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AIGA SF › The Making of America (The Book)

The Making of America (The Book)
Pentagram's Paula Scher and The Daily Show Executive Producer Ben Karlin

Just what went into making the book that topped the bestseller charts and was banned from Wal-Mart? Where do you draw the line between design and content? How does one credibly disrobe all nine Supreme Court Justices? These are just some of the challenges that designer Paula Scher and author Ben Karlin faced when putting together The Daily Show's 200-plus-page, best-selling, quasi-educational tome, America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction. How do you take boring textbook format and bring it to life? Where do you draw the line at what you are willing to call Anne Coulter in print? How do you get around federal statutes forbidding the use of a live bald eagle for commercial purposes? Learn all this and more as author and designer co-present the making of the hilarious cult phenomenon.

Thursday, Februray 2, 2006
Lecture at 7:00 pm. Reception to follow
Morgan Auditorium, 491 Post Street, San Francisco

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