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~ Vol. 20 ~

What do David Carson and Robert Bringhurst have in common? That they are both mentioned in this edition of Quipsologies, of course.


"I want to write about writing systems as concrete realities with a physical organization, something that can be seen, felt, and perceived in the most tangible way..."

Suzanne E. McCarthy's impressive new blog Abecedaria, covers a variety of writing systems. Recent topics include the Cree and Potawatomi 'alphabets', the letter J, and our beloved Robert Bringhurst.


Eddie Kohler has adapted John Cage's Indeterminacy for the web. The word spacing visually suggests how Cage performed (read) the piece.


This year's Tour de France has begun and I'm fascinated by Bobby Julich's (Team CSC) "O.Symetric" (nee Harmonic) chainrings.


Sandy Kaltenborn's extensive body of politically engaged design work is finally online, and with a good dose of humour to boot.


David Carson in the latest installment of Hillman Curtis’ Designer Series.


For a good time call…


The Type Directors Club announces the winners of the TDC2 2005 competition. [Via Typographica]


As a response to the recent bombings in London, Dario Agosta has put his copy of Gill Sans to good use and a good cause: London Stands. Where $2 of eash sale of T-shirts and pins will go to the Red Cross London Bombing relief fund.

Great, multi-author Illustration blog where you will find as much good talent as any Black Book or Workbook: Drawn!.


Ah, David Carson. I almost forgot that I need to kick his ass for cancelling a lecture in St. Louis at the last minute a couple months ago. Typical of his behavior, I suppose. Gotta wonder about a profession that puts a guy like this on a pedestal so frequently.

Bradley, if David got an ass kicking everytime he cancelled . . . he might not be able to do anymore lectures.

Kinglsey, as always you seem to find a way to make me waste more time instead of working and look at other design blogs the world over. Ms. McCarthy's will be added to the list.

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