Brand NewBrand New: Opinions on corporate and brand identity work. A division of UnderConsideration

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A Torch is a Terrible Thing to Waste

UNCF Logo, Before and After

When I was younger and living in Mexico City I used to have a constant tan due to my family’s recurring vacations in the seaside town of Acapulco and the ever present sun amplified by Mexico’s choking pollution. Because of that, and because I grew up in a Jewish community where everybody’s skin hue was remarkably light, my nickname was “Negro” (pronounced, more or less, “neh-graw”) or its diminutive version, “Negrito” (“neh-gree-taw”) for closer friends. To this day, my parents still call me that. But just at home or on the phone. When I first moved to the U.S. and was working for Internet conglomerate marchFIRST, my dad was worried that during our e-mail exchanges someone scanning our correspondence would think that using the word Negro or Negrito was done in a pejorative way. In the last seven years, my lovely tan has distilled due to all the fluorescent light and lack of sunlight and, certainly, no one here in the U.S. would call me by my old nickname so it is now a thing of the past — and something that the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) hopes to achieve soon with its first major rebranding since 1972, lead by Landor Associates.

While the press release and this Landor-prepped slide show — which, by the way, would be lovely if every logo came with something like this available publicly instead of being held close to the chest, since presentations like this are usually the best way to “sell” a logo and demonstrate what happened from Point A to Point B — tiptoe around the obvious issue with the name and the negative connotations that the word “Negro” carries today and focuses on ambiguous things like “heritage”, it’s Michael L. Lomax, UNCF’s president and chief executive, comment that summarizes the change best in this New York Times article:

“Forty-plus years ago, when I started at Morehouse, I thought of myself as a Negro. By the time I graduated in 1968, I was black. And then in the last 15 to 20 years I’ve become an African-American.”

Beyond the updated visual identity, the strategic decision to move into an acronym brand is the strongest change UNCF has signaled allowing it to outgrow its uncomfortable-to-say-nowadays name and be recognized as an organization devoted to allow students to excel in education regardless of race. The visual change is, of course, a welcome one. The old torch symbol — referred to as the Leadership Torch — was clunky and heavy handed, despite a very Saulbassian UNCF lock-up acting as the handle of the torch. As we discussed in the Better Business Bureau post, drawing torches is no easy task, but Landor has done a remarkable job in creating one that feels energetic (the flame blowing to the side with the wind was a nice touch) and authoritative in a good way, even if the handle may be too big and the flame too small. The typography in general is a vast improvement, the old upper/lowercase application set in that phototypesetting-era serif is replaced with a modern sans, including the curvy “l”s that seem to be all the rage these days. I’m not sure what that typeface is nor what UNCF is set in, but I think they are different typefaces — not something too worrisome, but they just feel a little different from each other.

And speaking of my formative years in Mexico, where I learned most of what I know now about American culture through a satellite dish on the roof of my parents’ house, there are two advertising slogans that I remember: 1)This is your Brain on Drugs” and 2)A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”. And I must admit, that until today, I did not associate the latter with UNCF, possibly because at the time my awareness interest in social and educational issues was minimal and mostly because it was a phrase that everyone everywhere seemed to repeat as the ultimate zinger for people doing dumb things. The new logo turns up the volume on the slogan and makes it an integral part of the identity, instead of treating it like a footnote, hoping for more association between UNCF and the slogan. As far as my nickname… that too is a terrible thing to waste, it fit me so well.

By Armin on Jan.20.2008 in Education Link

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Derrick’s comment is:

That's quite nice, actually. They ditched the onion flame, and it doesn't look like a BBB rip-off anymore. Love the font.

On Jan.20.2008 at 10:39 AM

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Prescott Perez-Fox’s comment is:

Certainly an improvement. The old mark looks very Arabian to me, which is interesting considering one of the heritage marks is an oil lamp. The torch reminds me of a 21st century version of the old flag of Zaire.

My only crit is that the typeface doesn't strike me as 'academic'. It seems too familiar and playful for something as serious as getting an education. What Is that, Gotham? Well done, Landor.

Did anyone else notice that the old logo has the strapline in "unnecessary quotation marks".

On Jan.20.2008 at 10:43 AM

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Kevin M. Scarbrough’s comment is:

It looks to me that UNCF is of less visual weight (but more conceptual importance) than "A mind...". Possibly because UNCF is tracked out a bit?

Very nice update. I love the color scheme, the light blue really helps set everything off.

On Jan.20.2008 at 12:55 PM

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Brandon’s comment is:

Why would anyone want to use a torch in their logo? Torches are obsolete. I'm not suggesting that they update the logo to a flashlight or anything, but the torch has got to go.

On Jan.20.2008 at 02:05 PM

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Audrée Lapierre’s comment is:

its neet, very clean, I like it

On Jan.20.2008 at 05:11 PM

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Kit Grose’s comment is:

'UNCF' seems to be set in Gotham regular (with some minor modification to the N).

It feels a little bit Olympic to me, like a torch you march with rather than a beacon of enlightenment.

The old torch wasn't that bad; with some colour and using the new typography, I think the old one could have been reworked quite successfully. I do like the windswept flame though.

Overall, a nice job.

On Jan.20.2008 at 05:44 PM

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Jon’s comment is:

I too noticed the removal of the unnecessary quotes around a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

On Jan.20.2008 at 06:44 PM

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Anonymous’s comment is:

nice. nothing special

On Jan.20.2008 at 07:27 PM

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brandy’s comment is:

Yet another acronym simplification a la Landor…I'm sure they had quite a few torches left over from their various Olympic bids…
Anyone else see a potential for a first-read mix-up with UNICEF?

On Jan.20.2008 at 09:01 PM

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Danny Tanner’s comment is:

As noted, the move towards the acronym was done for specific reasons. Depending on an organizations goals, sometimes this is appropriate, and in this case, it seems well justified. Championing the tagline was a great decision. Let them celebrate their well known motto. The torch balances well with the type, managing not to overpower the name or slogan, but rather complement it. A well done refresh.

On Jan.20.2008 at 10:46 PM

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Gregory Raiz’s comment is:

When I first saw the new logo I thought... UNCF? Won't that get confused with another major charity UNICEF?

I think the torch is ok but it overpowers the main type mark. Usually the logo sits even with the mark, in this case it's much larger.

On Jan.20.2008 at 11:07 PM

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Char Alfonzo’s comment is:

ok. clean.

On Jan.21.2008 at 01:08 AM

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Paul C’s comment is:

I like that the light blue was implemented as it was, even though, like the writer, I feel it's a tad bit to long.

The Headline and subtext relationship is odd. I can't say i hate it...but there is something about it i'm on one leg about.

tasteful overall though.

On Jan.21.2008 at 01:15 AM

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John Mindiola III’s comment is:

i'm not wowed by this, but the wind-tickled flame is a nice touch (so THAT is how you make believable vector flames!). as with all logos created now, i'm more interested to see it in context. the website hasn't yet been overhauled, and i think once it is, would make a good follow-up post. actually, that would be great for all of these new logos, if there's a gap. beautiful yellow and orange curves everywhere? steady but enticing blue typography? i'm salivating, cos the current website leaves much to be desired visually.

the only thing i see with this is yeah, at first glance, it reads a little UNICEF-ish. although, per the slide show, it's actually set as unicef (all lowercase), and if that's common knowledge to everyone, then it's not a problem. the new question on my mind: how do we say it now? do we still call it the united negro college fund? do we say UNCF? do we pronounce the acronym as a word, like "unn-keff" or something worse?

and oh yeah, with the acronym UNCF, it certainly does seem to flex it's collegiate affiliation even more. is that the University of North Carolina at Fayetteville? ha! obviously not. let's just say it's easy to picture it in tackle-twill on a jersey.

On Jan.21.2008 at 09:03 AM

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C-Lo’s comment is:

A nice "modern" cleanup. But it looks like that is all they wanted. I didn't get United Negro College Fund until I read the quote. Which I think should have the quotes around it still.

I can see in the future the size of the torch growing and shrinking in different applications of the logo. It seems disproportionate to the lettering to me.

On Jan.21.2008 at 09:46 AM

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Kevin M. Scarbrough’s comment is:

>>Which I think should have the quotes around it still. -- C-Lo

Wouldn't that mean the logo has become anthropomorphic and is speaking to you?

On Jan.21.2008 at 09:56 AM

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carlo’s comment is:

Blah, I don't get the torch either and I agree there is a lack of academic personality in the type. This is phoned in. What is unique?

On Jan.21.2008 at 11:41 AM

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carlo’s comment is:

Just looking at the website, I actually prefer the previous logo.

On Jan.21.2008 at 11:45 AM

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Gigi F.’s comment is:

I disagree with you Carlo, I think the old website is too dark and I'm not crazy about the application of the old logo throughout it - too repetitive.

I think the new brand announcement is a good tease for what the new site could look like. So much cleaner and a good use of those yellow curves John mentioned.

On Jan.21.2008 at 12:38 PM

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Danny Tanner’s comment is:

An application employing more of the look and feel of the new brand announcement.

On Jan.21.2008 at 01:18 PM

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pnk’s comment is:

I was immediately reminded of this torch:

you got the torch, gotham...

On Jan.21.2008 at 01:20 PM

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cdubs’s comment is:

I likes it - a lot

On Jan.21.2008 at 03:34 PM

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cdubs’s comment is:

I likes it - a lot

On Jan.21.2008 at 03:34 PM

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cdubs’s comment is:

I likes it - a lot

On Jan.21.2008 at 03:34 PM

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john’s comment is:

This is a bit of a tangent, but, in reference to the difficulty of rendering appropriate flame icons, seems to me that if more designers could actually DRAW WITH A PENCIL instead of a stinkin' mouse, we might have better logos all the way around.

On Jan.21.2008 at 04:19 PM

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Darrin Crescenzi’s comment is:

I really don't like the torch... the handle looks like a dagger and the blues accentuate this shiny-metal interpretation. It's too long and tall for use by itself as an icon, and the flame to me just looks silly and about as un-academic as can be. The type isn't bad, if slightly non-committal, but the lockup of type-to-logo seems very strange.

It's not terrible, but at best I give it a "meh."

On Jan.21.2008 at 05:14 PM

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John Mindiola III’s comment is:

hey, it's not like the logo is going on a burger wrapper or outside your local department store. it's going to be on (i'm assuming) a large number of documents, invitations, scholarships, plaques, websites, etc. for THAT end, i think it will work just fine.

On Jan.22.2008 at 09:45 AM

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brandy’s comment is:

So why is the flame leaning to the left? hmmmm?

On Jan.22.2008 at 11:09 AM

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johndiggity’s comment is:

i'd rather see just the tag, ywca style, and drop the uncf altogether. the torch is about as cliched as a star.

On Jan.22.2008 at 11:11 AM

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Tom ’s comment is:

I enjoy the torch and its update is nicely executed. Excellent design.

On Jan.22.2008 at 12:34 PM

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Tom ’s comment is:

I enjoy the torch and its update is nicely executed. Excellent design.

On Jan.22.2008 at 12:34 PM

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Joseph Steel’s comment is:

Coming from Landor, I'm a little surprised. It's really quite a weak logo. Very bland, and as one comment suggested, reminiscent of the whole UN-type genre. Where's the strong voice of what the UNCF stands for?

Just took a look at this...

... and can't really say they followed their declared strategy.

On Jan.22.2008 at 01:03 PM

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Chris’s comment is:

I wonder if any consideration was made by the United Negro College Fund or Landor to totally change/replace the name and torch (while keeping the tagline) to more accurately reflect the times?

On Jan.22.2008 at 01:57 PM

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Mr Posen’s comment is:

What a bland logo.

On Jan.22.2008 at 04:22 PM

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katey’s comment is:

I just wanted to comment cuz my dad worked for marchFIRST too. Cheers.

On Jan.22.2008 at 10:44 PM

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Jose Roseva’s comment is:

Efectivamente en México ser negro es una excepción pero no un estigma, el potencial político de las identidades raciales deben ser una ventaja que capitalizar y no algo de lo cual deshacerse, a mi manera de ver el nuevo logo si bien es una mejora en limpieza es terriblemente pobre en cuanto fuerza y mensaje, es una nulidad entre otras instituciones similares y blanquea la identidad de sus destinatarios; demasiada corrección política tiende a nulificar la marca.

On Jan.23.2008 at 07:24 PM

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wallybear’s comment is:

"So why is the flame leaning to the left? hmmmm?"

'cause all the hot air is blowing in from the right? :)

On Jan.24.2008 at 02:01 PM

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Seabiscuit’s comment is:

It's customized type. I was fooled at first, too. Nice, fresh identity. Kudos to anyone who can redraw a torch in an original way.

On Jan.24.2008 at 05:58 PM

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Tarheel’s comment is:

Nice clean update, but living in NC, my first thought was University of North Carolina Foundation?

On Jan.25.2008 at 12:42 PM

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John McCabe’s comment is:

A mind is a terrible thing.

On Jan.30.2008 at 08:57 AM

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Kaye Cortez’s comment is:

racemiferous nonperson decelerate encasserole sapphiric economization circumlocutory unworker >Rebellion of Satan

On Apr.19.2008 at 04:59 PM

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