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~ Vol. 19 ~

AIGA wants more money, LogoWorks gets more money, and, you? You get no money in this edition of Quipsologies.


Next week, July 7-9: Icon 4, the Illustration Conference in San Francisco.

Perhaps I'll see you there...


I've been known to go on about how I think Martha Stewart is one of the greatest designers around. And I'm happy to find out that I'm not alone. (Michael Blowhard's following comments are a worthwhile reminder on the aesthetics of the immediate.)


"I want to write about writing systems as concrete realities with a physical organization, something that can be seen, felt, and perceived in the most tangible way..."

Suzanne E. McCarthy's impressive new blog Abecedaria, covers a variety of writing systems. Recent topics include the Cree and Potawatomi 'alphabets', the letter J, and our beloved Robert Bringhurst.


Eddie Kohler has adapted John Cage's Indeterminacy for the web. The word spacing visually suggests how Cage performed (read) the piece.


iTunes on your cell phone? It may ring true sooner or later.


Latest issue of GQ has whatif license plate designs courtesy of Kidd, Scher, Duffy, Isley, Segura, Jay, Stout, Fili, and Silverstein.


Microsoft's Acrylic gives Adobe a challenge—like Corel and Fractal tried to.


Etch-A-Sketch Coming to a Cell Phone Near You.


A strictly fact based comparison between Italians and other members of the European Union.


On Secession -- the results of a small workshop led by Marlene McCarty at this year's DesignInquiry symposium.


First increase in AIGA membership dues since 2001 — communique_jun05.


Jon Coltz: Excited and misunderstood in the face of an exquisite fi ligature.


The Doodle Archive, documenting the art of the doodle. Get your Doodle card now!


"LogoWorks, the leader in custom graphic design services for small businesses, today announced it has received a $9.3 million round of equity funding." [Thanks to Von Glitschka for the news]


People are putting money into LogoWorks? [shiver]

Icograda expands its professional membership by four

"Icograda is pleased to welcome the AIGA (United Stated), Designers Association of Singapore (Singapore), Israel Community of Designers (Israel) and the South African Graphik Design Council (South Africa) as its newest provisional full members."


LogoWorks, where do you even start?

What this should be titled is.. "Funding the donwfall of design"

Whats most hilarious about LogoWorks, is their own logo. Its pretty much a shopping list from the "Design Clichés" discussion seen recently on speak up.

A light bulb, computer mouse, gradient.

how ironic.

Have you guys been keeping up with the controversy about LogoWorks?

I've been chronicling on my blog, the fact that many designers have found their logos, and logos belonging to other designers, on the LogoWorks site. STOLEN!!!

Take a look and please tell your logo designer friends to get over there and make sure that LogoWorks isn't selling someone their logo!


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