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Tharp did it. And did it well.

Over the past month rumors have circulated over Rick Tharp’s — Mr. Tharp to friends — unresolved passing. Today, friends and family will gather in the town he lived in, Los Gatos, Cal., to remember him.

Mr. Tharp, who has been a humorous and relentless staple in the design community for the past three decades, was rumored to have taken his own life this past June 4th. A bag with his belongings was found near the Golden Gate Bridge and his car was found abandoned in the San Francisco Presidio. Officially, Tharp is considered a missing person. But not forgotten.

Mr. Tharp's work speaks for itself: witty, vibrant, poignant and deliciously crafted, leaving a mark on anything from his town of Los Gatos to the San Francisco bid for the 2012 Olympics. He is also known for the conference he inherited in 1985, TDCTJHTBIPC, or, The Design Conference That Just Happens To Be In Park City, which was very well attended and considered to be one of the best experiences in terms of design gatherings. He was a fervent supporter of the Western Art Directors Club. Mr. Tharp was a Word It fan, and submitted contributions to our project regularly. He also wrote for many magazines, "It seems that each time I write an article for some design magazine" he writes in his smiley face accessed page on his web site, "I’m besieged with either hate mail or love mail from people I have never met."

And that was a true Mr. Tharp situation: You either cared for his humor (and persona) or you didn't. But you couldn't ignore him. His contributions to the design profession are indelible and we are all the much better for it.

To all of Mr. Tharp's friends and family we extend our deepest sympathy and wish you the best.


If you would like to attend today's memorial, please follow this link.


The design world has certainly 'lost' one of its most colorful and inspirational professionals. While I did not have the honor of knowing Mr. Tharp personally, his work and writings are among those things that I look to for inspiration. He will be missed.

Goodbye, Mr. Tharp. We all will miss your witty work.

I grew up in Los Gatos, and Mr. Tharp's work for Steamer's restaurant was one of the first that I remember wondering "who did that? That's cool..." His beautiful work for Le Boulanger is synonymous with good bread in the bay area -- another design that I "grew up with". I only met him once, at a speaking engagement when I was in school. I regret I never had the chance to let him know how he inspired me. He will be missed.

How incredibly sad.

Mr Tharp made a poster of the ordeal he went through to get his "poodle grooming, repair and taxidermy" business cards from a quick-turnaround business card printer. I laughed & laughed & laughed & admired him forever after.

Does anyone have or know where you can get one of those posters? I would love to read it again in memoriam.

Beyond the personal tragedy that this represents, Rick was an active, vocal and passionate leader in our profession for many many years. His absence represents a great loss to our professional community.

On behalf of the San Francisco AIGA, I wish to express our profound gratitude for his leadership, passion, and creative contribution. To his family, friends — and indeed all who knew him — our sincerest sympathies, and best wishes for peace and resolution.

Lets keep it light.

I'm sure Rick - and his friends- would

prefer it that way.

It sucks to hear this. I was introduced to Rick Tharp's work by a coffee table book on San Francisco graphic design, and always thought the man was that kind of persona that did great work however never took himself too seriously (and in a good way).

My deepest sympathies to Rick's family and friends.

Augh! How did I miss this?

Mr. Tharp sent me email a few months ago, and I was so thrilled to have gotten word from one of the greats. Wow, how incredibly sad.

Y'know, I thought one of the booths at the HOW conference had a 'Meet Rick Tharp' banner, but it was so crowded I never really paid enough attention.


This just makes me really sad. As a designer in the South Bay, I couldn't help but be be aware of Tharp, his work, persona, and attitude, all of which I found uniformly admirable.

At the risk of sounding dorky and saccharine, please folks, no matter how shitty life seems, there's always a chance for things to get better. Suicide is the one thing you can do that makes improvement impossible. I have been personally touched by it before, as I'm sure many of you have, and it just sucks for everybody involved. If you ever get to thinking about it, please talk to someone, and just don't do it.

I would like to sincerely echo the expression of sympathy to Rick's friends and family.

I knew something was wrong. As a regular commentator on Speak Up. Rick has not been heard from since the Poster Contest.

When I was a much younger Designer. Reading all the periodicals. One name kept poping up.

Tharp Did It. Tharp Did It. Tharp Did It.

Rick, was in all the publications from A-Z.

I remember saying to myself. 'Who's this', some NEW SUPER HERO ???

Short of being able to LEAP TALL BUILINGS in a SINGLE BOUND. Rick Tharp was MONUMENTAL in Identity Design.

Never got to meet him. Never had dialog with him. Always looked forward to his Word It. Rick Tharp was the unchallenged KING of WORD IT on Speak Up. Submitting more submissions than any Designer for monthly Word It.

During Speak Up's First Poster Contest. Marian asked permission to use one of my Quotes. I remember saying to Marian, when the first posters were uploaded. I immediately recognized Rick Tharp's Iconic Design.

Rick was a Great Story Teller. On his website he reserved a section for humor. I copied a humorous joke posted on his site about my DesignFather SAUL BASS. I'd like to share it.

On Rick Tharp's website.

Here’s a designer story submitted by Bill Cooke in Australia:

Saul Bass died and goes to heaven. On the entry interview, St. Peter asks him what did you do down there? Saul relied, "I was an art director." "Oh!" says St. Peter, "We never had one of those before." He sets him up with a nice studio, li’l black foreign car, the best clients, and no competition. One day, Saul sees another fancy black foreign sports car with "A R T D I R E C T O R" letterspaced in 6 pt. type on the door. (Saul had great eyes in heaven) After asking around to see who owned the car, he went back to St. Peter and asked who the car belonged to. "Oh that’s just Jesus," St. Pete said, "He just THINKS he’s an art director."

End of Text.

Rick, you were one of the most PROLIFIC Identity Designers of our time. As evidenced by your LEGACY and ASTRONOMICAL Body of Work within Design and Identity Annuals. I will miss you my BROTHER.

Say Hi, to my Fathers, who ART IN HEAVEN.


So sad to hear of Mr. Tharp's passing. Bonny Doon's wine labels will never be more interesting or whimsical than when Tharp did them.

Nice tribute Armin.

It's a sad loss, under tragic circumstances.

>Rick put on a good show and was larger than life. Lets leave it at that.

Couldn't have said it better, Felix.

Mr. Tharp you will truly be missed.

within the speak up community and the design community

the door to your office should be submitted to the museum of modern art as it is one of the most memorable designs i have seen.

Goodbye Mr Tharp!

[Due to the sensitivity of this thread a few comments have been removed and/or altered. Thank you for your understanding]

Bonny Doon's wine labels will never be more interesting

now letsd not get carried away. Gary Taxali is the man when it comes to Doon's labels. No question about it.

feelicks: this isn't a pissing contest. Thanks to the vision of Randall Grahm, Tharp did clever wine labels (when no one did) and set the stage for a series of great artists to follow. I don't get nostalgic often, put a sock(wl) on judging my reminiscing.

sorry holmes.

just stating my opinion.

i love tharp's

work. didnt mean

to harsh your

nostalgia buzz.

> Lets keep it light. I'm sure Rick - and his friends- would prefer it that way.

I am one of Rick's friends, and I give permission to get as heavy as you like.

> the door to your office should be submitted to the museum of modern art as it is one of the most memorable designs i have seen.

I believe the door is going to the Art Museum of Los Gatos, to be part of their permanent collection. The Museum had an exhibit of Rick's work a year or two ago. For those who have never seen it, here's the URL of Tharp's door online:


Rick Tharp was remembered at a memorial in Los Gatos on July 14. About 450 people attended, and hundreds more sent in tributes to the man and the designer. There will be an article about Rick in the upcoming issue of STUDIO, the magazine of the Western Art Directors Club (www.wadc.org).

Thanks to all who honor the man and his work,

For his memorial they wanted people to write their thoughts and I didn't. Didn't really want to say anything, but I suddenly feel like saying something here.

Last July we went hiking up Mount Tam for a pancake breakfast at the West Point Inn. I'd never been to Mount Tam before, so I was having fun looking around. I'm not much of a hiker so it was a social outing for me and I was enjoying our conversations as the three of us walked up the hill. As I continued to talk with our mutual friend, next thing I knew Rick was powering his way uphill as though he was being timed. It was as though there was no way he was going to get enough exercise between where we were and where we were going and he was determined to milk every step for all it was worth. I couldn't help but watch him, his energy on that hike really fascinated me (especially since I didn't have much myself)... I almost laughed out loud at the sight because he seemed like this ponytailed force of nature going up that hill, almost like there was an invisible drill instructor next to him barking out orders for him to keep going.

Over the last year I've seen him numerous times and we e-mailed back & forth. I knew he was having private struggles & I wish he'd chosen a different way of handling them, that he would have spared his loved ones all of the pain this has put them through. But even so, of all of the memories I have of him that is the one that will stick with me forever... Rick powering up a hill with every ounce of energy he had available. RIP Mr.

P.S. -- People like to say Rick never e-mailed and that he was against new technology, but that's not entirely true. Case in point, he really loved Speak Up. He raved about this site.

Rick Tharp’s Body Found

Positive identification was made last night July 18th after the Contra Costa Coroner’s office finished dental DNA testing.

Ricks body was found July 7th. Family members were not contacted until the news article came out in the Contra Costa times on July 15th and was spotted by a friend, who kindly called. Rick Tharp’s request to be cremated can now be carried out.

The Article in the Contra Costa News reads:

Coroner’s deputies are asking for the public’s help in identifying a body found floating in the San Francisco Bay.

The Yerba Buena Coast Guard recovered the body of a man south of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, west of the Richmond Shoreline near Red Rock on July 7, according to a press release.

The remains were turned over to the Contra Costa Coroner’s Office at the Richmond Marina.

An autopsy determined the man died of multiple blunt force trauma consistent with a fall from a bridge or other high structure, the coroner’s office said.

The coroner believes the body was in the water for about a month, making fingerprint identification impossible. Dental and DNA results are pending.

The victim was described as white or Latino and approximately 5-feet-8-inches tall. He was wearing Calvin Klein briefs with white-trim and black-and-gray Nike gym shoes without socks.

Other Information:

Designated contributions to the Rick Tharp Scholarship Fund can be made to: “Western Art Directors Club Rick Tharp’s Scholarship Fund” P.O. Box 996

Palo Alto, CA 94302

Information provided by: Lourdes Pollard Founder/President www.phoenixdatacenter.org


"Case in point, he really loved Speak Up. He raved about this site".

His love for Speak Up was evident by his many contributions. And online Banter. He will be missed.

I'm not known for knowing when to keep my mouth closed. I need to say this at this time.

To the POWERS THAT BE of the AIGA and Art Directors Club New York. I trust Rick Tharp will receive a POSTHUMOUS Lifetime Achievement Award. His contribution to Identity Design is to important to be forgotten.


Dear Rick,

I was so sorry to hear today about your passing. I remember you as a young girl, and later as an adult. I knew you were kind, talented, and had an unusual sense of humor. I remember your visits to our house for dinner, your intensity, your energetic spirit, your love for Los Gatos. I will listen for your spirit in the near future. You are a good man.

>POSTHUMOUS Lifetime Achievement Award

I'm sure there'll be some sort of dignified tribute to Rick's passing at the national conference this fall. I'd be surprised if there wasn't one.

As to an award — the SF AIGA chapter can certainly nominate Rick for a posthumous national fellowship medal if they so choose. I would.

In February on Speak Up, Peter Scherrer posted the question of what we would like to be remembered for.

It appears that Mr. Tharp will be remembered by many people for many fine qualities...a fitting afterglow for a light gone out too soon.

During the talk that was happening over Rick's action, the GDC Listserv had an open and raw discussion about depression within creatives. It opened my eyes to something that I don't think I've ever read about. It seems that depression among designers is not so isolated. One of those people that expressed some productive ideas was Jennifer Romita who had put on a show titled Plastique: Deconstructing Intimacy. Interested in her images I asked her for some insight. You can read the e-mail conversation that followed HERE.


This is my first time of contributing to speak up. It is sad that it is been done in remembrence of a great graphic designer. I am writing all the way from Nigeria in West Africa.

My first meeeting with Rick Tharp was through a very old HOW magazine that featured some work by Rick Thrap. What caught my attention was those payment reminder slips that Tharp sends to his clients to pay up, They were so humourous that I have always thought of using them myself.

For all it is worth Mr. Tharp you are missed all over the world. Kudos to one of the greatest graphic designer of modern time. RIP Tharp



Iknew Ricky for 32 years, we met when he first arrived in Los Gatos and set up his design studio. We were of 'the old gang', and kept a connection-sometimes did'nt see each other for years between, but the connection was always there. I am grieving for my old friend,I wish I'da spent more time with him in the old daze,

Sometimes he was a pain ina ass, but always unique, and I was fond of him for his uniqueness, and he wuz my last link to the 'old gang.' Now I wish I'da called him a year ago, cuz he was supozed to come visit me out here in another state, and all I have are memories, but none that are recent. Shine on, you artist, you dreamer of visions- Shine on.

I would like to thank the organizers of Rick's memorial service in Los Gatos this past summer

Although I was unable to attend, it meant a lot to me just knowing that there were so many who cared. I think that all of Rick's friends from Ohio were absolutely devasted by his tragic death. It was particularly sad knowing that we were such a distance away at a time when he obviously needed so much help. Although I would have appreciated seeing his art work, it is the essence of vitality that I will always associate

with the Rick that I knew 32 years ago. We tried to keep in touch throughout the years, but I simply had no idea of the depth of the problems which he was experiencing. The demands of a lifelong career in advertising can exact a heavy toll on one's physical and mental health. Perhaps the same can be said of any profession in which one pours out both heart and soul on a daily basis. However,the continual deadlines, long hours over a drawing board, coupled with a commitment to perfectionism on a daily basis has probably sent many in the Art world over the edge or close to it. The antithesis to a hectic schedule is, of course, no work coming in and that can be even more deadly. Tinnitus was only a manifestation of the external pressures on my friend. No doubt, an enlarged blood vessel or worse may have been pressing on an auditory nerve creating unbearable noise and pain. I don't know if an operation was suggested, but the outcome could well have been paralysis. Still, the act of jumping from the Golden Gate told me that something had caused Rick's dream to end on an emotional level. Was it a lack of work, overwhelming debts, a feeling of isolation?

Perhaps one of you could enlighten me. It has taken me these many months to commit my thoughts

to those outside of my immediate family and friends. In the meantime, I could only berade myself for not calling last year. If I could rewrite the script, I would certainly have done so. Would it have helped Rick if he had returned to Ohio for a few months? He had friends and family here. Any of us would have gladly provided refuge. I made the mistake in assuming that he knew that. Whatever, I can only be grateful to those of you in California who stood by him. You tried your best.


Your grief is palpable, and your regrets understandable. While I cannot claim to have known the conditions which drove your friend to take his life, it does sound as though he was a victim of depression.

Trying to understand depression or other mental health issues through the lens of a healthy mind is difficult. We often confuse causes with symptoms, and think that someone can “snap out of it.” There’s often more to the picture, and helping someone can be very difficult, especially when they are resistant to treatment, which itself can be caused by the problem.

However,the continual deadlines, long hours over a drawing board, coupled with a commitment to perfectionism on a daily basis has probably sent many in the Art world over the edge or close to it.

Men's depression is often masked by alcohol or drugs, or by the socially acceptable habit of working excessively long hours. Depression typically shows up in men not as feeling hopeless and helpless, but as being irritable, angry, and discouraged; hence, depression may be difficult to recognize as such in men

National Institute of Mental Health

Was it a lack of work, overwhelming debts, a feeling of isolation?

...a serious loss, difficult relationship, financial problem, or any stressful (unwelcome or even desired) change in life patterns can trigger a depressive episode. Very often, a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors is involved in the onset of a depressive disorder. Later episodes of illness typically are precipitated by only mild stresses, or none at all.

National Institute of Mental Health

We tend to mythologize creative people as eccentric and compulsive, which can unfortunately create stereotypes that will disguise a genuine illness. (See also this essay about ADHD from Speak Up a while back.)

We have all lost an eminent colleague, and I wish you condolences on the loss of your friend. Greater public insight into depression and mental illness would be a very positive effect of his tragic death.

I am no way trying to deny or negate Mark Notermann’s comments on depression and I strongly endorse his warning about romanticizing “the creative temperament” but it is worth noting that people make very real and difficult choices. Rick apparently found his physical condition to be a torture that he chose not to endure. None of us can know to what degree his decision was the result of the medical condition of depression and how much was a decision that, no matter how much we may regret it, was Rick’s choice.

In addition to his tinnitus, Rick faced the very real problems that most of us face on one level or another. I know nothing of his business situation or his work habits but our last conversation was largely about the often-limited opportunities left to graphic designers in their fifties. (He didn’t let on about his tinnitus.) I would like to take this opportunity to caution everyone that the future is where we will live. Plan for it.

I would suggest that the things we can do to best memorialize Rick are to heed Mark Notermann’s comments, to plan for long lives and careers by being mindful of our work lives beyond today, and to remember his spirit, his wisdom, his humor, and his good work.

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