Brand NewBrand New: Opinions on corporate and brand identity work. A division of UnderConsideration

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This Way to the Cosmos

Sendai Astronomical Observatory

Opening this week in Sendai, Japan is a new exhibit space for the 53-year-old Sendai Astronomical Observatory (SAO), with a new identity designed by johnson banks in London. The first element of the identity is the logo, an arrow created from the name of the observatory in Japanase with the English translation hinged at a vertiginous 45-degree angle. What I love about this is the use of the usually cumbersome need of a logo to appear in two languages, into an integrated solution, as opposed to just repeating the name smaller in the second language. I’m also a sucker for hot pink, so I’m really drawn to wherever the arrow is pointing. Which brings us to the second element of the identity.

Sendai Logo Angles

The logo, being a helpful arrow, can point into any direction and — like a kid or adult pointing at the sky when somehting otherworldly appears there — the SAO arrow points to a range of images that johnson banks have developed around the theme of “bringing the cosmos down to earth” where everyday objects are paired with supernovas, planetary rings and four-dimensional vortexes, creating a playful range of imagery that makes the cosmos even more appealing.

Sendai Images

Sendai Graphics

Sendai Graphics

Another clever twist are the business cards and letterhead that translate the same idea of the paired images into a front-and-back game, although I doubt the identity guidelines recommend dog-earing the business cards. So aside from the remarkable skills it must have taken to bend Akzidenz Grotesk Condensed at that angle, I really like the flexibility and variety that this identity can render, as well as the integration of English and Japanese, and there is a very interesting, almost non-aesthetic aesthetic that creates a stark, vibrant visual language. A few more images can be found at johnson banks’ web site.

Senad Business Card and Letterhead

Sendai Signage

By Armin on Jun.30.2008 in Culture Link

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jason’s comment is:


"non-aesthetic aesthetic" -- not sure I understand that comment though.

On Jun.30.2008 at 08:31 AM

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C.R. Brown’s comment is:

Implementation makes this logo. I was sketical before I clicked through but they did an excellent job in utilizing the mark. It's really nice to see someone thinking ahead.

When I initially looked at it I thought they were trying to make a comparison to like a sonic boom shock wave.

On Jun.30.2008 at 08:38 AM

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Armin’s comment is:

> "non-aesthetic aesthetic" -- not sure I understand that comment though.

It's like design that's undesigned.

On Jun.30.2008 at 08:45 AM

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What?’s comment is:

Nice Job. And to think they are also responsible for the BFI logo.

On Jun.30.2008 at 09:04 AM

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arnoldp’s comment is:

This world doesn't need any more shiny 3D Logos! So, Thank you johnson banks for great concept-driven work

On Jun.30.2008 at 09:57 AM

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Mondayne’s comment is:

That cup and saucer/rings of Saturn (Neptune?) link is fantastic. Simple but brilliant.

On Jun.30.2008 at 11:11 AM

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Andrew J Klein’s comment is:

It's harder than you think to do good simple desing... I love it!

On Jun.30.2008 at 12:42 PM

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Remy Overkempe’s comment is:

Love it! Elegant, simple and tastful. Although I wonder if you can read the English text at small sizes.

On Jun.30.2008 at 12:51 PM

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Darrin Crescenzi’s comment is:

I would be lying if I said that the logo didn't send me into typographic fits, but like C.R. Brown said above, implementation makes this happen.

Definitely not beautiful on its own, but very strong in context. I've been having similar issues lately in pairing latin characters with Chinese characters, so I find it inspirational to see it done effectively and with grace.

On Jun.30.2008 at 01:34 PM

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marko savic’s comment is:

This is amazing, though, the 8-arrow map makes me feel like playing Dance Dance Revolution.

On Jun.30.2008 at 02:03 PM

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Michael Pierce’s comment is:

thats pretty osss

On Jun.30.2008 at 02:22 PM

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T-Bone’s comment is:

this freakin rules!

On Jun.30.2008 at 09:25 PM

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MADPHILL’s comment is:

This is an exceptional example of how great holistic brand design and experience can squash an otherwise lame-ass logo. When I first glanced at the mark, I was extremely, "EH."


The collateral makes sense and is not only concept rich, but unique. Something that is getting harder and harder to achieve thanks to the interweb and annual logo style repositories to name 2.

On Jul.01.2008 at 12:36 AM

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Rob Marquardt’s comment is:

So the back of the letterhead is printed full-bleed, nearly solid black? That's crazy talk.

And every business card I've ever gotten with a dark solid color print on the back has its front contaminated with that color from the next card in the stack (usually packed together tightly in someone's pocket/wallet).

Cool, yes. Playful, yes. Practical, no.

On Jul.01.2008 at 03:13 AM

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Mongoose’s comment is:

This is joyous! Simple, playful. The English takes a bit of a trick to read at some angles with the bed, but it's not *hard* to read.. and as this is in Japan, the majority of folks will be reading the Japanese logo. The flexibility, yes. And that's a great pink/magenta for the treatment.


On Jul.01.2008 at 04:10 PM

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Glenn ’s comment is:

On its own the mark is rather bland – however, as a system it works really well!

On Jul.01.2008 at 05:42 PM

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Davekos’s comment is:

oh my.. the applications of the theme "bringing the cosmos down to earth" are genius. i like them so much.
the english logotype "Sendai Astronomic Observatory" is too condensed. readability check!
But it was managed to be of the same stroke width with the japanese logotype. which is good.
maybe it was meant that way. the english name is just for a compliment.

On Jul.02.2008 at 12:13 PM

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Rachel’s comment is:

Interesting, though I agree that the English type is almost unreadable. Also, does the English type appear to anyone else to be ever-so-slightly concave, especially in the sideways varieties?

On Jul.02.2008 at 02:42 PM

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damon’s comment is:

"Implementation makes this logo. I was sketical before I clicked through but they did an excellent job in utilizing the mark. It's really nice to see someone thinking ahead."

totally agree.

it's usage makes it interesting, in and of itself I find it sort of blah, I like the way this logo works with the graphic elements, as a stand alone mark it's ok, but when it's a part of the graphic communication it's quite strong.

On Jul.02.2008 at 03:17 PM

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Goffredo Puccetti’s comment is:

Extremely interesting. I wish I'd be able to think ahead a visual design system like this.
Near perfect implementation.Top marks!


On Jul.03.2008 at 12:23 PM

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koyo’s comment is:


On Jul.03.2008 at 02:25 PM

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Mark’s comment is:


I like this . clever.

On Jul.03.2008 at 03:57 PM

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Tele Jamie Ogundeko’s comment is:

The simpler the logo the harder it is to create, to put away all the creative junk that spurns in like temptation and create a zen like mark is very very very hard work. I'm even more surprised that the design was accepted. you all know how clients are, if its got no swoosh and no 3d den its not acceptable.
And is it really lame on its own? have you tried imagining the mark all alone and at a corner on an empty white business card?
Simple yet powerful. It is the simple things that remain in the consciousness, for they steal away into our subconscious memory bank of the simple things that make up our day. Brilliant design!

On Jan.01.2009 at 08:31 AM

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