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Word It for March

P-O-W-E-R. With a period.

Power. With Initial Cap.

power. as a word.

w-o-r-e-p. as a group or letters.

Stokes on a surface.

Power can be abused and abusive. It can be challenging and challenged. Stable and unstable. Respected and disrespectful. Controlling or controlled. Right or wrong. Political, apolitical. Straight and crocked. Intentional, unintentional. Pre-planned, some-what-planned or spontaneous. Personal, public. Open, closed. High, low. Grounded, unfounded. Believed, mistrusted. Far, near, next-door. Gargantuan or miniscule.

It all depends on where you stand in relation to it.

Power is the Word It for March.

With that said, please read the specifications for submittal, and go create based on power.
Word-its will be updated on a weekly basis.

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