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~ Vol. 33 ~

Please be so kind as to efficiently read this edition of Quipsologies.


It is our great pleasure to welcome two new authors to Speak Up: Jimm Lasser who has contributed a number of posts in the last two months and is very funny and weird; and Jonathan Baldwin, a long-time commenter on Speak Up, who will join us all the way from East Sussex in the United Kingdom, he is funny as well. Their profiles will be up and ready soon.


Project Mentor's Mbulance made its way to New Orleans this weekend with donations from AIGA chapters (Boston, Rhode Island, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham). As you can see, the full-terrain vehicle was packed; photos: 1, 2, 3.


Chicago-based, Firebelly Design is now accepting applications from non-profits to get free design for a whole year. If you are or know of a worthy cause in the Chicagoland area please point them to the PDF with the necessary information.


Displaced Designer is still up and running, mediating help offered and help needed.


Deux bloc-notes picturals français par Pita:
1. Grenouille Plus
2. Des Chapeaux


If the crowds at the Metropolitain Museum's exhibition of Spiritualist Photographs are too much to handle, one could always visit the Keith de Lellis gallery -- located at 47 East 68 Street. Their current exhibition, Photographing The Invisible: 19th Century Spirit Images from the Cyril Permutt Collection runs from Sept. 15 - Nov. 15, 2005.


Phil Baines' tour of Public Lettering -- updated and expanded. [Thanks to Plep]


Adventures in anti-branding: If you drive a Hummer, then f**k you. [Via AdRants]


OK, fan boys... for those of you who couldn't make it to London or Manchester:
New Order's Soundtrack for The Peter Saville Show.


Over at Steamboats are Ruining Everything, Caleb Crain has come out against deckle-edged books.


Finally! An exegesis of the mnartists.org logo.


Your printer is keeping track of you at the US government's request.


For those hoping to “design” like Barbara Kruger, you have an online graphics manual now at your disposal.


Fashion and safety for the urban female.


Your printer is keeping track fo you at the US government’s request.

Or keeping track of you. I’m not sure which.

No problem, yo.

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