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STA › Archive ’06


Archive 06
Chicago’s premier design competition

Archive06 (www.sta-archive.com) is the competition developed to recognize outstanding achievement in Chicago graphic design during 2005. It’s different from other competitions because it:

— focuses exclusively on Chicago designers,

— signifies winners as leaders among Chicago designers,

— promotes winners to Chicago’s design community,

— promotes winners to Chicago’s business community,

— and - most importantly - places winners in the Chicago Design Archive
( www.chicagodesignarchive.org) alongside Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Frederic Goudy, Oswald Cooper and many other great designers.

It’s sponsored by Chicago’s Society of Typographic Arts (www.sta-chicago.org) — the fun, gracious, straightforward and accessible organization dedicated to preserving the traditions of Chicago design and building a vibrant Chicago design community.

Deadline is March 17.

Interested? Then check out the Archive06 page at www.sta-archive.com.

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