UnderConsideration LLC
VisionSpring Logo / Type: Identity / Client: VisionSpring / Project Link

VisionSpring Logo

VisionSpring, formerly known as Scojo Foundation, is a “nonprofit social enterprise that reduces poverty and generates economic opportunities through the sale of affordable glasses in impoverished regions throughout Asia, Latin America and Africa.“ UnderConsideration had the exciting opportunity to help the organization redesign their identity.

We worked closely with the VisionSpring team as well as their brand consultants, ?What If!, who helped them develop a brand positioning, mission and values. Through the positioning of “See Well. Do Well.” we developed an icon that would represent the economic and social ripple effect that the VisionSpring model fosters: Empowering their global network to deliver reading glasses at the local level, effecting broad changes from a central idea. The icon takes its structure from the iris and its texture.

VisionSpring Logo Ripple EffectVisionSpring Logo Iris Structure

We also developed a full identity system and other collateral materials.
