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~ Vol. 46 ~

Peruse like you've never perused this edition of Quipsologies.


A site dedicated to the art of exploitation film posters.


Thundercut, makers of the fascinating crossing sign men and crazy helicopter car paste-ups, share with us their process (start to finish) via a high-speed video. [Via Gothamist]


A sneak peek at the new short — on Mark Romanek — by Hillman Curtis (who is waiting to clear licensing on the music).


Can the history of 20th century music be plotted on the London Underground map devised by Harry Beck in 1933? [Via Kottke]


Remember TAB?


Yet more on the new world view from above: Bird's Eye Tourist. [Thanks to Jason Lee for the link]


The Dallas Society of Visual Communications presents the 2nd Annual National Student Show & Conference, March 31-April 1, 2006. Students, start your engines.


The fine folks at Madhouse invite you to submit videos created around a word over at Madlove. [Thanks to Steve Mock for the link]


Misleading Press Release title. And, don't forget, you read the story here first.


Beautiful Japanese manholes. No, you perv, not that kind of manholes. [Thanks to Ryan Hurry for the link]


Well, at least it's not "WC".


Excerpt from a letter to the Washington Post by the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

We were extremely disappointed to see the editorial cartoon by Tom Toles on page B6 in the January 29th edition. Using the likeness of a service member who has lost his arms and legs in war as the central theme of a cartoon is beyond tasteless. Editorial cartoons are often designed to exaggerate issues — and your paper is obviously free to address any topic, including the state of readiness of today's Armed Forces. However, we believe you and Mr. Toles have done a disservice to your readers and your paper's reputation by using such a callous depiction of those who have volunteered to defend this nation, and as a result, have suffered traumatic and life-altering wounds.


Escalating Islamic protests over a series of satirical cartoons that appeared in the Danish newspaper Jullands-Posten, and were reprinted in papers across Europe, have resulted in the burning of the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus, the Danish Consulate in Beirut and the firing of newspaper editors in France and Jordan. Here's a comprehensive Wiki where the cartoons in question can be found.


Yet another one of those damn restrictive copyright bills is working its way through Congress. Law HR 683- the Trademark Dilution Revision Act contains certain anti-speech aspects which will directly affect designers, illustrators and photographers. So it's time to write a letter and make a phone call. Here's more information.


This one's been clusterlinked everywhere: Is this a real Warhol?


Shadows on the moon are different than shadows here on Earth.


It seems that there is a second generic caption which can work with every New Yorker cartoon. Here's Phrase One (the original) and Phrase Two. Proceed with caution if you react to foul language. (via Gawker)


Upcoming symposium on Rob Roy Kelly's impact on American graphic design.


As a footnote to last week's quip about emoticons: once again, Vladimir Nabokov seems to have been decades ahead of the rest of us.


An amazing computer-generated animation of water. (via Drawn!)


From the labels on our jeans to the pediment of City Hall, we can't help but iterate identity. Which means if design is about anything, its about identity and communication. Or, to be more exact, about the contradictions and negotiations of the simultaneous identities that we slip in and out of. We are all electric aborigines now. And perhaps the most electric of all us aborigines is Ralph Lauren. A guy from a New York Jewish ghetto called Ralph Lifshitz works as a salesman at Brookes Brothers (home of conservative American tailoring), and unearths its more ethnic heritage. Mythologising the aesthetic of turn of the century English public schools, lacing with Ivy League memorabilia and creating a nostalgic version of wealth and privilege which he sells to young urban black America, whose streetwise patronage gives aspirational credibility to real life English public schoolboys and other white middle class markets. Lauren says (in language with echoes of heroic utopian Modernism): "My goal in design is to achieve the ultimate dream — the best reality imaginable." And these are realities that exist as objects, images, aspirations, and desires. They are as ephemeral as perfume and magazines, as real as James Cameron's Titanic or the Villa Savoie, expensive as 5th Avenue flagship stores, as cheap as child labour. We experience this reality through diverse media including chairs, jumpers, household paint, as well as more conventional media. While the Modernists dismissed fashion as trivial, Ralph Lauren knows just how important it can be. Media becomes part of us.
— Sam Jacob in Everything counts in large amounts.


Drawn! trumps itself. Have a look at the computer generated water link they posted today: Link

The one that Mark linked looked more like oil than water. Either that, or it's water loooooaded with minerals.

We've been experimenting with RealFlow of late, and it's hard to get that viscosity just right. Luckily, we're trying to render paint.

in response to the uproar about the cartoons:


Big ups to Coke for emasculating the energy drink segment with the Tab packaging, considering 99% of that market is squarely aimed at the young male demo. It will be interesting if they can achieve the same type of cult success they had with that crazy pink can.

They should have used that M5 redesign look (albeit even more feminine) and really made it stand out...

Thanks for bringing up that copyright legislation bill. Everyone should take a look at that as it effects most artists and designers.

I think the Cartoon controversy deserves an entire thread of its own. I can't recall the last time a printed illustration instigated a worldwide religious revolt. And the dichotomy of the event is also fascinating — a fundamental, ancient religious tenet incites a global riot that's fueled by 21st-century internet techonology and media.

Armin, are any of the authors Muslim?...

On a last note, maybe the Danes needed to see Albert Brook's latest movie first.

I think we ought NOT have a thread about these Prophet Mohammed cartoons. It's been written about extensively elsewhere.

We - most of us - all come from the Western world that not only believes in images, but manufactures them, in fact. We're in the image making business. We have a culture that goes worldwide. (My adopted Tibetan boy knows about Nike.) That doesn't exclude us from talking, but for once, the politics of images has clashed with a world that doesn't want it.

I'm just passing this along as a suggestion.

We've all heard the arguments about censorship vs faith. For once, why can't we respect their belief that prohibits images of Allah and the Prophet and not humiliate them. On other web sites I've seen individuals acting like a bunch of Ugly Americans finding even more insulting images of Mohammed and Moslems. We're so clever that everything is fair game for ridicule. The West is collapsing under the weight of its own garbage. If all this leads to violence I say it was such a waste of an opportunity to be civilized.

I'm not saying don't have fun.

Pesky, aw, lighten up, infidel! It's only cartoons. Besides, Danes ain't "ugly Americans". Maybe Mohammed needs..... rebranding.

Is it "only cartoons" to confuse an entire religion (or its principal prophet) with its most extremist believers? I think not.

I agree with Pesky Illustrator.

And oh yeah, since when does an encyclopedia cover breaking news? Jeez.

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