




Design Director

Vijay Patel


Vijay Patel
Rei Konza


Julian Smith
Mike Hodge


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New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute (NZARI)

New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute by BRR


New Zealand Antarc­tic Research Insti­tute (NZARI) is a char­i­ta­ble trust—science research by bring­ing sci­en­tists togeth­er to solve prob­lems and uncov­er the answers to big ques­tions that mat­ter to every­one. As a char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion, NZARI is fund­ed by those who care about these issues.


Cre­ate a new iden­ti­ty for the New Zealand Antarc­tic Research Insti­tute. The pri­ma­ry goal was to raise the pro­file and aware­ness of the insti­tute’s new sci­en­tif­ic research based work in unlock­ing the uncer­tain­ty of Antarc­ti­ca’s impact on the New Zealand coast­line, fish­eries, farm­ing, and build­ing on the con­ser­va­tion work they have been renowned for. Anoth­er key out­come was to attract phil­an­thropy from around the world to fund the new research projects on Antarc­ti­ca. To date the project has raised $6.3 million. 


We want­ed to cre­ate a new iden­ti­ty to hero the altru­is­tic, world-lead­ing work that NZARI does. We devel­oped the con­cept of “Earth­’s white box” to explain the rela­tion­ship between Antarc­ti­ca and our plan­et, draw­ing par­al­lels with the black box in an air­craft. This sparked con­ver­sa­tions about how the infor­ma­tion Antarc­ti­ca holds is like an iceberg—only reveal­ing a small part of itself above the hori­zon whilst con­ceal­ing a greater part under­wa­ter. This helped cre­ate the new iden­ti­ty, which is com­prised of sim­ple, grid based graph­ic com­po­nents that are jux­ta­posed with organ­ic, detailed pho­tog­ra­phy of the continent.

Antarctica New Zealand engaged BRR to develop a brand for NZARI. BRR brought several design concepts to us before we landed on the logo that we now have. We were very happy with the resulting logo, as the innovative representation of the iceberg symbolizes the amount of information we still don’t know about Antarctica. Given the outcome, we feel our interaction with BRR was positive and rewarding. — Ed Butler, Manager Antarctic Programme Planning of New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute

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