Spring

2. Summer

3. Autumn

4. Winter

Four forces I like

1. Gravity

2. Electromagnetism

3. Strong Nuclear

4. Weak Nuclear

Four dimensions I can measure

1. Width

2. Height

3. Depth

4. Time

Four horsemen

1. War

2. Famine

3. Plague

4. Death

Four Beatles

1. John

2. Paul

3. George

4. Ringo

Four-letter words

1. F***

2. S***

3. C***

4. Four

Because I just can’t help myself, and if I’m going to be a meme-sheep, I might as well do SOMETHING work-related:

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Canvasser for a national environmental organization

2. Sales assistant for a national mortgage originator - data entry, database creation and management, and all for less than $10/hour!

3. Prepress coordinator for a small offset printer.

4. More recently, founder of my own design studio.

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. The Graduate

2. Annie Hall

3. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (every Christmas, baby!)

4. Just about any good lesbian or gay themed movie (Tipping the Velvet, When Night is Falling, High Art and Jeffrey come to mind)

Four places I’ve lived:

1. South Side of Providence, in the house I grew up in. Neighborhood: not good. That’s all I’ll really say about it.

2. East Side of Providence, in the tiniest of tiny studios (my full-sized bed took up half the apartment) atop an Asian restaurant. I had to share the thermostat with three other tenants on my floor, and my neighbor was a wacked-out CPA who turned it up to 85 on a regular basis because he liked to dance around to oldies in his underwear with the curtains open. I learned this from someone who lived down the street.

3. Cranston, RI - Edgewood, about a mile away from where I grew up. Neighborhood: much better. Apartment: one of my favorite, a medium-sized one-bedroom in a rebuilt Victorian. Right near Pawtuxet Village, several friends, family, and various assorted loveliness. Minor badness: psychotic ex-boyfriend neighbor, nice enough but kinda creepy landlord, and not enough room to run my business effectively AT ALL.

4. Somerville MA - at Brickbottom. Interesting area, close to many MANY lovely friends, plenty of room to run my business, and not paying much more than what I paid in Cranston.

Five TV shows I love:

1. American Idol (what can I say - I’m a karaoke queen!)

2. Lost (the bastards got me!)

3. Coupling

4. The Office

5. Iron Chef (both Japanese and American)

Five highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. Project Runway

2. The L Word (lack of Showtime)

3. CSI: any of them (I prefer Law and Order meself)

4. Six Feet Under

5. Queer as Folk (well, I did watch a few episodes, but I had to turn it off in effigy)

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. Maine

2. Florida

3. DC area


Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup (Campbells, with Garam Masala and Thyme in it) - I would say I eat this about once a week.

2. A big salad with lots of lovely veggies in it

3. Potato and Egg Curry from Royal Bengal in Cambridge

4. SUSHI!!!!

Four design sites I visit daily (or at least once a week):

1. A List Apart

2. Creative Latitude

3. Speak Up

4. The HOW Design Forums

Four other sites I visit daily:

1. Livejournal

2. Google

3. Any sites I happen to be working on that day

4. My horoscope

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Is there a place I’d rather be?

2. Somewhere warm

3. With someone to snuggle with

4. And maybe some candles?

I’d tag other people on this, but I’m not going to.

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Car Detailer

2. Pet Store Clerk

3. Car Salesman

4. Detassler

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. The Big Lebowski

2. Raising Arizona

3. Spaceballs

4. Coming to America

Four places I’ve lived:

1. 7th Street, Hastings, NE

2. Pacific Avenue, SF

3. Harrison Street, SF

4. Larkin Street, SF

Four TV shows I love:

1. My Name is Earl

2. South Park

3. Family Guy

4. SeaLab 2021

Three highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. Grey's Anatomy

2. NYPD Blue

3. 24

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. South Africa

2. Thailand

3. Australia

4. London

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Cheesesteaks

2. Runza

3. Double Double Animal Style at the In n Out

4. Chicken Cordon Bleu

Four design sites I visit daily (besides Speak Up):

1. Design Observer

2. Be A Design Group

3. Fecal Face

4. Typographica

Four other sites I visit daily:

1. CNN

2. YouTube

3. ebay

4. Google

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Thailand

2. With my family in Nebraska

3. In bed

4. in my 57 Chevy

i don't do memes.

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Dishwench

2. Zookeeper

3. Packing of strange biological materials...

4. Student

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Lawrence of Arabia

2. Dead Poets Society

3. Repeat #1

4. Repeat #1

Four places I’ve lived:

1. -I've only lived in Michigan. Someone save me :(

Four TV shows I love:

1. Deadwood

2. Sopranos

3. Cowboy Bebop

4. Dead Like Me

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Grapeleaves! (Hey you could fill a dish with stuffed grape leaves!)

2. Jr Bacon Cheeseburger

3. Prime Rib Rare

4. Lemon Pepper Chicken

Four design sites I visit daily (besides Speak Up):

1. Design Observer

2. Posterwire

3. Design*Notes

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. In a caffienated state of glee

2. On a better cushioned chair

3. 'Harassing' y'all IRL with a great many questions about so many things!

4. In a coffee shop with lots of tablespace to draw at while I drink coffee!

Four bloggers I am tagging:

1. If you Tag him will he come?

2. Everyone who hasn't posted.

Yes, I know that's more than four...

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Bookstore Owner

2. Recycling Company Manager

3. Pizza Cook

4. File Clerk

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Black Cat White Cat

2. Stranger Than Paradise

3. Amelie

4. My 20th Century

Four places I’ve lived:

1. West 11th & 7th, NYC

2. Berkeley, CA

3. Poughkeepsie, NY

4. Seattle

Four TV shows I love:

1. Dick Van Dyke Show

2. I Love Lucy

3. Star Trek (early seasons)

4. Seinfeld

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. American Idol

2. America's Top Model

3. Ally McBeal

4. Desperate Housewives

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. Paris

2. Angers

3. Sedona

4. Olympic Pennisula (Pacific Northwest)

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Fish & Chips

2. Thin Crust pepperoni pizza (Brooklyn style!)

3. Slow Cooked Lamb Shank with a fennel salad

4. Calamari & Cod stew

Three design sites I visit daily (besides Speak Up):

1. Communication Arts

2. Be A Design Group

3. Design Observer

Four other sites I visit daily:

1. Flickr

2. NYTimes

3. Craigs List

4. Wooster Collective

Three books I'm reading:

1. Windup Bird Chronicles

2. D.I.Y.

3. Slowly Watched Trains

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Paris

2. Krakow

3. Barcelona

4. Tokyo

Four musicians or bands I listen to regularly

1. Stereolab

2. Blonde Redhead

3. Maria Callas

4. Patti Smith

Four jobs I've had:

- Wedding Photographer

- Security Guard

- Stage Manager

- Drug Counselor

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

- The Big Lebowski

- Pi: Faith In Chaos

- Metropolis

- On The Waterfront

Four Places I've Lived:

- Chicago

- Boston

- Iowa

- on a ship, the SS Universe

Four TV shows I love:

- The Simpsons

- LinkBuffy the Vampire Slayer

- Six Feet Under

- LinkAnimal Planet (whatever's on)

Four places I've vacationed:

- Florence, Italy

- Havana, Cuba

- Capetown, South Africa

- Osaka, Japan

Four of my favorite dishes:

- peppermint ice cream

- cornbread

- grilled veggies

- frosted mini-wheats

Four sites I visit daily (other than SU):

- Threadless

- BBC News

- Flickr

- Newstoday

Four places I would rather be right now:

- up a tree

- on a mountain

- on a surfboard

- in a hammock

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Heavy laborer in a cheese factory

2. Paintball judge

3. Glamour Shots photographer

4. Security desk

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Evil Dead II

2. Office Space

3. Grosse Point Blank

4. Strange Brew

Four places I’ve lived:

1. Brady Street, Milwaukee

2. De Pere, WI

3. St. Paul, MN

4. Allouez, WI

Four TV shows I love:

1. CSI


3. Bevis & Butthead

4. King of The Hill

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. 24

2. My Name is Earl

3. Deadwood

4. Dancing With The Stars

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. Daytona Beach, FL

2. New Orleans, LA

3. Salt Lake City, UT

4. Colorado Springs/Denver, CO

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Chicken fried rice

2. Blackened swordfish

3. Tater-tot casserole

4. Perch

Four other sites I visit daily:

1. Google

2. Nothing else, I prefer to surf for new stuff

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Sleeping in with my wife.

2. Behind http://www.terrybozzio.com/images/kit/fkit.jpg" target="_blank">This.

3. Driving This.

4. At a beach in Door County (summer) swimming with my wife and our yellow lab.

Four bloggers I am tagging:

1. Design Maven

2. That guy who pisses Armin off by nit picking SU’s code

3. Jim Gaffigan

4. http://www.timwaterson.com" target="_blank">Tim Waterson

Four jobs I have had:

1. bartender

2. construction worker

3. line cook

4. college

Four jobs I wish I had:

1. host MythBusters on the Discovery Channel

2. actor

3. curator at the Musee D'Orsay

4. professional poker player

Four movies I never want to see again:

1. The Butterfly Effect

2. Closer

3. Jaws I, II, III

4. Sixteen Candles

Four movies I could watch over and over:

1. National Lampoon's Vacation (any)

2. Fletch

3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

4. Top Gun

Four places I would like to live:

1. San Francisco

2. NYC

3. South of France

4. Pacific Northwest USA

Four places where I have lived:

1. LA

2. TX

3. in a dream world

4. in a state of confusion

Four design books I have read recently:


2. The Difference Between Telling and Selling

3. Looking Closer Series, I, II , III

4. DesignWritingResearch (again)

Four TV shows I have to watch every week:

1. Entourage

2. My Name is Earl

3. Grey's Anatomy

4. The Office

Four extremely popular TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. 24

2. Lost

3. Desperate Housewives

4. Deadwood

Four bands that I think should be on everyone's ipod:

1. Charlie Mars : www.charliemars.com

2. Ryan Adams

3. Reckless Kelly

4. Todd Snider

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Crawfish Etoufee

2. Peter Luger's Porterhouse

3. Apple Pie a'la mode

4. Shrimp Poboy

Four places I have traveled:

1. Toronto

2. Venice

3. Florida Keys

4. Moab, Utah

Four things I would rather be doing right now:

1. Traveling with my girlfriend

2. Playing golf

3. Making music

4. Taking a nap

Four "wisdoms" to live by:

1. Do something good when no one's watching.

2. You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once

3. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

4. Eat your dessert before you eat dinner.

Four jobs I've had:

1. Full-time babysitter

2. Book re-shelver at a library

3. Research Assistant

4. Data entry clerk

Four Places I've lived:

1. Washington DC

2. Boston, MA

3. San Francisco, CA

4. Los Angeles, CA

Four Places I've Traveled

1. Paris

2. Lake Louise/Banff National Park

3. Madrid

4. Santiago, Chile

Four TV Shows I Watch:

1. Battlestar Gallactica

2. 24

3. Law & Order

4. South Park

Four Movies I Watch Over and Over:

1. To Catch A Thief

2. Romeo + Juliet

3. Breakfast at Tiffany's

4. Anything by Hitchcock, really

Four of My Favorite Foods

1. Paella

2. Empanadas

3. Red Velvet Cake

4. asapargus, fresh and in season

Four sites I Visit Daily

1. nytimes

2. SpeakUp

3. Design Observer

4.. Google

Four Books I'm Reading Concurrently (and therefore not finishing)

1. Leave It To Psmith

2. The Queen of the South

3. I, Claudius

4. Freakonomics

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Electrician's mate

2. Orderly in a hospital's operating theatre

3. Bookshop manager

4. EFL Teacher

Four movies I can watch over and over again:

1. Saturday Night And Sunday Morning

2. The Elephant Man

3. Jason And The Argonauts (60s version)

4. The Wicker Man

Four bands that I've never tired of:

1. Black Sabbath

2. New Model Army

3. Kyuss

4. Cocteau Twins

Four places I’ve lived:

1. Birmingham, England

2. Leeds, England

3. Prague, Czech Republic

4. Detroit, USA

Four TV shows I love:

1. League of Gentlemen (UK comedy, not the film)

2. Coronation Street (UK "Northern" soap)

3. Countdown with Keith Olbermann

4. Futurama

Four places I’ve been on holiday:

1. Bourdeaux, France

2. Montana, USA

3. Santander, Spain

4. Poprad, Slovak Republic

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Sag Aloo Balti (Madras hot)

2. Chilli and chips (fries)

3. Corn-dog (genius American invention)

4. Nakládaný hermelín - Czech cheese pickled in oil

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Montana

2. Prague

3. The late 1960s / early 1970s

4. Dark Age Britain

Quick question, this is probably not the place to do this but I cannot find the right place. can we have a thread about design pricing. I know we talk about charging 25 bucks for logos on ebay is devaluing our art (which I totally agree with) but can we talk about what our fees should be for say a logo for starters, and go where it leads us?

All right, here it goes.

Four Places I've Lived:

1. Indianapolis, Indiana

2. Tampa, Florida

2. Cincinnati, Ohio

4. Louisville, Kentucky

Four Movies I will NEVER Change the Channel From If They Come On T.V.:

1. Diehard

2. The Shawshank Redemption

3. Magnolia

4. The Goonies

Four Of My Favorite Eats:

1. Skyline Chili (Don't knock it till you try it)

2. The crab cake at the Oceanic in Wilmington, NC

3. The pork chop at Jack Fry's in Louisville, KY

4. A quarter pounder with cheese after not eating one for at least two months.

Four T.V. Shows I should Never Admit to Watching:

1. The O.C.

2. American Idol

3. The Bachelor (in Paris no less)

4. And four years ago WWF

Four Books I Love:

1. The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell

2. Stranger In a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein

3. The World Is Flat, Tom Friedman

4. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Michael Chabon

Four Records I've Bought in the Last Two Months:

1. Rhett Miller, The Believer

2. The Derek Trucks Band, Songlines

3. Kanye West, Late Registration

4. The Killers, Hot Fuss

Things that make me uncomfortable:

1. vanity in myself

2. vanity in others

3. The intimacy these lists assume.

Times smarter I am than you:

Tuesdays: -500,000

Mondays: 500,000

Other days: somewhere in between

my favourite photoshop shortcuts

1. [

2. b

3. d

4. x

5. apple+s

Movies I could watch over and over:

1. Amelie

2. March of the Penguins

3. Baraka

4. Heat

5. Batman Begins

6. Shawshank/Green Mile

Videogames I enjoy:

1. Gameboy Marioland

2. Starcraft

3. Warcraft 3

4. Quake

5. Unreal Tournament edition

6. Tetris

Best Typefaces Ever.

1. Walbaum

2. Lubalin Graph

3. That other one

Celebrities people think are dumb who are very good at pretending to be but actually aren't.

1. Jessica Simpson

2. Bon Jovi

3. Conan OBrien

Every thought that has ever crossed my mind in alphabetical order:

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Paper Boy

2. Computer Lab Consultant

3. Junior Graphic Designer

4. Graphic Designer/Project Director

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Solaris (Tarkovsky's Film from 1972, not the US remake)

2. Apocalypse Now

3. Happenstance

4. The Cuckoo

Four places I’ve lived:

1. La Crosse, Wisconsin

2. Duluth, Minnestoa

3. Bismark, North Dakota

4. Winona, Minnesota

Four TV shows I love:

1. South Park

2. Most Haunted

3. Derek Acorah's Ghost Towns

4. American Chopper

Ten highly regarded and recommended TV shows that I’ve never watched a single minute of:

1. Sopranos

2. 24

3. Oz

4. My Name is Earl

5. Deadwood

6. Desperate Housewives

7. CSI

8. Family Guy

9. American Idol

10. Grey's Anatomy

Four places I’ve vacationed:

1. Baku, Azerbaijan

2. Thunderbay, Canada

3. Rapid City, South Dakota

4. Las Angeles, California

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Corn Dog

2. Dolma

3. Deviled Eggs

4. Anything my wife makes

Four design sites I visit daily (besides Speak Up):

1. Typophile


3. mnartists.org

4. myfonts.com

Four other sites I visit daily:

1. CNN


3. Yahoo

4. Google

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. At home with my wife

2. At the gym

3. At home working on fonts

4. Traveling anywhere with my wife

OK, here's mine:

Four jobs I've had:

- Sleep Research Patient

- Senior Art Director at psychotic PR agency

- White Zombie assistant to my Voudou Godmother

- Self Employed - Illustrator

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

- Orlando

- The Red Violin

- Blade Runner

- Cowboy Beebop series

Four Places I've Lived:

- Greater New Orleans, Louisiana

- Brooklyn, NY, (blah)

- Boston, Mass. (blah blah)

- Dreamland

Four TV shows I love:

none in particular...stupid box!

Four books I'd recommend:

-The Vintner's Luck by Elizabeth Knox

-Misfortune by Wesley Stace

-Tsotsi by Athol Fugard

-Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by G.I.


Four places I wish I could visit:

- Cairo, Egypt

- Venice, Italy

- Tokyo, Japan

- Mars

Four of my favorite dishes:

- Trout Almondine at Mandina's, New Orleans

- Osso Bucco at Comander's Palace, New Orleans

- Oysters Bienville, Acme Oyster House, New


- Filet Mignon in Mole Sauce at Coyoacan, New


Four sites I visit sometimes(other than SU):

- Google

- Amazon

- cassiopaea.org

- crank.net

Four places I would rather be right now:

- Back in New Orleans

- Back in New Orleans before Katrina

- Speeding down a highway very, very fast

- In my baby's arms, asleep

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. The guy who collects the shopping carts from the parking lot at the supermarket

2. Gift shop salesperson at The Cloisters

3. Bookshop salesperson

4. A particularly clueless intern at Hill & Knowlton/JWT

Four movies I keep meaning to Netflix but then forget to:

1. UHF

2. Tapeheads

3. The Haunting (1963)

4. Um... shit, I've lost it again...

Four (of the many) business-speak phrases I could happily live out my days without hearing ever again:

1. "Win-win"

2. "On the same page"

3. "Pluses and Deltas" (Good Christ, people, you can say 'minuses' without your entire world exploding)

4. "Rightsizing"

Four words I'm waiting to use in a conversastion:

1. Rugose

2. Balustrade

3. Saturnine

4. Crepiscule or Sepulchural

Four places I’ve lived:

1. Tooting Bec, London, England

2. Hoboken, New Jersey

3. Rochester, New York

4. Astoria, Queens, New York

Four books I unashamedly love:

1. Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake

2. Tintin: Le Lotus Bleu by Hergé

3. Against Nature by J.K. Huysmans

4. The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen


One word I'm sort of embarrassed to not know the meaning of, but refuse to Google:

1. meme

Four jobs I've had:

- Stock Boy

- Landscaper

- Sign builder

- Graphic Designer

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

- Shawshank

- I-Robot

- American History X

- The Game

Four Places I've Lived:

- New Hampshire

- New Jersey

- Mothers womb

- My Dorm

Four TV shows I love:

- House

- 24

- Idol

- Sopranos

Four books I'd recommend:

- Lord of the Rings

- Dos Logos

- Mind over Matter

- Any Tom Clancy

Four places I wish I could visit:

- Egypt

- Italy

- The Caymans

- Colorado

Four sites I visit sometimes(other than Speak Up):

- engadget

- Yahoo

- deviantart

- google

Four places I would rather be right now:

- Home

- Kristen's

- Vacation

- Two inches to the left

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