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~ Vol. 48 ~

Believe it or not, this edition is a — gasp — Kingsleyless edition of Quipsologies.


CNN International cleans on-screen clutter. Here are some images.


New York-branded condoms coming soon! Who will be the lucky New York design firm to get the job? / More on the New York Condom: "If you see something, do something."


Very nice, London-based design blog, 30gms. (Where else could you learn about a Peter Saville CMYK garden?)


Web: I love you, I love you not.



"We used clip art," she said. A report on the North Carolina "$1 billion-a-year lottery" logo that will never be. [Thanks to James I. Bowie for the link and to Von Glitschka for digging up the image]


Jews across the world react to the ongoing Muhammad cartoon controversy with the only thing that makes sense — in bizarro world at least — the Israeli Anti-semitic Cartoon Contest. Can I get an "Oy vey"? [Thanks to dad for the link]


I love my referrer listings in my stats. How else could we find out about Slice, America's favorite pizza weblog, who picked up Jonathan's pizza flyer discussion? Scroll on Slice for heart- and kitty-shaped pizzas.


Back in January on the portfolio discussion, Mr. Dave Werner's portfolio (or lack thereof, as only a trailer was present as placeholder) was criticized thusly: "It's catchy, creative, and has no substance whatsoever. Sounds like a famous graphic designer in the making to me." After what is clearly an insane amount of work, his portfolio is ready and the delivery is quite spectacular if I may say so. okaydave.com


Delivery truck in NYC on 5th ave and 19th street. [via Social Design Notes]


Think you know your IKEA jargon?


Some beautiful, some mesmerizing, some intriguing and some eye-opening images of my birth-city, as taken by a helicopter pilot.


In an effort to revive their brand and products, Kodak takes a step forward.


It may be tougher than you think to land a gig and pitch your proposal, see what Mini put their latest agency of record through.


Hungry for a new zine? NC State students are doing it their own way, witness 6°.


Okay its official. Dave Werner is my new god damned hero.

Just when I was beginning to feel over confident.

Nice work!

Thank you Armin and Speak Up for the kind words and support, I sincerely appreciate it.

I second that. I hope that your website finds its way into the hands of young designers who need some inspiration on how to develop good ideas, explain them cleary and present them in probably a better method than any student or professional ever.

Where is the man's job?!

I miss Kingsley! Where is he here? Is the world coming to an end?

Remember the name "Dave Werner." He'll be in all the trades real soon! His online portfolio is world-class! It's refreshing to see a young talent so thoroughly professional.

Dave! I had a look at your work before, and I liked it, but I totally didn't expect this from you. Knowing you're roughly the same age as me makes me want to keep up with the game. Good luck in the job world,


Those photos of Mexico are great. It reminds me of the work from this site.

Dave — Do you ever sleep?

Dave - GREAT job on the website! I am going to show it off!

Ikea... Damn you! I failed those "tests" miserably!!! And I thought I was a shop-a-holic!! ;)


This site is fantastic. Congratulations, your going be a star! And when you do I would like a hired on and have an office with a view.

Ok, Dave....you have really got it figured out. great site. great ideas. great attitude towards design.

very inspiring!

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