I love mass-transit. Always have and always will. I wanted to tackle the beast that is a legitimate re-brand. I met with the director of communications at Nashville MTA (Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority) to talk about if she and her team would be willing to have me re-brand them for a project. She was more than helpful and apt to the idea. She made clear on the front end that they might not take what I presented, but were more than helpful in giving me assets (digital and print), answering emails, etc.
I started with a question: How do I express the spirit of mass transit through the letters N M T A?
I made the decision to simplify “Nashville MTA” to “NMTA.” In thinking about the future of where NMTA is headed, it made sense to condense what the public knows as “Nashville MTA” simply to, “NMTA.”
I then started working on over 130 thumbnails of how the letters N M T A connected and lived together. Once I landed on the mark, I began working on how to implement the logo into a system that would work and live legibly across many platforms. I learned that thumbnails are a necessary (evil) place to start on any project. If I had not taken the time to thumbnail out all of my ideas, I would have ended up with a typical, expected and likely boring logo. Thumbnailing made this logo soar.
I am looking to achieve this project being used!!! It would be great to see them take part (or all) aspects of what I have created.
For the complete rundown of thumbnails please see here.
The blue line that is consistently used throughout the system hearkens back to the spirit of mass transit. The “zip” unifies the system as a simple element for a quick recognizable presence within its environment. The zip is dictated by whatever substrate or platform on which it lives (ex. vertical on stationary, horizontal on busses, etc.)