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~ Vol. 47 ~ »

Hello Triennial!

Please excuse the self-congratulation, but it is our extreme pleasure and honor to announce that Speak Up has been selected for the Cooper-Hewitt's third National Design Triennial, "Design Life Now". We endlessly thank everyone who has been a part of this venture; from our loyal readers to our hard-working authors to the lurkers and, even, to the haters (yeah, you know who you are). Your support and devoted time and energy have made this place what it is. Thanks.

For past Triennial information visit (Inside Design Now | Design Culture Now) and/or peruse (Inside Design Now | Design Culture Now).






That's great to hear, congratulations Armin and Bryony.

Well deserved! Congratulations!

I agree, very well deserved.


Nice one, Bryony & Armin....It takes hard work to do these things that look so effortless.

That is so so AWESOME!

You guys are such an inspiration!

Happiness all around.

Way to go, team! All involved (you, you, and especially YOU) deserve kudos.

Armin and Bryony,

Congratulations to you, and to the Cooper-Hewitt for seeing a great way to introduce the public to the not-so-insular-anymore world of graphic design.

Michael B.

Arm & Bryony:

Kudos and Accolades.

Like I said in a Private email last week.

Speak Up fourth (4th) in a Design Blog Survey???!!!

What a Croc of Shit!!!!!!!!

Battle of the Blogs.



The sincerest congratulations to you both.


Armin and Bryony

Congratulations from Saudi Arabia!

Well done and good times ahead!

Congratulations and thank you for stimulating thinking about design. I agree with Bierut; we're no longer hidden from the outside world, and your forward-thinking work has helped advance the profession for all of us. Thanks! Hats off to Cooper-Hewitt.

Absolutely awesome! Extreme congratulations to Armin, Bryony and all of the contributing writers and commenters over the years!

Guys, what an awesome achievment. Congratulations to not only you for the vision to create it, the stamina to maintain it but to all the authors and responders who keep it all alive and kicking.

And in agreement with Michael and Bill, this is a fabulous thing for both of you and an important step in the recognition of the industry and its value.

Congratulations to all, especially the readers and commentators that've kept things flowing and floating ahead.




...certainly an acceptable exscuse for a celebration. Or at least pizza and caffiene.


I congratulated you at work, and I will do so again here on your site.

Congratulations to you and Armin and any other contributors at SPEAK UP.

Congratulations y'all--fingersnaps all around!

Bryony & Armin:

Brava! Bravo!

Congratulations, guys. It's timely and well-deserved.

May this kind of recognition also inspire a few of your writers to pull up their socks, shine their shoes, press their pants and check their zippers before they walk on stage for Speak Up.

As for everyone else, keep on posting with passion.

The world, it seems, is now watching.

Keep it up guys! Great job. Congratulations to both of you!!

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