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It is significantly difficult to get excited about dryer sheets — those scented thingies you put in the dryer to make your clothes smell better and cling less to your underwear — but this redesign is relatively exciting. Bounce, a product from the infinite P&G empire, recently launched a complete redesign of their full line of dryer sheets, which come in a variety of scents and styles. A large variety.
The old package looked more like its close relative Tide, with the concentric sans serif type and color palette, and it was as unmemorable as most things in the detergent aisle. The new one may not be the package you remember first when you get home and reminisce fondly on your most recent grocery shopping, but it sure goes a long way in giving a small dash of personality to a well-named product. With custom lettering, the new logo that adorns the package is more dynamic and interesting. There are a lot of things that could have been done differently, specially giving it more, well, bounce — there is too much activity happening in the “unc” but not much anywhere else, and the “e” feels remarkable tiny. The “un” is a fun ligature, and I wonder if it could have all been executed as a script instead, keeping the solid sans structure.
Even the exploding supernova in the background seems acceptable. And the idyllic photo of the fresh white sheets floating in a green field — those must be some rich people who can afford an acre or two just to hang their clothes to dry — is so extreme it works. Again, relatively speaking. For a mainstream product like this, this is a nice update that dares to be slightly different. And the family of products (at least in small .jpg form) looks pretty fantastic together.
Thanks to Jonathan Lawrence for the tip.

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Remy Overkempe’s comment is:
I like it. Clean, not too much going on (though the CE isn't my taste) and effective.
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:33 AM
koyo’s comment is:
It's not big deal, but its well applicated.
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:36 AM
koyo’s comment is:
It's not big deal, but its well applicated.
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:36 AM
Eli’s comment is:
Looks to me like Bounoe, with some kerning problems.
The "bo" is an improvement, but the rest of the lettering seems like it's trying for cleverness at the expense of everything else.
Overall packaging is an improvement.
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:49 AM
Jeffry Pilcher’s comment is:
Do you see where they are reversing white type out of a yellow background. I'd never do that, especially on retail packaging.
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:57 AM
ANate’s comment is:
It's a good update. Though, I think the "UN" shape was clever enough, where they didn't need to mess with the "CE" at all. The background "supernova" is well placed.
What would have really made it pop, is instead of using two shades of orange, they'd have made the outline a contrasting color. Maybe a dark blue, not too saturated. There isn't enough contrast on most of the packaging. Out of all (!) those varieties, the ones that jump out to me are the white box and the green one. Too much orange in the rest.
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:00 AM
Dave Klonke’s comment is:
There's something about the absence of the blue outline that weakens this. Other than that, it's not about the Bounce logo or typography, it's the orange box that grabs your attention in the aisle.
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:04 AM
Daniel Campos’s comment is:
I absolutely prefer tha old logo! It needs just a change of colors.
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:05 AM
Jmo ’s comment is:
I really like this design, I think its an IMMENSE improvement from the old packaging. Contrary to some opinions, I enjoy the interaction of the u and n, it only reinforces the "bouncy" attitude
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:11 AM
jRod’s comment is:
i really like the new logo, except the "e" is really bugging me. Its noticeably smaller (who's idea was that?) and is covering up the other "o." But, i really like the U and N, and that will most likely be the only thing most consumers will notice anyway.
- jrsr
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:31 AM
kj’s comment is:
I really like this... except for the lower-case b. Fail.
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:44 AM
darrel’s comment is:
Based solely on the last two BrandNew features, there seems to be a trend towards monotone orange-red compositions...
On Aug.08.2008 at 10:56 AM
Darrin Crescenzi’s comment is:
This is so close to being marvelous…
The "u-n" ligature is the kind of thing you always draw in the first round of sketches, but immediate toss for being too silly. And yet here it seems so appropriate and memorable.
The "c-e" is frightening in its illegibility, as Eli noted and jRod erroneously stated, it reads as "bounoe" which is a dreadful oversight.
I guess I don't understand why the "u," "n" and "e" couldn't share the same baseline/x-height as the rest of the letters… wouldn't it have been a more refined and cohesive mark if that were the case?
The rest of the packaging is marvelous, though perhaps the photography could have a bit more personality. It feels a little stock…
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:01 AM
meredith’s comment is:
i keep trying to read "beyonce"
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:19 AM
Nick Irwin’s comment is:
I dont mind the slight "throwback look" design, but readability took a hit
...I think the bounce "free" package design is nice with a primary use of the color white and an accent green
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:23 AM
jRod’s comment is:
Darrin, i would think that making the U below the baseline and the N protrude above the rest of the text would only add to the "bounce" idea. If anything, i wanted to see more height out of the N.
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:43 AM
Andrei’s comment is:
The CE is the black sheep here. The "UN" feels and looks like the movement of an actual bounce. However, the CE does look like an OE with kerning problems.
8/10 Methinks.
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:43 AM
jack’s comment is:
oh man, i love it. except the "ce," which is definitely unfortunate. but other than that, it totally reminds me of a rave flyer i would have tacked up on my bedroom wall in high school.
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:46 AM
Paul Riehle’s comment is:
I guess the e shrunk in the laundry
On Aug.08.2008 at 11:52 AM
Will’s comment is:
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:01 PM
Kristina’s comment is:
At first, I wondered if the CE was supposed to look like a fabric softener ball turned on its side. You know, one of those things you pour liquid softener into and toss in the wash. But then I remembered that was Downy and not Bounce. Weird.
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:24 PM
Tim’s comment is:
Co-opted for rave flyer in five...four...
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:45 PM
Ricky Irvine’s comment is:
Amazing how many don't like this new identity. I think it's amazing! It works very well, and has an exciting energy.
Anyone know who's song that is on the Bounce website?
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:51 PM
dg3’s comment is:
Don't like it.
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:54 PM
Rico’s comment is:
Like it a lot.
On Aug.08.2008 at 01:56 PM
Jeff’s comment is:
That "ce" annoys the "f" out of me. (I had to)
But still, this is an upgrade. Bounce gots style now.
On Aug.08.2008 at 02:42 PM
Mark’s comment is:
nice, clean, simple.
at least it'll stand out more.
and is it me or does the logo finally look like it bounces? :D
On Aug.08.2008 at 03:09 PM
Zeffer’s comment is:
The ce is an unappetizing choice. It looks like an o from the beginning of the word, then a scaled down e to get the effect of a c without actually using a c. Such butchery!
On Aug.08.2008 at 03:41 PM
max’s comment is:
The c looks like it's trying to eat the e.
The u - n relationship has been done by so many companies. That's disappointing to see.
I don't get the graphic behind the logo. The previous graphic made more sense as rays of sun. Currently, it looks like they are trying to hide the graphic - whatever it is. (If it's suppose to be a ball than cudos on making the crappiest ball I've ever seen).
At least it's lighter than before.
On Aug.08.2008 at 04:21 PM
Erick’s comment is:
Maybe it's just me, but doesn't the photo on the box look exactly like the WIndows Desktop Wallpaper? Sans the clothes line of course. That alone turns me off :)
On Aug.08.2008 at 04:22 PM
David’s comment is:
Certainly an improvement from the original. However, when looking at all the packages next to each other like that, It reminds me of some of the more recent gum packaging.
On a lesser note, I am becoming more and more annoyed with the overuse of the fake halftone dots.
On Aug.08.2008 at 04:31 PM
Chip O'Toole’s comment is:
I think the consensus here is that people don't like the 'ce'
I do agree with Dave Klondikebar, in that it's missing that contrasting color to help pop the name a bit. Things DO seem to get lost in a sea of orange.
On Aug.08.2008 at 04:39 PM
Wünderwoman’s comment is:
Nice evolution. Fresh, young, stand out.
I like it.

Kevin’s comment is:
I like it overall...but the "ce" is pretty troublesome.
On Aug.08.2008 at 05:46 PM
Brooke’s comment is:
Overall, a nice update.
As Chip mentions, it's the "ce" that gets me. My mind keeps trying to read "Bruno".
I give it a passing grade.
On Aug.08.2008 at 07:05 PM
Jerry Kuyper’s comment is:
A simple meaningful ligature in the center of the name, what could go wrong?
The "ce" resolution is unnecessary because those letters could naturally follow the vertical strokes and horizontal stroke endings of the "boun". Univers 67 achieved that about 50 years ago.
What is truly unfortunate is that the c appears to cling to the e.
On Aug.08.2008 at 07:19 PM
adam’s comment is:
with the static type treatments surrounding the "un" combo, its all i can do but stare directly at that thing. i can barely read the rest of the word because that ligature is so loud.
On Aug.08.2008 at 08:17 PM
decksnap’s comment is:
Maybe I'm just baked, but I think I 'get' the E. The whole word has a sort of compressed tension to it. It looks like a six-pack of paper towels being squeezed, ready to spring (bounce) back to form. The E appears to be the one applying the pressure.
I love it.
On Aug.08.2008 at 08:50 PM
Glenn Sakamoto’s comment is:
Dig it. It's got bounce!
On Aug.08.2008 at 09:10 PM
Juelz’s comment is:
This doesn't look like bounce. it looke likr this should read: "swiffer" or something equally newish I actually don't care much for it. It has a fairly generic "2.0" look to it that I think takes away from the brands long history. This could be any new product. nothing about it gives it any distinctive character or tie to it's heritage.
On Aug.09.2008 at 12:29 AM
Stunt’s comment is:
Is a high school rave poster really such a ringing endorsement for a product used to soften freshly cleaned clothes? It's "newer" to be sure but is it really appropriate for what it is? Gum maybe, a soda definitely. I'd even put it on Bounty paper towels possibly.... though it would look better in Wal*mart's toy aisle than it's laundry aisle.
On Aug.09.2008 at 12:38 AM
Punkin' Bloat’s comment is:
I feel the old packaging had more forward movement - bouncing towards me from the shelf. The vantage-point of these letters makes me feel like it flew just above me and to the left...dang, just missed it.
Also as I focus on the letters, it dawns on me that there is a stroke and extrude on each letter, then an extrude on the whole word shape, then a stroke around that, and then a drop shadow.
The photos are way too varied and old school yuppy mom for the style the rest of the packaging is trying to achieve. The crop of the circle creates some annoying hangnail shapes on the corners of the right edge.
Lastly, because the half-tone dots remind me of a bees nest, I thought I'd mention that you can keep yellow jackets away by stuffing a Bounce sheet in your shirt or hat.
C+ for me. I'd have spent a few more hours on it before I cut out to the local rave.
On Aug.09.2008 at 08:05 AM
jb’s comment is:
Love it or hate it I'm sure Bounce would be thrilled to know that hours of time time have been spent staring at, thinking about, and discussing their new packaging - their new look being burned into our consciousness in the process. I'm pretty sure it was results they were after in the first place.
On Aug.09.2008 at 10:41 AM
arnoldP’s comment is:
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one troubled by the CE. Hollllly craap man! (the rest is ok)
On Aug.09.2008 at 04:56 PM
Jonathan’s comment is:
I think overall this is a nice contemporary improvement, minus the much stated above "ce"
Mark's comment "is it me or does the logo finally look like it bounces" brings out an excellent point. Perhaps with the "un" ligature will play out in some cool motion graphics where the logo will actually "bounce."
The "ce" is still a shame tho. Oh, and thanks for the plug Armin :)
On Aug.09.2008 at 05:19 PM
Audrée Lapierre’s comment is:
nice update. refreshing and not too in your face
On Aug.09.2008 at 06:10 PM
Michael’s comment is:
Any word on who did this? Did I miss that already covered somewhere?
And I know it's covering old ground -- but my first impression (after noticing the ligature, of course) is that the E has shrunk in the wash!!
On Aug.09.2008 at 06:25 PM
Alex’s comment is:
It looks cheap and too old school. The bounce in 'Bounce' seems too literal and kitchy. The lowercase b causes the word lose its impact.
This redesign really seems too trendy, bubble-gummy. Also, the serene image of the laundry blowing in the wind really clashes with the pop-style packaging. I agree the box needed a redesign, but I feel they took the wrong route. I'm all for fun pop in the right place, but this redesign is just not sophisticated.

Tom’s comment is:
I like!.. But ya, i have the "E" at the end.. it looks ugly like that
On Aug.09.2008 at 11:10 PM
Ronan’s comment is:
I really like it. One thing that really bothers me about the comments is the lack of understanding of the audience. This is for everyone, even people who can't read. For those people it says "BOUNCE!" plainly and succinctly. To refer to it as literal, kitsch or to worry about shared baselines is to lose the impetus of the work.
This is not made to look good on white shelves in your open plan laundry area of your Le Corbusier domicile. This is for the masses to look at and say to themselves "you know what? THAT looks like the very product I need"
On Aug.10.2008 at 07:33 AM
Stuart’s comment is:
I can't understand why every one is praising this generic, cheap, overdone, "concept" that doesn't appear to have any legs! Outside of a few of the lighter boxes they can't go anywhere with this! Look at the so called "range" it goes nowhere. Take it off the box for a minute, it doesn't live. I think you're all reacting to the agent orange here. it's bright and sunny but the DESIGN is bad.
Connected letters and exploding fuzzy dots are 10 years old now. THis is the stuff of college concerts and bar posters - 10 years ago, So it's far from "new and fresh"
It's too dated to look new and to "poppy" to be classic. It's just bad.
On Aug.10.2008 at 12:51 PM
Davekos’s comment is:
oh my.. this works very well! great makeover. the feeling inflicted by the new logo just kicks. do u guys feel it?
On Aug.10.2008 at 02:39 PM
cal’s comment is:
definitely a better logo, my first impression was the logo dosen't didn stands out.. maybe with a deeper shade of red?
On Aug.10.2008 at 03:09 PM
dg3’s comment is:
the feeling inflicted by the new logo just kicks. do u guys feel it?
Ummm, no.
On Aug.10.2008 at 04:58 PM
Amun’s comment is:
its definately more.... "bouncy" and I like the u-n continuation.
Here's some "other" rebranding thats quite amusing:
bootleg brands

Mike’s comment is:
The C is eating the tiny E because the C was always eating the tiny E. It's on the old one too - check it out. The E wasn't as tiny, but the C looking like an O problem is nothing new. So someone said, "looks great but smush the E into the C like on the old packaging, thanks!"
On Aug.10.2008 at 10:18 PM
Patric E King’s comment is:
it's interesting to me that, nearly fifteen years after being constantly ripped of for raves, this brand name's come full circle and actually looks like one of the fliers that would have been produced back then.
here's a fairly modern reinterpretation.
(people still have raves? okay.)
for you young 'uns wondering "why?", detergent brands were ripe fodder for fliers because of the ease with which their cheery colors and names could be combined with the then-edgy-and-vaguely-angry notion of ripping off a corporation.
On Aug.11.2008 at 08:53 AM
Jacob’s comment is:
"those must be some rich people who can afford an acre or two just to hang their clothes to dry"
You must not have grown up in the country. Scenes like that aren't uncommon. (Well, in reality, the fields behind should probably have corn or soy or something, and the sheets should be a little less white ...)
On Aug.11.2008 at 09:09 AM
Armin’s comment is:
Jacob, I can't say that I have. I'm a big city boy.
However... If you live in the country don't you just hang up your clothes to dry without fancy dryer sheets?
On Aug.11.2008 at 09:16 AM
Jacob’s comment is:
However... If you live in the country don't you just hang up your clothes to dry without fancy dryer sheets?
Hmm ... that's a good point. The clothes get stiff as a board on the line, too. So, by using clothes-on-the-line imagery on the Bounce box, P&G might be saying, "Use Bounce and get stiff laundry." That's not bouncy at all.

John Mindiola III’s comment is:
thanks BRANDNEW for putting this up. this was my find! woohoo! i think this packaging is light years ahead of what they had before. plus, the features all have a space now, they don't feel crammed in.
On Aug.11.2008 at 10:33 AM
damon’s comment is:
I too dislike the CE lock up, but generally speaking I like it a lot more than the old one.
some of the packages lack contrast badly though. the yellow with the flowers in particular.
almost good, just needed a bit more work.
On Aug.11.2008 at 11:50 AM
Emily Charette’s comment is:
Way to update a package without destroying all equity. I really like the letterforms of the logo, the bouncy ball motif, and even the photography. It doesn't try to sell you harder on how great bounce is, it doesn't forget that it's just a dryer sheet. It just does its job, and looks sharp. Nice.
I also like how they broke up the classic and naturals lines; easy to understand and still feels like a family.
On Aug.11.2008 at 03:36 PM
*cg’s comment is:
It could almost be read as "boince" instead of bounce.
On Aug.11.2008 at 03:37 PM
Amanda’s comment is:
"Way to update a package without destroying all equity"
I 100% agree with this.
I really enjoy this rebrand, it is more visually pleasing and cleaner. However, it still holds the old brand image. I love it!
On Aug.12.2008 at 08:30 AM
Diane’s comment is:
I hate the c being hidden by the attention hogging e. And it immediately reads more like beyonce rather than bounce.
I like the playfulness between the letters and the but of movement that it creates but it does read rather odd.
On Aug.12.2008 at 03:09 PM
illusio’s comment is:
The "e" is lonely. That's a design element that could have been changed from the original brand. What's the reason for its top position?
On Aug.13.2008 at 04:20 AM
Matt’s comment is:
I think the redesign was just an excuse to put less in a package..has anyone checked out the price of these things lately compared to the store brand? ridiculous.
On Aug.13.2008 at 11:16 AM
Fonto’s comment is:
I like the pattern behind the type which has much more of a fiber feel to it. I'm not a chemist certainly, but my guess is that the pattern represents the chalky, ocean breeze inspired goodness of the sheet, happily transferring itself to my jeans and towels by means of some heat infused swirling motion. Much better than the creationist beam of light from the old carton. I wonder how many Moms will notice.
On Aug.13.2008 at 03:04 PM
SeeingI’s comment is:
I rather like it, though the "ce" seems suspicious to me, and I miss the blue stroke. The "un" is great, though, and gives you that "bouncy" feeling.
On Aug.13.2008 at 04:21 PM
chris’s comment is:
The type designer should be fired. I'm wondering if a co-op designed this new system. It looks generic with the 1990's dither pattern behind the type.
The bar was set low, as the old package was pure crap, as well, but this redesign is just not well executed, at all.
Oh, P&G, I don't know who's doing your packaging, but you need a change. It's a shame, because you must have a few firms doing the right things with Herbal Essence, Crest Vivid White, Old Spice and the new Tide Total Care, but this could not have come from those firms. I certainly hope not.
Grade= D+
On Aug.17.2008 at 09:33 AM
Pica’s comment is:
A group called Hyperquake in Cincinnati designed this packaging. They actually do a great job in the digital branding world, but a few years ago they joined forces with a really crappy, small branding firm to grow the packaging side of the business and this is the result, still shitty. They need to stick to digital branding, as they're entering a world so unfamiliar to them, and it shows.
Although I know nothing about the creative brief, or the objectives, I can only react as if i were the consumer, and this is bad, really bad work. The Bounce type is horrid.
On Aug.17.2008 at 10:53 AM
Mongoose’s comment is:
As most peope seem to agree, the c-e combination looks too tight, too forced. But the overall effect indeed visually looks to have some 'bounce' to it. Enlarge the e, almost-close the 'c', and keep that up-down rhythm going.. and you've got what looks indeed very 'bouncy'.
I give it a B+. Crisp packaging, looks a little more 'premium', very legible, love the ligature. I can handle a c-on-e glomming, but that tiny e just.. meh.
On Aug.17.2008 at 10:57 AM
Paul C’s comment is:
The "c" in the "ce" seems as if is actually an "o". I mean look at the first "o", its identical!
Other than that, I like this...The photos are implemented well and I the overall feel is modern, fresh and simple.
I am curious to see it in a store setting.
It is nothing as drastic as say Rembrandt's look in the toothpaste aisle, but i think it'll stand out nicely.
On Aug.17.2008 at 11:19 PM
Mike’s comment is:
I like it - good design.
On Aug.18.2008 at 11:28 AM
Jonathan’s comment is:
For the record, John Mindiola III, this was my find... And you are slow.
On Aug.20.2008 at 06:39 PM
Pat’s comment is:
I hate the treatment of the 'ce'. It doesn't match the rest of the wordmark.
Big problems there. The 'c' looks more like an 'o' that is being partially covered by the 'e'. Really poor choice. I love the rest of it though and agree that perhaps the 'un' could have been treated with some sort of script. If not, I would like to see the 'n' move above its x-height the same way the 'u' dips under the baseline. If they had done that they could have kept the 'c' in it's place and still achieved the desired "bounce" with the 'un' treatment.
Over all, though, like it.
On Aug.21.2008 at 11:30 AM
Joseph Maguire’s comment is:
Wow I saw this one in the store the other day and I realized it was a sophisticated quick solution that really made bounce pop. I love it. Great work for the portfolio to the team who made it!
On Aug.23.2008 at 02:35 PM
Maureen’s comment is:
The 'CE' was like that in the original packaging design. All the letters are connectec, but it didn't work in the original packaging and it doesn't work here.
I DO like the continuity between the text and the background circle that holds the imagery...

Ktwo’s comment is:
I enjoy this refresh of a simple classic brand. Does anyone know who did the redesign?
On Oct.02.2008 at 05:11 PM
Marla’s comment is:
I did a search to see if Bounce changed their logo because I thought the new bounce design might be a knock off of Bounce and found this site. I think the packaging is washed out looking and cheap. It really needs a contrast color around the logo and the star brurst behind the logo is too faded. The UN combination serves no purpose it reminds me of the CN Rail logo. Well now I have to go back to the store and buy some bounce, now I know its the real thing.
On Oct.09.2008 at 12:33 PM
Menk’s comment is:
I love the logotype and the halftone behind it. Not sure about the picture in the background, too covered up to tell significant differences between the similar looking products.
On Dec.11.2008 at 01:32 AM
JeffT’s comment is:
Yeah, the odd CE is what caught my eye right away too. Why is the C holding the E?
On May.05.2009 at 11:29 PM
Comments in Brand New, V1.0 have been closed.