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Jiffy Lube, the quick oil change company, decided it was time to update their highly recognizable mark and go horizontal. Jiffy Lube was founded in 1979 and was the first company to have a drive through service bay — signaling a new trend in the business of oil-changes.
Jiffy Lube has evolved over the years to change with its ever growing market. No more are the days of just oil changes; now many services are offered to draw more people to Jiffy Lube’s powerful name recognition. Perhaps the name recognition drove the new redesign as the new mark (and signage) is predominately typographic.
Removing the type from the symbol was a great start for Jiffy Lube, however, something was lost in translation. The new typography has a wonderful ligature but is lacking in other details (such as kerning). Segmenting in the symbol was an odd choice as it does not add any value. Also, adding a thin circle — too thin for the look — does not add value either. Jiffy Lube needed to update their logo but missed the mark with this one.

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Spike’s comment is:
That makes me sad. I loved the old mark. It's so retro and almost a part of the Americana landscape. The new mark is corporate and sterile. What a waste.
On Jun.27.2007 at 09:47 AM
adam’s comment is:
Agreed, I liked the old one as well for the most part.
And that circle around the mark on the new one is unnecessary.
On Jun.27.2007 at 10:23 AM
Dave P’s comment is:
Well, the segmenting in the symbol makes it more obviously a "J". How about enlarging the logo and replacing the "J" in the wordmark with it, and maybe making the arrowhead act as the dot on the "i"?
On Jun.27.2007 at 10:24 AM
Rich Lafferty’s comment is:
By "segmenting", do you mean the J in the symbol? I didn't notice the implied J in the old logo at all, and it jumps out at me in the new, which strikes me as a win (at least when it comes to using the symbol without the type, which wasn't an issue with the previous logo).
What bugs me is why that J is italic when nothing else is. I guess it looks jiffier that way, but that could've carried into the type, too.
On Jun.27.2007 at 10:28 AM
Kim Siever’s comment is:
They lost the L with the new symbol. The J is more obvious, but now it' more difficult to see the L.
On Jun.27.2007 at 10:48 AM
Pat Broderick’s comment is:
Am I the only one who thinks the new symbol looks like a lowercase "d"?
On Jun.27.2007 at 11:49 AM
Chad K’s comment is:
What a perfect case of adding too many unnecessary elements. The original mark, which can be seen as one of many intake pipes in an engine or the action a motor takes represented by the very distinct arrow. The 'J' and 'L' that can be taken from the mark are apparent enough that the line breaks in the new version become nothing more than disturbances. As Kim said, the 'L' is totally lost in the new version. Did they know it was there in the original? It would have been great to simply get rid of the 3D effect of the original. The only problem that the old mark had was the possibility of being mistaken for a 'd', but is not a problem after years of recognition.
The separation of the mark from the type was a great change but the mark has become unrecognizable as Jiffy Lube. The Italic mark with the circle around it totally detracts from the original. The color change was a very retro choice for the mark, especially as it begins to look like the old Philadelphia Phillies 'P' flipped, colors and everything.
To make the red more subtle another red should have been chosen before switching to maroon.
It had potential.
On Jun.27.2007 at 11:54 AM
bryan’s comment is:
the refreshed mark itself, is a step in the right direction, although I would dropped the encircling. typography wise, a clean modern italicized capped "JIFFY LUBE" following from the arrow of the mark would have worked much better.
On Jun.27.2007 at 01:51 PM
rynot’s comment is:
ironically, seeing the new one makes the older feel stronger with re: to the hidden letters/imagery.
On Jun.27.2007 at 02:10 PM
Colin’s comment is:
I love how everyone here is an expert on how to make the logo better. I think the new one is fine, but probably unnecessary.
On Jun.27.2007 at 02:42 PM
SuziQ’s comment is:
I like the original logo better, its classic.
I think Pat's comment about the new mark looking like a lowercase "d" is right on. I wonder why they decided to "flip" the mark. The arrow of the mark now goes behind the tall part inseatd of infront. Its almost as if we're looking at the logo from the back, maybe the front still looks like the classic??? :o) Bad move.
On Jun.27.2007 at 02:47 PM
Von Glitschka’s comment is:
I've always enjoyed the old logo. I didn't care too much for the type inside of it but the mark itself wasn't terrible.
Why can't they just upgrade the mark without bastardizing it?
The main problem with the new 'J' shape is the cut through gap should be aligned with the horizontal arrow. Have the arrow slighly dip down just causes visual tension for no good reason.
Easier to show it then explain it though.

Rachel’s comment is:
I question the color-change from cherry red to that deep blue red. The old red had energy, and a sense of urgency, as if it were saying, "pop in for a quick oil change!". This new, subdued, rather sophisticated-feeling red seems inappropriate for the service Jiffy Lube offers, and the motivating factors that drive people to become customers. I'd love to know the rationale behind their color-choice.
On Jun.27.2007 at 04:20 PM
Ryan’s comment is:
The new job resembles an airline logo more than a quick oil change shop.
I'm not even sure why they thought it'd be a good idea to go with this more subdued logo. Quite honestly, the old mark worked really well. The only thing I hated about it was the type. If they wanted to update their logo, they ought to have simply refined the old one a bit more.
And the new faded maroon color is also a bad choice. It's like they're trying real hard to negate everything that made the old logo memorable.
On Jun.27.2007 at 05:01 PM
Chris’s comment is:
With that new logo, they should also serve drive-thru coffee. Maybe it reminds me of Java Detour's logo a little too much:
On Jun.27.2007 at 05:26 PM
potato’s comment is:

Glen’s comment is:
The logo loses a lot of the quirky, unique qualities of the original.
However, I am loving the "ffy" ligature.
On Jun.27.2007 at 08:09 PM
cheetahboy’s comment is:
Colin’s comment: "I love how everyone here is an expert on how to make the logo better." is exactly how I feel in general about this blog.
I have been visiting this blog for several weeks now, but find I am now growing tired of the general overriding negative tone. Didn't our mothers always tell us if you can't saying something nice don't say anyting at all!
Now let me be clear, I usually agree with most of the negative comments I have seen written. But perhaps it is just the way they have been articulated.
Funny thing is, there is nothing I enjoy more than tearing a crappy logo to shreds in the company of my friends. But on a public blog like this my professionalism would hopefully prevail and I would try to display a little more tact.
But perhaps I am missing the point and some people's "no holds barred" approach (which in some cases produce hiliariously funny comments) is in reality the main purpose of a blog like this.
Maybe this blog is Armin's way of providing some free occupational therapy for designers. Drop by and let off a little steam with a couple paragraphs of ranting and you can then go on and face your own collection of unique clients, and the rest of the day, with a smile of your face.
On Jun.27.2007 at 08:24 PM
Mark’s comment is:
This is a travesty.
The old logo was recognizable immediately it said: "This is Jiffy Lube whether you like it or not"
The new one says "this is Jiffy Lube, eh we changed our logo sorta hard to recognize us do you like it?"
answer: NO!
Jiffy Lube wasn't one of those companies that would fit with a predominantly text-driven logo!!!
This new one so dull generic boring and unimaginative.
And what good does the circle do except to make it more like other companies?
Jiffy Lube, you had a recognizable symbol and now you've ruined it.
The segmenting looks awfully cheap and a poor redo of the logo.
Whats with toning down the color???? how are people going to recognize your signs from far away now?????
THey had a recognizable symbol stamped into Americans minds for AGES and then they go ahead and replace it with a cheap imitation! argh!
I feel insulted for not taking their previous logo for granted.
The new ones so horrible and dull I'll miss their unique signage.
On Jun.27.2007 at 08:42 PM
stock_illustration’s comment is:
I vote for a redo featuring Von's take on the original. Fix it up, make the dimension more deliberate, keep the bright red and call it a day.
On Jun.27.2007 at 11:26 PM
Joseph’s comment is:
For some reason, the first thing I thought was of another italicised-J-in-a-circle (with an arrow, no less) logo:
for Flying J Truck Stops.
On Jun.27.2007 at 11:29 PM
Jeff’s comment is:
Sometimes change simply for the sake of change is disastrous. This is one of those times. The mark has taken a step backwards and has lost more in brand equity than they'll ever gain by introducing the change.
What's next, italicized orangish arches over the Mickey D's down the road.
God help us!
On Jun.27.2007 at 11:43 PM
Matt’s comment is:
Looks like a mark for a technical college.
On Jun.28.2007 at 12:44 AM
Plamen’s comment is:
like the old one more.
strange with all the 3d logos in the last couple of years, jiffy's decided to go flat... why the italicization, why's the arrow element gone behind and, btw, is that a TM replacing the ®?
On Jun.28.2007 at 05:24 AM
Splashman’s comment is:
The new is worse in almost every way (only exception is typography - whoopee). It's inconceivable to me why a company would flush its hard-won recognizability down the toilet like this. If they were going to go this far, they'd be better advised to start from scratch.
On Jun.28.2007 at 03:01 PM
disgruntled designer’s comment is:
i never thought about how much the old logo looks like the dial 7's car service logo.
i will miss thee jiffy :(
On Jun.28.2007 at 04:21 PM
Mark’s comment is:
If they were aiming to make the Jiffy Lube logo appear dated, they just achieved it. :(
It looks like something from the 50s, 70s, 80s or 90s :P
On Jun.28.2007 at 11:52 PM
marko savic’s comment is:
The kerning makes me so sad because I love the type choice and the ligature. As with everyone else, the colour is one of the biggest downfalls of the logo... Von Glitschka's got it right though... Maybe its not too late to save it!
On Jun.29.2007 at 03:18 AM
C-LO’s comment is:
I agree with potato 100% . that's exactly what I saw when I first saw this new logo. Also Von G's got the plan to save christmas. Still I would say a decent attempt to update the logo. just needs one more cleanup session. Honestly I like what the potential of the new logo has versus the old one now.
On Jun.29.2007 at 08:18 AM
Mark’s comment is:
The only good thing I see about this logo is that the symbol is pointing to the name, sorta clever but that dumb circle distracts from it.
Tell me why the symbol needed italicization!?
On Jun.29.2007 at 04:21 PM
LKM’s comment is:
Maybe a lot of people could learn something from another newspost you've just made: The Coke post. Coke hasn't changed their logo since, like, forever. Why fix it if it ain't broken?
On Jun.30.2007 at 04:03 AM
Crayolamike’s comment is:
They could of easily used the old JL symbol with the new font, although i'm not a big fan of the new font. It's horribly kerned, as in no kerning at all, and it reads J Iffy Lube.
I agree the red color should've stayed also. Minor spring cleanings to logos to modernize them a bit is great I think, but to completely have a house cleaning with it, i'm not sure.
On Jul.02.2007 at 04:40 PM
Daniel Green’s comment is:
In his book “What’s the Big Idea?” (1991, Doubleday Currency), legendary ad man George Lois describes the presentation he gave for the Jiffy Lube logo in 1982. At one point, their legal counsel threw a curve ball at him:
“George,” Janofsky said haltingly, “don’t you think that your design...with that curved arrow...has a kind of phallic symbolism?” I was ahast. Me, a purveyor of subliminal porographic messages?
“Well, Arnold,” I said seriously, “I don’t know what your peepee is shaped like, but my peepee sure don’t look like that!”
They bought the logo.
George’s outrageous ability to tell a quick story in words and pictures has made him a master of memorable advertisements and magazine covers. His style is less suited to the visual poetry required of logos. Still, with a snappy comeback like that, he deserved to win the job.
On Jul.03.2007 at 08:09 AM
Pedro’s comment is:
love the new......."not"
only advantage i see is, it can now be used very small maybe so small you wont be able to see that awful symbol and just the logotype.

moeed’s comment is:
terrible. the new J looks like a D for god sakes.
On Jul.07.2007 at 01:00 PM
David B.’s comment is:
I agree with moeed--the first thing I saw in the mark was a "d."
Plus, the circle around the "d" seems too thin as well.
And, I think the type is not weighted well--jiffy and lube are playing ping-pong with my eyes!
And, another thing: kind of boring!
On Jul.11.2007 at 05:11 PM
Mark’s comment is:
They copied Payless's logo style, only this time they managed to make it boring.
Frankly, when I saw this new logo, I swear it reminded me of those Pay N' Sprays in GTA:Vice City, ACK, thats bad.
sooo cheap.
On Jul.13.2007 at 05:26 PM
Akilah Adams’s comment is:
It does not matter to me Jiffy Lube is a rip off. I took my vehicle in for a routine transmission flush and left with a damaged transmission. They need to go out of business.
On Aug.22.2007 at 09:02 PM
Pete Joison’s comment is:
Or they could have done something similar to this. That original mark was a very strong design. All they needed to do was update it a bit. Excuse my rushed mockup.

Taylor Burton’s comment is:
Now, it's just Diffy Lube. Yes, it's segmented, but everyone will initially recognize it as a "D".
On Feb.01.2008 at 03:49 PM
FRED B...’s comment is:
On Feb.10.2008 at 05:18 PM
rizzojn’s comment is:
I think that the new mark has lost a lot of the impact that the old mark had. That's a little sad.
On Feb.10.2008 at 05:46 PM
Steve Speer’s comment is:
As a designer myself my preference is to the older one. Standing alone it works rather well but to incorporate it into various configurations of ads etc it is awkward to work text in the space it allows around it. The newer offering is a weak attempt to fit in to todays imagery which they really don't need to do. I believe they loose their branding by going with the weaker, newer one. Why companies feel they need to fit into a "newer look" and ruin a recognized brand is beyond me.
On Apr.15.2008 at 07:43 PM
Steve Speer’s comment is:
I just caught a glimpse of Joison's offering and Jiffy Lube ought to buy it quickly.. great design without loosing the brand.
On Apr.15.2008 at 07:46 PM
PR’s comment is:
Jiffy Lube is a CRIMINAL enterprise:
There is no such thing as an honest Jiffy Lube.
Type "Jiffy Lube Scam" or "Jiffy Lube complaints" into your browser. There are dozens of websites devoted to attacking Jiffy Lube.
Jiffy Lube causes all kinds of car problems. Jiffy Lube puts oil into brake lines. Jiffy Lube forgets to put the water back into radiators. Jiffy Lube leaves the oil pan plug out of oil pans. Jiffy Lube puts oil into transmissions.
This stuff happens all the time. Jiffy Lube is criminally negligent, in the poor training it gives its people.
Jiffy Lube is often guilty of out right fraud, charging for parts and services never really done or replaced.
On Jun.01.2008 at 05:08 AM
Matt’s comment is:
I'm a little bummed that they are switching logos. I always get a chuckle out of it when I drive by one of their locations.
On Jul.23.2008 at 12:15 PM
Mark’s comment is:
Remember, you can't have "Jiffy Lube" without "iffy."
On Jul.23.2008 at 05:45 PM
Nikk Smith’s comment is:
The score line that highlights the new J is the first thing I noticed before I came to this site....I thought, if this is their "new J", why not use it as the J in "jiffy lube" as well...
On Mar.31.2009 at 02:24 PM
Comments in Brand New, V1.0 have been closed.