Basic Identity Applications





Senior Designer

Scott Na'auao

Creative Director

Bernard Uy


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Wall-to-Wall Studios

Breadshop by Wall-To-Wall StudiosBreadshop by Wall-To-Wall StudiosBreadshop by Wall-To-Wall StudiosBreadshop by Wall-To-Wall StudiosBreadshop by Wall-To-Wall StudiosBreadshop by Wall-To-Wall Studios


A craft bak­ery locat­ed in Hon­olu­lu, HI. Owned and oper­at­ed by Christo­pher Sy, an arti­sanal bread mak­er who bakes for a local audience—individual cus­tomers, and restau­rants alike—that val­ue the qual­i­ty of fresh region­al food. 


Christo­pher, own­er of Bread­shop, need­ed an iden­ti­ty sys­tem that show­cased his unique prod­uct and could be repro­duced in cost-effec­tive ways. Bud­get was lim­it­ed and due to the hand-craft­ed nature of the prod­uct, iden­ti­ty items such as busi­ness cards and pack­ag­ing need­ed to be able to be repro­duced in small quantities.


The con­cept is inspired by the idea of “ter­roir” which defines how the geog­ra­phy, geol­o­gy, and cli­mate of a cer­tain place affects local­ly pro­duced wine, cof­fee, tea, or bread. Based on this notion that bread is unique to its envi­ron­ment, the iden­ti­ty focus­es on the unique tex­ture of Bread­shop’s bread. The mark for this brand is a series of bread loaves bro­ken in half to form a mono­gram, which also con­notes the idea of fel­low­ship through “break­ing bread.” The tagline “Estab­lished Dai­ly” is a wit­ty nod to the fresh­ness and cus­tom nature of the product.

As a new micro-artisan bakery with extremely limited resources but absurdly high standards, Wall-to-Wall Studios was faced with the difficult challenge of making us look more established than we actually are. Their solution emphasizes the hand-crafted nature of our product and unites its traditional and rustic qualities with the modern and urban environment where Breadshop lives. “Established daily” is an excellent encapsulation of the constant, daily stewardship that we believe is at the core of good baking. — Christopher Sy, Owner of Breadshop

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