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The Yeti Story Book


Production Method




344 Design

Written/illustrated by Stefan G. Bucher
CD: Terron Schaefer
SAD: Christopher Wieliczko
ADs: Joy Szilagyi, Tiffany Kessler
Editor: Andrew Winton
Publisher: Harper Collins



Harper Collins


Every superhero now has its own origin story — or better yet, its own gritty indie-movie-director-directed blockbuster movie — but none of them can boast of having it told in a fur-covered book. The Yeti may be no superhero but he captures our attention like one and this origin story written and illustrated by the monster-obsessed Stefan Bucher provides a humorous, two-color tale of furry proportions. The book is so addictive to hold and touch I’ve even made it my mouse pad. 



Saks Fifth Avenue

Quantity Produced


Production Cost

Production Time

Dimensions (Width × Height × Depth)

8 × 8 × 8 in

Page Count


Paper Stock

Number of Colors

3 (Black, Red, Silver)



Hardcover with plush


Gotham (modified)

This piece is available for purchase for $12.50

The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book
The Yeti Story Book ---

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Project Description

Following the success of the plush Yeti I designed for Saks Fifth Avenue last year, creative director Terron Schaefer and his team asked me back for another round in 2012. Not only did I get to design a new teenage Yeti—turned into plush once again with the expert help of Kate Clark and Peter Doodeheefver at Yottoy&mdashlI got to write and illustrate the origin story of the Yeti, too.

For years, Saks has projected snowflakes on the façade of their flagship store in New York as part of their holiday decoration. In 2011 their design partners at Pentagram created the book "Who Makes The Snow?" which introduced the idea that a family of Yetis is living on the roof of Saks, and that they are the ones making the snow that falls down the side of the building. Michael Bierut was kind enough to recommend me for the job of developing the main Yeti character. Which is pretty much the best recommendation for the best job with the best client I could imagine.

This year we find out how the first Yeti came to live up on the roof of Saks. It's a classic immigrant's tale that starts in a snow factory in 1950s Siberia, and leads a frustrated young snow artist around the world to seek his fortune in New York. Along the way the Yeti has nerdy adventures, finds himself in grand locations, and masters a few major obstacles, too.

The book — available exclusively at Saks and on Saks.com — is bound in imitation Yeti fur that pops out of die-cut silver slipcase. The obsessive details start right on that box, where each flap is decorated with little bonus illustrations. The book itself is so full of little inside jokes that Saks asked me to add an insert to call them out. Where "The Lord of the Rings" had the Silmarillion, we have the Yetigorium. And that doesn't even deal with the visual references that only designers will truly appreciate — particularly if they enjoy the finer points of philately, two color printing or references to the number 344.

All that, and the whole thing rhymes!

Production Lesson(s)

In terms of production, this was a fairly easy one for me, because I could lean on the might of the Harper Collins production machine. They had done a fur-covered book before — The Little Fur Family — which made this book possible. When I pitched the idea of a fur cover, they didn't blink. They knew exactly how to get it done on time and on budget. It was a wonder to behold!

I did learn the lesson that a book covered entirely in fur should be thick enough so the fore edges can help identify the front and back of the book. ”

Post Author

Author Picture

Armin Vit

Editor of FPO and co-founder of UnderConsideration LLC.

More: Online / On Twitter


Date Published

February 21, 2013


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UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Bloomington, IN. More…

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Brand New / Displaying opinions and focusing solely on corporate and brand identity work.

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Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work.

Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010.

Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series.

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