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Design & Money, Solving the puzzle

Design & Money
Solving the Puzzle

Centre St Pierre, Montreal
November 1 - 2, 2005

Who is Nathan Felde...and why is he going to be in Montreal on November 1-2, 2005?

Nathan Felde is a notable designer for whom money is a puzzle. He wonders how others solve the puzzle of design and money. One person who has supplied him with wonderful clues is Peter Koenig of Zurich, Switzerland.

Nathan is going to Montreal to investigate the money puzzle in an Open Space workshop facilitated by Peter Koenig. He has invited some friends with fascinating minds to join him and we are extending the invitation to you.

Who is Peter Koenig?

Peter wrote the book "30 Lies about Money." He also facilitates thoughtful, probing discussions about seminal ideas, organizational architecture and yes, money.

Consider this.

I am inviting a small group of thoughtful people together for an open space session on the fascinating topic of design and money and, with Peter Koenig there to guide the discussion, it will be a valuable experience of thinking and re-thinking our assumptions and beliefs.

I chose money as the companion topic because it is threaded throughout the praxis of designers in ways that are rewarding and perplexing at once. It also is a revealing way to look at what design can and cannot do. From the use of a belief system to make currency (graphic design) through to the use of money to create reward systems that motivate, guide and complicate work, money is treated and mistreated as a resource. The role of the designer in communicating economic messages is fraught with paradox that leads the cultural scholar Michael Lesy to refer to graphic design as counterfeiting.

We will look at a financial system (Lebensgeld) proposed by a German designer that would replace the current debt and tax model for a National economy. We will use an example of visualization by Lisa Strausfeld, of Pentagram, as a stimulating perspective on the issue of transparency and shared perspective to examine money as an economic force and a subject of graphic design. We can look at comparative bids for design projects, budgeting for design, cost and value based pricing and otherwise "follow the money" to see what it tells us as designers. So we have a number of ideas of various sorts and significance to investigate, ponder and deliberate. We also have a chance to do some design charettes, if people are so inclined.

Best of all, we will have the chance to converse about a vital, yet neglected and sensitive subject in a provocative, reflective and productive gathering of fascinating people.


Nathan Felde

What is Open Space?

Open Space is one way to enable diverse people to create inspired meetings. Participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme of strategic importance and shared interest.

Come and join us in this Open Space Workshop at the Centre St Pierre, Montreal, Canada


The fee for this two day event is $US 365 and includes continental breakfast both mornings and dinner the evening of November 1.Participants are responsible for making their own arrangements for all travel, lodging and meals (except as noted above). For dining & lodging info: www.tourisme-montreal.org or call the Ministry of Tourism at 1.800.363.7777

To attend, email an inquiry to: feldesignal@comcast.net

Design & Money
Solving the puzzle.

Centre St Pierre, Montreal
November 1 - 2, 2005
Tuesday and Wednesday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Continental Breakfast at 8:00 am.

Peter Koenig
of Zurich, Switzerland
Business Consultant and Author of °ß30 Lies About Money°

Nathan Felde
of Newburyport, USA
Entrepreneur and Design Consultant

An Open Space Workshop
Hosted by Street Giraffes at Centre St Pierre, Montreal

Workshop fee: US$365

To attend.
Email feldesignal@comcast.net
with your request to participate.

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