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rickyaustin’s comment is:
@ucllc - awesome.
On Feb.26.2009 at 11:45 AMAdrian Mironescu’s comment is:
Welcome on Twitter! :)
On Feb.26.2009 at 11:57 AMGareth Coxon - Dot Design’s comment is:
Jump on that bandwagon there plenty of us here!
On Feb.26.2009 at 01:24 PMJustine’s comment is:
On Feb.26.2009 at 03:42 PMNick Alexander’s comment is:
this is great.
for readers who are on twitter:
post your twitter name here in the comments and lets share some brand/type/design/awesomeness.
keep in touch!
On Feb.26.2009 at 04:36 PMjRod’s comment is:
wow, if you just started twittering and already have over 600 people following you, i would say that's pretty good.
On Feb.26.2009 at 04:50 PMjRod’s comment is:
oh yeah, you can find me @jRod74
On Feb.26.2009 at 04:51 PMNo’s comment is:
Oh goodie.
More people needlessly jumping on the next soon-to-be-forgotten techie bandwagon.
I say, will you chaps be posting about your new Twitter account on your Friendster page?
On Feb.26.2009 at 04:52 PMBrad McCall’s comment is:
Awesome. Consider me a follower ( @bradmccall ). Now you'll be first to tweet about your excellent articles rather than me. :)
On Feb.26.2009 at 05:26 PMVon Glitschka’s comment is:
Consider me a follower.
On Feb.26.2009 at 05:46 PMServiceburo’s comment is:
How many people reading this are in/near PDX Oregon? Hit me up!
On Feb.26.2009 at 06:00 PMLore’s comment is:
On Feb.26.2009 at 09:27 PMlyndi’s comment is:
welcome to twitter! so great to have you guys on there:)
On Feb.27.2009 at 11:38 AMmarden (@trans_porter)’s comment is:
great to have you here, guys.
On Mar.02.2009 at 04:16 AMJw’s comment is:
It truly is a world of twits out there.
On Mar.05.2009 at 10:13 PMCarmine’s comment is:
On Mar.08.2009 at 11:32 AMIsaac’s comment is:
On Mar.09.2009 at 01:53 PMgcraya’s comment is:
Don't you people know twitter is going to save the world?
On Mar.09.2009 at 10:27 PMNora Brown’s comment is:
Hey you guys should add your twitter name to your sideabar somewhere - I had to resort to Google to find it!
On May.01.2009 at 10:49 AMComments in Brand New, V1.0 have been closed.