The top 15 out of a 30-quip week.
A = Authors | C = Community
A / No. 91 / Armin / Best typeface of the year? Limb type. [Via ManyStuff]
A / No. 95 / Armin / Straight out of some typographic nightmare: The knuckle typeface. Seems awfully appropriate for any upcoming Coen Brothers movie.
A / No. 94 / Joe Marianek / Have an ice holiday with Gotham frozen.
A / No. 92 / Randy J. Hunt / Oh, thank goodness. The Email Standards Project has launched. Please, please read.
A / No. 87 / Armin / Hillman Curtis does Pentagram (again). Try to keep up with Paula’s timeline of partners.
C / No. 37 / Josh B / What would a US million dollar bill look like? Apparently it would be very worn out.
A / No. 80 / Armin / Dear Wieden + Kennedy, “Don’t underestimate yourselves, you are obviously doing really well”.
A / No. 83 / Armin / Carlos Segura tracks logo rip-offs in the car industry… Because nothing beats a Jeep like a Geep.
C / No. 35 / Josh B / Yet another t-shirt for coffee lovers.
C / No. 38 / Jhayne / Custom crazy stripe Vespa by Gap (yes, the same Gap where you get jeans).
A / No. 90 / Armin / The UK’s Channel 4 logo is cool, but what’s cooler is their on-air idents where the logo is harder to find than Waldo. [Via Motionographer]
C / No. 34 / Diane Zerr / Shepard Fairey accused of plagiarism by Mark Vullen on ]Courtesy of DO]
C / No. 36 / Jeff / FOX wants you to design a poster for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles… Just be sure you don’t “use [your] own original illustrations, photographs or other images, fonts, text copy, and drawings” or any “3rd party elements.” Feeling creative yet?
A / No. 84 / Joe Marianek / The Pushpinian 1969 Mailer For Mayor poster.
A / No. 78 / Armin / Mmmmm… Ice cream lettering. [Via Design You Trust]
Can anyone, please, name the faces in that Pentagram video?
On Dec.04.2007 at 04:05 AM