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The Graphic Imperative, Web Launch and Upcoming Exhibits

The Graphic Imperative: International Posters for Peace, Social Justice and the Environment 1965-2005

Massachusetts College of Art and Philadelphia University present The Graphic Imperative: International Posters for Peace, Social Justice and the Environment 1965-2005. The Graphic Imperative is a select retrospective of forty years of international socio-political posters. Themes include dissent, liberation, racism, sexism, human rights, civil rights, environmental and health concerns, AIDS, war, literacy and tolerance-collectively providing a window to an age of great change. Focusing on the issues of our turbulent times, these 121 posters endeavor to show the social, political and aesthetic concerns of many cultures in a single exhibition through delineating themes and contrasting political realities. For more information and to order the 80-page color catalogue for the exhibition, please visit www.thegraphicimperative.org.

The Graphic Imperative was curated and organized by:

Elizabeth Resnick, Associate Professor and Chair, Communication Design, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston
Chaz Maviyane-Davies, Associate Professor, Communication Design, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston
Frank Baseman, Associate Professor, Graphic Design Communication, Philadelphia University, Philadelphia

The Graphic Imperative: International Posters for Peace, Social Justice and the Environment, 1965-2005 is made possible by the
Massachusetts College of Art Foundation, the Massachusetts College of Art, Boston and Philadelphia University, Philadelphia.
Both institutions and the Foundation provided expertise, resources and support.

Upcoming exhibition venue and programming:

April 3?May 23, 2006
The Design Center at Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA

Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 5, 5:00?7:00 p.m.
Gallery Tours: Tuesday, April 11, 4:00?5:00 p.m. and 6:00?7:00 p.m

Panel Discussion: Wednesday, April 19, 6:00 p.m.
Alice Drueding, Joe Scorsone, Lanny Sommese, Frank Baseman, moderator

All events are free and open to the public. For more information, call 215-951-2860 or email thedesigncenter@philau.edu.
Also visit: www.thegraphicimperative.org, www.philau.edu/designcenter, www.aigaphilly.com

Future exhibition venue:

June 15-August 18, 2006
AIGA National Design Center, New York
Presenting sponsor: Neenah Paper

Opening Reception: Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
For more information, call 212 807 1990 or visit www.aiga.org.

Opening venue:
Sandra & David Bakalar Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston
September 14?November 11, 2005

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